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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. This NESDB report includes damage to property, loss of income and revenue. There was little in terms of property damage, by the closure of the Airport. However the damage from loss of income and revenue on a daily basis should be big. I think this damage had been assessed by the government previously, do not remember.

    How do you dollarize loss of life?

    Either way, Central World or Airport, it is Thailand that gets hurt.

    So enough of this silliness, kiss and make and get on with life.

  2. Sports is ENGLISH. EPL halftime show in ENGLISH, everything in ENGLISH.......With a subscription you even get Cricket, Rugby, etc.

    If you have friends in Malaysia, get them to register and get a decoder box from Astro and have the monthly payment deducted from your credit card. Anyone here can install and align the dish for you for a reasonable price. A lot cheaper that lying, good for nothing, ripoffs True.

  3. Walking with your laptop and gear at 3:30 in the morning. One would think that you had gone for a drinking session with friends after work and were on your way back home. At that hour even the blind would have deduced that you would have probably been drinking, and your senses would probably have been a little numb. You claim to not be drunk, but that does not mean you were not drinking.

    Soi 28, at 3:30 am is not very lively and is mostly dark and deserted. The basic rule of thumb, avoid places that are dark & empty, or seedy Soi's with no foreigners. After 8 years, you probably should have learned that at that hour the best option was to grab a Taxi back. If you were just looking for some fresh air, then you were probably not as sober as thought you were.

  4. Sadly biology is not a strong point here. Chickens "menstruate" and pass an egg about every few days, they are not fertile unless there is a cock around to fertilize it. Other females pass an egg somewhere around every 28 days, and they are also not fertile as well. Just an egg. It takes two to tango. :ermm:

    Sadly biology is not a strong point here. A chicken isn't a human female.

    If you wouldn't take the eggs away from the chicken it wouldn't produce a new egg every day but stop to lay new eggs once the nest is full.

    Reading through the thread, I would have thought that at some point, you'd realize that the grave is deep enough.

  5. I am not surprise at all but we have to give them time to re think about all details ,after all similar problems happened when they opened the new airport. But who are to be blame for such silly details ? I guess the architects who didn't think about luggage for travelers ( that's a joke knowing this is an airport link) . After all its still better , faster to take a taxi to the city center. Who want to be stuck in traffic after flying so long ? :angry::angry:

    "After all its still better, faster to take a taxi to the city center"

    Umm, so let me understand this. The "Airport Link" is not connected to the actual airport so you need to find transportation there. You wait for a train for an uncertain amount of time due to delays and such. When you arrive at the "downtown" station, you have to take a taxi to your final destination. This whole time you are carrying your luggage around, being accosted by touts trying to sell you things, and in the BKK heat.

    Whereas myself, I'll walk out of the arrivals hall, jump in a taxi with my luggage, take the highway and arrive at my home on Sukhumvit for 220 baht plus 50 surcharge.

    I'll take the second option thanks :)

    I'm with. However, I'd walk up to the departure area and jump in one of the cabs dropping passengers off. Beats waiting in line and the driver is much more appreciate when you give him an additional 50 bhat tip.

  6. Not sure what is new about this research as it has been known for many years the dangers of radiation exposure at altitude.

    Before, radiation exposure at altitude applied only to foreigners. Since it's now confirmed by Thai authority it applies to Thais as well.


    The sad thing is that Thai's live by what is confirmed by Thai authority. It ends up being taught in school. Ask any Thai?

  7. Yes, the discussion should be between Thais, because the Khmer were Siamese in the old days. get it!

    I went all the way back to the 9th Century, and it was still Khmer owned, when they started building the temple. Should I keep going back even longer to find the original Siam ownership as you claim?

    Hey, wait a minute didn't the Sukhothai Kingdom only being in the 12th century!!!! I think you have your history kinda of messed up.

  8. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has showed his willingness to work as a mediator in the Cambodia-Thailand border dispute? But Mark made it VERY clear that Farang will NOT be allowed to get involved. This is a matter between Mark & Hun Sen. UN still don't get it do they. How many times must Mark make the same statement OVER & OVER again. Don't be such a busy body.

    Let me get this straight, Farang should not get involved, and you consider Ban Ki-moon a farang. Shouldn't that also make Hun Sen a farang. So you want to discuss the border dispute among the Thai's, and then inform the world of your decision. Great idea, and that is why I think Thailand is on a losing path on this issue.

  9. I work near Pinehurst, and the golf course has been over exploited after they started offering night golf. Greed has taken over. There is a special promotion price for Thai's and since Pinehurst does not turn anyone away, the golf course get over grossly crowded. Gambling is a problem, but not the reason for slow play here. There are just too many golfers. Most golfers from Navanakorn Industrial zone, Bangpa-in Industrial, Hi Tech, and Rojana stop by Pinehurst for a round of night golf at least twice a week.

