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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. Is this how they came up with 1562 years. 1 year jail term for every time they used the card and 1 year for each person they cheated. That is 1533 + 29 = 1562.

    They should have all sentences run concurrently, and be out in a year. This is utter and complete BS.

    I've seen hard core criminals get off with a couple of years prison sentence for heinous crimes, and these two are made an example off. TIT.

    Lesson of the day: If you want to cheat in Thailand, cheat big, real big (in the hundred of millions or billions), because if you get caught you can bribe your way out. If you cheat small (a couple of million), you will have to be cryogenicaly frozen to ensure you do your time.

  2. And I always thought the Chinese High Speed trains were built with European (German) technology. Isn't the Maglev train in Shanghai a German product?

    So let the Chinese finance the project while the European (German, French) supply the technology.

    In a recent article on BBC, just a couple weeks back. BBC reported that Chinese copy everything, I mean everything. Nothing is pretty much original work. Look at their military advances in Technology. They've been busted several times for computer hacking, books, even degrees. Same as Korean everything is a copy of a copy from another company.

    Perhaps now, but check out the Chinese inventions of Gunpowder, Paper, Banknotes and the Compass, the lattter before the birth of Christ and more than a thousand years before the Europeans, who reckon they invented nearly everything! see:http://www.sacu.org/greatinventions.html

    Greatness in the past gives no guarantee for the future. Still with 1.5 billion people there should be a few geniuses and inventive minds in China. In the Netherlands with 17 million people we have some, but it tends to be hard work, elaborate schooling system, stressing individualism and thinking for yourself, etc., etc.

    All the Chinese minds are now working for all the big corporations in the US and Europe. Heck, I think 2/3 of California is filled with Chinese and Indians.

  3. Sorry to bring this nagging point up again, but it's all about the Chinese tea money. With a project this big there has to be large payouts. If you think the 3G fiasco was a cluster "fornication", this rail system will be worse. Every other politician from either side jockeying to head this up.

    "Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.- Kissinger" Somehow I think he must have quoted this after his trip to Thailand.

  4. Thai's are into the Fad. Krispy Kreme for one; open an outlet, and get your socialite buddies to show up randomly and the next thing you know there is a 5 hour wait to buy a box of mediocre donuts - all Thai's. Thai's die for the chance to do/go and rub shoulders with the Hi-so's. They are willing to wait and pay more just for the bragging rights of shopping in a certain area.

    If you're opening a business doing retail sales, you're better off setting it up in the medium to high end shopping location. This will cost you, and I do not think B500K is sufficient. It also helps if you or your wife know of some Thai Hi-So's (Movie stars, Singers, etc). Have them make random shopping appearances in your store and it will be a big hit. This will help accelerate your customer flow, ala Krispe Kreme. For longevity, that would based on your product. Watch Krispy Kreme go out of business next year.

    I always found Thai handycraft and Teak/Rose wood furniture to be really cheap. If you can get your way through the paperwork and taxes, you could easily make 5 to 6 times your investment (rough estimate based on selling price difference) by having an export business to Europe or the US.

    I know of some people who make crazy money buying beaded costume jewelery in bulk for a low cost and selling them to retail outlets in the US. A nice beaded necklace for a B100 here can easily sell in the US for $30. You just need to work out how to get the stuff there, the taxes and distribution.


  5. 91 death is a sacrify for a noble cause.

    Else a lot more people could be killed, if the Red were allowed to continue.

    I cannot fortell the future, but I can just imagine some of thousand of possible out come if the redare not controlled/put down.

    At best, it would turn into a mini China Mao communist state, which after a period of hardship and culture revolution (caterpillar before the butterfly), prepared itself to become the world's second biggest economy.

    At worst, it can become another Khmer rough like regime, where millions more can be killed.

    Controlled/limited Freedom of speech, blocked internet sites, forced closure of TV, radio stations, magazines and newspapers; imprisoned for speaking on government banned topics. Wealth and opportunity only shared among those in power.

    This sounds familiar? It could be China, North Korea, or even Iran. Unfortunately it is sad to say this is Thailand today.

    You fear that Thailand will be a mini communist state under the Reds, what do you think it is today?

  6. Needless to say, I'm reluctant to do so because, before signing up for the 12Mbps package, I was informed, by True, that the telephone line could accommodate the speed I wanted. They made no suggestion that the line would need to be anything other than standard.

    I was also informed by TRUE, that the World Cup would have English commentary if I signed up for their HD package. Didn't happen. I for one do not trust True. Having been burnt before by them, I feel everything they say is UNTRUE.

  7. GPS can't help when traffic is crawling (unless your GPS software is very detailed with sub-Soi information). That is when sub-Soi knowledge comes in handy. A tip I got from my Bangkok living Thai buddy was always follow the yellow arrows. Yellow arrows mean that the little Soi will open up to the next big Soi. A white arrow means the little Soi will end up at a dead end. This has helped me save a bunch of time when traffic is bad.

  8. Pho Khun Ram Khamhaeng (Thai: พ่อขุนรามคำแหงมหาราช; Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng; birth: around 1237-1247; death: 1298) was the third king of the Phra Ruang dynasty, ruling the Sukhothai Kingdom (a forerunner of the modern kingdom of Thailand) from 1279-1298, during its most prosperous era. He is credited with the creation of the Thai alphabet and the firm establishment of Theravada Buddhism as the state religion of the kingdom.


    You are typical of most Thai's. Only interested/tell half the story. Here is the full paragraph from your attached link above.

