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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. Downside, all in the drug trade and their families along with those in the sex industry will end up voting the other way.

    I will never object to a no nonsense stance by any government when dealing with drugs. Thailand should take a much tougher stance like Singapore and Malaysia. Shoot first ask questions later; and if they do catch you, to the gallows you go. Way too easy in Thailand to get drugs.

    Wishful thinking I guess when the drug industry is helping to line the pockets of the police and politicians. IMHO.

  2. Quick Mr. Abhisit, drop everything! There's a couple of thousand Farangs waiting for PR permits, and hardly one of them has a vote! Get your priorities right PM!:violin: :violin:

    You made an immediate assumption that I asked for Abhisit to drop everything and look into this issue. I actually made no mention of his name. The group of administrators that were given this portfolio failed to rectify an error that was pointed out to come from the previous administration. This was what they were tasked to do, but left it as it was. Yes, the PM should get his priorities right and measure his direct reports performance to their task. Or do you think that is not his job either. dry.gif

    And you're absolutely right, the last thing Thailand needs are foreigners.

  3. Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

    Empty promises don't matter.

    Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

    Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

    The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

    I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

    They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

    I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

    I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

    you are wrong

    thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

    this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

    the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

    not sure what happened to the 12 million...

    however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

    this process has continued since

    the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

    if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

    theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

    in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

    its related more to common sense and national security

    So, Taksin's Government messed up the policy. Is it fair to say that the current Government, basically kept the policy as is and did nothing to change the rules or start moving all the PR applications that have been backlogged since 2006. They have been in office long enough to make this correction, but left it status quo. Basically neither of the front running parties is out there to make our lives easier.

  4. I get my shoes at the ECCO factory out at Bangpahan. They have a small store that carries most models. These are mostly for export. Size is not a problem. I am a size 45, and have seen up to size 47. If you don't mind the drive this might be an option.

  5. I think drowning is the likely cause of death from the report. The coroners report however did not indicate suicide, this was the conclusion of the BIB. They must have come to this conclusion based on the numerous cases of Thai suicides where the victim held his head down under 1 foot of water. It must be a common mode of suicide here in Thailand, I guess.

    TIT. I hope his sister finds closure to this issue.

  6. Try Villa Market butcher at Sukhumvit across from the Emporium for the beef. Thai's are not that particular to lamb. However if you want lamb meat, try asking the owner at Tamil Nadu restaurant at Silom Soi 13 (I think), they get fresh lamb meat once a week.

    As for fresh Chicken, try any wet market around town.

  7. Bangkok is more than lower Sukhumvit.

    This movie was also in Chinatown aside from Soi Cowboy. Primarily because it is very old, rundown, and fits with the image they wanted to portray of the country. There aren't skyscrapers, mega malls, skytrains or anything modern that would get in the way of portraying the country as a dangerous hellhole. And from reading reviews of people who haven't been here, they succeeded. They talk about how Bangkok is a very dark and dangerous place, which is completely LOL as only a fool would rather walk alone at night in a big American city over Bangkok.

    Parts were also shot in LA, like the fleabag "Thai" hotel they woke up in that will probably stick in the mind of most of what the average Thai hotel is like

    Here is a list of places where the movie was shot at in Thailand.


  8. Here are a few,

    X-Ray Technician, I take pictures of the unlucky and the stupid.

    Astronomer, I misinterpret the universe.

    Lifeguard, I ensure that stupid people stay in the gene pool.

    Business Intelligence Consultant, I help people lie consistently to their bosses.

    IT Director, I repeatedly fix what you repeatedly break.

    Assistant Horse Trainer I clean up an animal that makes more money then me in a year.

  9. If the authorities really cared (which i think they don't) electronic speed limiters would have been fitted to all buses and especially mini buses restricting them to a top speed of 60Kph a long time ago.

    We cannot rely on the BIB to enforce any of the rules or style of driving (Dangerous, reckless, stupid, etc styles)

    No one can educate anyone in this country about anything when they don't want it.

    It seems arrogance and pride are the biggest blocks to education here.

    They don't need to be told anything because they are "KHON THAI"! they know it all already just like a silver back gorilla knows everything.

    Driver rip NO passenger YES.:ermm:

    Speed limiter is a good idea, however I'm afraid they will just go and get it removed (cracked) at MBK or Pantip for 500B. IMHO. Society has to instill this change in mindset, through either education and/or pressure from the Thai's. Acceptance of "that is the way it is" among the Thai's does not help.

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