    Tip for Pinehurst;

    1. tee off at 3:30pm if you want to play 18 holes. It will cost you a couple of hundred bhat more, but you will get thought the first 13 or 14 holes fast (before the night golf crowd gets in), and have only 4 or 5 slow holes.

    2. If you tee off at 5pm, just play 9 holes. Have a nice dinner at their club house and go home.

    3.or if you are really looking for night golf in that area, try http://www.rachakramgolfclub.com/ . It is about 20 minutes drive from Pinuhurst, cheaper, much better maintained and not overcrowded.

  10. I think 58 is a fair assessment based on the defined rating criteria.

    Education : I have worked with Thai's and found them to be good at what they do most of the time. However the lack of English in their education system and the communication problem does not help this score. Not forgetting high amount of bias in historical studies in local Thai education system. Compared to other SEA countries, it has to fare worse than the likes of Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, even Indonesia.

    Health: Yes Thailand has good hospitals and care, but only for those who can afford it. When compared to SEA, I still believe it is behind in terms of skill and cost. A Thai buddy of mine claims that Thailand only has the best brain and Sex change surgeons. Plenty of practice from the motorcyclist and transgenders.

    Quality of life: Yes, quality of life in Bangkok and a couple of other cities is good, it gets even better with money. This however does not represent Thailand as a whole. The rural poor coming out and rioting early this year should be an indication of lack of a equality and distribution of an improved quality of life.

    Economic Dynamism: This could have ranked much higher. The closure of the airport and the recent Red riots have significantly hampered the growth. I work for a multinational company that had big expansion plans in Thailand, that was until they closed the airport. All these billions of dollars of additional revenue have now moved over to other SEA countries. After the recent Red riots all expansion in Thailand was put on full stop. Yes Thailand is still attracting investment into the country, but not at a rate that they could have or should.

    Political Environment: What can I say about this that have not been said. It is in the doldrums.

    If this survey was rated based on criteria of female attractiveness, booze price, climate, or fun factor, then yeah I'm sure Thailand would surely have been in the top 10, or Top5. IMHO.

  11. I never hard of this site. Thanks. now I already watch the video of the powerful people. now i know why it should be block. But many people know how to use proxy servers to go around.

    Ditto, these people must be brain dead. Any reasonable person's first response is why? As Samrit states, find a proxy server & the dog is outta the bag, along with anything else that big brother thinks you cannot handle. TiT

    The Streisand Effect, the harder you try to hide something(right, wrong or indifferent) the more you grow its popularity. Have not checked the site out yet, but will later tonight.

  12. The Fines carry a max of 1,000 Baht WOW, at this rate 211,000 a day over 6 million a month, even if you half the fine that's a lot of cash in one month. :blink::whistling:

    This small change goes to government.

    Lets say there are in Bangkok about 1million vehicles. 211 citations, that is 0.0211%. Seriously that is all when they make an effort.

    I'm sure there are at least 3 or 4 times this number that just pay off the cops.

    Well Thai traffic law encourages corruption. They just do not issue you a citation, they also take your licence away. The last I checked they are not supposed to take your licence away from you. They do this to encourage you to bribe them.

  13. He said that as long as the government can ensure safety and order in the country despite political tensions, foreign tourists will continue to come.

    They can't ensure safety though. Thailand is the most dangerous tourism destination for Britons (and I believe Australians now) by some margin.

    Avoid joining local Thai riots and demonstrations, and avoid designated danger zones. Do not meddle with and let the Thai's fix the Thai issues, and you should be safe, Brit, OZ or any other nationality.

    You are correct, I too think the current government has a difficult job to ensure stability. Too many issues lingering around and the overall situation is very volatile. Even with a state of emergency there had been a number of gathering both by the PAD and the reds.

    Political Stability is the only way to draw in both tourist and foreign investors. The Thai's should stop this pissing contest and get their act together. I have no clue how they are going to achieve this, but they should figure it out fast.

  14. Noooo........What about black lingerie???


    I think they should focus more on ensuring that the right education on mosquito breading is conveyed to the public, so that they are more aware and will take necessary action to stop the breading of these mosquito's. Not give them fashion advice.

    BTW, I had a black boxer on. After reading this article, I have now gone commando to avoid dengue.

  15. I don't like Tuk Tuk because the seats are design in such a way that the knee is pointed upward when seated, due to insufficient leg room especially if you have long legs like me. Hence it is not possible to ride one with mini-skirt. Worst, when they go zooming down the road, the wind makes your skirt open up like an umbrella. Very embarrassing in deed.

    Finally something positive about tuktuks.....

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