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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. KFC is not to be blamed. These two should complain about the Thai government. Thailand's minimum wage is about 180B/day for a 10 hour work day. KFC is paying above the minimum wage. Everyone who is converting their salaries into USD and finding it unfair should look around and compare these salaries to all other fastfood outlets. These workers make more than they would working in most other places. I doubt McD, PizzaHut, or Subway is paying any different than KFC.

    I do agree with Kuffki, these two are trying to take advantage of KFC and make a quick buck.

  2. After checking with some of my Thai friends, the story portrayed in this soap actually happens in Thai society. The truth hurts and they are trying to censor and/or ban this soap.

    A Thai soap with a storyline of a foreigner in love getting ripped off by his Thai girlfriend/wife, will immediately be banned and everyone involved with this soap fired. IMHO

    Since there are no farang in the show, please ask your friends which one of these male Thais, in the opening credits showing all the characters, is the "foreigner" being cheated by a Thai female. :rolleyes:


    This isn't about banning a soap, it's about getting properly rated (even if their rating system is ultra-conservative by Western standards). IMHO.

    Sorry, my mistake, I should have said "If there was a Thai soap with a storyline of a foreigner in love getting ripped off by his Thai girlfriend/wife, will immediately be banned and everyone involved with this soap fired". The second statement was not related to the first.

  3. If Thailand is serious about cutting down on alcohol abuse, they should first start by banning their local moonshine. They should also follow Malaysia and Singapore by increasing the alcohol tax. That is if Thailand is really serious about it. Currently they have this superficial 2-5 ban. I really do not understand this 2-5 ban, and do not think this really does anything. Every restaurant at Season Square would refuse to serve me a beer with my meal after 2 pm, but every restaurant at Paradise Park, Emporium, or Paragon will gladly serve me a beer with my meal anytime of the day. Go figure.

  4. Share? Why....?? The Thais have no historical claim to the broader that is factually Khmer - outside of the promoted Thai fantasy, of course.

    The Thais were there for 6-700 years. Isn't that historical enough for you?

    Look at the current borders between countries around the world, and compare it to where they were 6-700 years ago. I really don't think that logic works.

  5. Remember that maids, taxi drivers, construction workers etc. are rarely registered residents in Bangkok. I never said that everybody earns more than 75,000 (which you would have known if you knew how to divide), I merely stated that to my knowledge many earn that much and much more! The statistics also states that the surrounding provinces earn around half of Bangkok on average.


    The link above is a rough listing of the salaries paid by different sectors in Thailand. This goes back to the old question of financial gap between the poor and the rich which I will not get into here. Check out the link you will find that even qualified professionals hardly make the income you are talking about, unless they are in Managerial positions.

    I also find it hard to believe that a majority registered Bangkokians are Managers and businessmen.

    BTW, here is the link discussing income in Thailand. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104961-whats-the-average-thai-salary/

  6. This law will never be passed. Like everything Thai, it's a whole big show for the coming elections. They are trying to mind-fornicate the Thai's to believing that they are looking out for the well being of the average Thai. These politicians are fully aware that all the investments and money brought in by foreigners over 50 that are married to Thai's will most likely never leave Thailand. The Thai's have too much to lose, but will never admit it.

    I should not lose too much sleep over this law as it will never happen.

    On a side note, if it does happen; the number of suicide cases among foreigners in Thailand will significantly drop. No younger Thai wife to inherit the old man's fortune. Should see a drastic decline in the Pattaya Flying Club membership.

  7. He is near death, he got a cold, big difference. Why accord him any special treatment, he needs to be in a cell with 5 other criminals. The embassy is bringing him food twice a day! <deleted>. Who is paying for the food. I guess the small portion of people who actually pay Taxes.

    I wonder if the embassy will keep doing this for the next 8 years.

  8. "Veera and Ratree got into trouble when relations between Thailand and Cambodia soured."

    Huh, I thought they got in trouble by repeatedly crossing into Cambodian territory. That is against the law, a soured relationship is not against the law.

    I still don't understand why this guy thinks he deserves preferential treatment. Go to the prison doctors if you're unwell.

    What is even more puzzling is why Suthep is bending over backwards and stretching lips to ass to get Veera freed. Does he pay the same amount of courtesy to every Thai in a foreign cell?????

  9. TrueVision are liars,cheats and can never be trusted. I would suggest you use the current box as a paper weight or door stop. I got Astro, had a buddy of mine register it under his address in Malaysia with deductions off my credit card. Their Platinum top of the line package is much cheaper than TrueVison. And everything is supported in English, yes ENGLISH. Plus they have more channel selections. Will never go back to TrueVision.

    Quote of the Century: "Yes sir, sign up for our HD package and you can get the Soccer world cup in English" - TrueVison

  10. I find Taxi's in Thailand safe. If you get a driver not willing to turn the meter on, get another cab. My wife had been moving around at odd hour for a number of years without any issues, and she is not Thai.

  11. I'd say in terms of reliability, an external drive with a lower duty cycle should perform the same regardless of make. I would go for WD as they are currently the market leader and the largest drive manufacturer in the world. They manufacture here in Thailand, and have a very competitive price. I use only WD drives and have no complaints.

  12. I go to the ECCO shoe factory in Bang Pahan in Ayutthaya. They have a small outlet beside the factory. You can pick good quality ECCO shoes for 1/3 the cost of the same model at Emporium or Paragon. The last time I was there I saw their new Gore Tex running shoes which was going for about 2500 to 3000 Bhat. If you know someone working at the factory, you're entitled to a further discount.

    The shoes are good and they last.

  13. Everything that is manufactured here is pretty much cheaper than most other places, not all. So it depends where you're from.

    Electronics is generally more expensive in Thailand compared to most places, not all.

    Everything that Thailand imports, stay away from. Generally very expensive.

    Handycraft, Teak & Rose wood furniture is cheaper here (need to negotiate for a good price)

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