    Pho Khun Ram Khamhaeng (Thai: พ่อขุนรามคำแหงมหาราช; Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng; birth: around 1237-1247; death: 1298) was the third king of the Phra Ruang dynasty, ruling the Sukhothai Kingdom (a forerunner of the modern kingdom of Thailand) from 1279-1298, during its most prosperous era. He is credited with the creation of the Thai alphabet and the firm establishment of Theravada Buddhism as the state religion of the kingdom. Recent scholarship has cast doubt on his role, however, noting that much of the information relating to his rule may be fabricated in the 19th century in order to legitimate the Siamese state in the face of colonial threats[1].

  9. 30 billion baht?!??!?! I seriously doubt this is the correct figure... the whole Airport Link costs 30 billion baht...... (considering at least a dozen trains, a dozen stations equipped with some of the latest techs, and a lengthy 30 km elevated track system)

    please tell me this isnt a correct figure, complete and utter waste of spendings


    There is a 5 million bhat offer if you stop questioning the budget. If you accept, the Eye-o-Bangkok will be constructed at a lower cost of 29.995 Billion only.

  10. We all have been taught in school that Thailand is the greatest, especially during King Rama 5, which make us equal the European (and ahead of the American at that time). We Thais even have our own written language, which the Burmese, Laos and Cambodian copied. Vietnum & Malaysia don't even have their own written language, hence they use Roman alphbets.

    We all have been taught in school that Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos are communist, and they try to influence the Thai rural people into taking arms to bring down Thai's democratically elected government; just to turn Thailand into a communist state, just like them.


    Many scholars believe that the Thai script is derived from the Khmer script, which is modeled after the Brahmic script from the Indic family. However, in appearance, Thai is closer to Thai Dam script, which may have the same Indian origins as the Khmer script. The language and its script[citation needed] are closely related to the Lao languageand script. Most literate Lao are able to read and understand Thai, as more than half of the Thai vocabulary, grammar, intonation, vowels and so forth are common with the Lao language. Much like the Burmese adopted the Mon script (which also has Indic origins), the Thais adopted and modified the Khmer script to create their own writing system. While the oldest known inscription in the Khmer language dates from 611 CE, inscriptions in Thai writing began to appear around 1292 CE.

    You are full it. What is the source of your information. The Khmer script is more than 600 years older than Thai script. If anything you copied it from them........oooh nooooooo......never.

    Actually the whole region acquired its script from the Indian. So whatever you thought of your script as being original is actually not. Even your religious script which is in Pali, came from Sanskrit. Face the fact.

  11. Everyone involved with this project will definitely end up making stupid amounts of tax payer money. (Some Thai's pay a little tax, all foreign expats pay Tax)

    A couple of socialites will make random appearance at the eye, and it will be the biggest thing for the Thai's ala Krispy Kream. The will charge foreigners 5X more to ride the Eye-o-Thai and will be running empty after the craze is over in about 6 months.

    Probably take 6 years to complete. Being by the river, it will be closed during the rainy season as the floods will put it underwater!

    Much better off using this money to improve the education system and/or basic infrastructure in Thailand.

  12. We should inform the world not to visit Siam Reap for 2 reasons:

    1. Training ground for violence separatist to cause bomb and death in a friendly, loving & forgiving neighbor country (Thailand).

    2. Angkor Wat is a competition to our Grand Palace "Wat Phra Kaew"; and I heard many dishonest people make up stories to rip of tourist at the entrance of Angkor Wat.

    Move words around a little bit and it sounds just the same.

    We should inform the world not to visit Bangkok for 2 reasons:

    1. Many violence separatist to cause bomb, arson and death.

    2. Grand Palace "Wat Phra Kaew" is a competition to Angkor Wat; and I heard many dishonest people make up stories to rip of tourist at the entrance of Grand Palace "Wat Phra Kaew".

  13. Nope, no impact to tourism. In fact it has actually improved the tourism industry with Thailand offering Terrorism Tour's where all bomb sites will be converted to a tourist attraction. Locals can pay 5 Bhat, while foreigners pay 100 Bhat to enter and see how it is like to be in a blown up building. Expect an additional 5% to 10% growth estimation.

    I also heard that the current Tourism minister has a special Buddha amulet (Jatukham) that deflects all anti-tourism feelings. This is the reason Thailand's tourism industry had always improved in the face of adversity.

  14. Farang pay 200 baht. Thai pay 50 baht.

    I didn't. I paid 50 baht in july this year.

    dam_n, I paid 100B about 4 years back. I guess you have to pay extra to not see the doctor. Did not require a medical certificate when I went to get my 5 year renewal. This must be new then huh? The government helping out the medical profession by ensuring that everyone gets a medical cert and thus helping to boost their income.

    I wonder how many foreigners out there actually go to Samitivej or Bumrungrad, to get medically certified? This is no couple of hundred baht run. Welcome to LO(D)S - Land of Double Standards.

  15. Action from ordinary taxpayers is needed to tackle the chronic levels of corruption affecting society

    Sad to say that the most ordinary taxpayer are foreigners. Ordinary Thai's, bribe and find other means to get out of paying taxes. The more they earn, the worse off it is.

    The law in Thailand is written with a hidden "bribe factor" in it. Case and point with issuing tickets by the traffic police. They claim that by law after issuing you a traffic ticket, they are bound to hold on to your drivers license until the ticket is paid. If you do not want to lose your license, you can pay the fine on the spot with no ticket. I end up paying it every time. Who wants the hassle of looking for this police station to pay the fine and get your license back. This is one example. Money bound for the government into the pockets of the BIB.

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