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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. It would be nice if people would read the article before posting there prejudices. The article was about travelers opinion's about the whole world. Not Bangkok residents opinions of traveling around Bangkok.

    I live in Thailand and use Tuk Tuk's at least twice a week and have never paid more than 100 baht unless I asked them to hang around and take me back home.

    I have used the metered cab at least once a week and have never paid less than 120 baht.

    It is fairly obvious that most not all of the posters have no knowledge of the world out side of there own back yard and are quick to deny the possibility of what is not in there back yard.

    There is indeed a difference in perspective whether you're visiting or living here in Bangkok (or Thailand). A wild ride with a tuk-tuk is accepted, but would lead to complaints to the police back home, go figure.

    Living and working in BKK I use what is convenient which may be a mix of taxi-meter, motorcycle, tuk-tuk, BTS/MRT. It all depends on weather and traffic. I must admit, being able to tell where you want to go and how to get there also helps ;)

    I would ask jayjay0 if he catches his tuktuk from the center of town near any hotels or from a local mooban. Yes some tuktuks are reasonable, friendly and cheap. These tuktuks normally service local moobans away from where all the foriegn tourist are located. The price also depends on the color of your skin and your grasp of the Thai language The demographics of this survey is foreign tourist.

    Catching a tuktuk from town near any hotel and you will get ripped off. Some do offer cheap 30baht fares, but you will have to follow then to some ++massage parlor or highly prices jewelry store. The apparently get fuel coupons from these places.

    Prejudice or not, bottom line I will not get a tuktuk from town. There are just so many more safer, cheaper and cleaner options. If traffic in town is at a gridlock, tuktuk does not help. The only fast options in this case in the subway or skytrain or with enough testicular fortitude, motorbike taxi. Not tuktuk.

    As you say being seen as local or just another farang tourist makes a difference. Even as 'local' you have to negotiate heavily at hotspots. As for the 'testicular fortitude', have you also noticed that when you take a motorcycle taxi, the ones without working speedometer seem to go fastest?

    I'm 250 pounds, I once had a 90 pound lady motosai taxi driver that stepped up to give me a ride into my Soi..... Hey, what can I say, "Danger" is my middle name.....

  2. It would be nice if people would read the article before posting there prejudices. The article was about travelers opinion's about the whole world. Not Bangkok residents opinions of traveling around Bangkok.

    I live in Thailand and use Tuk Tuk's at least twice a week and have never paid more than 100 baht unless I asked them to hang around and take me back home.

    I have used the metered cab at least once a week and have never paid less than 120 baht.

    It is fairly obvious that most not all of the posters have no knowledge of the world out side of there own back yard and are quick to deny the possibility of what is not in there back yard.

    There is indeed a difference in perspective whether you're visiting or living here in Bangkok (or Thailand). A wild ride with a tuk-tuk is accepted, but would lead to complaints to the police back home, go figure.

    Living and working in BKK I use what is convenient which may be a mix of taxi-meter, motorcycle, tuk-tuk, BTS/MRT. It all depends on weather and traffic. I must admit, being able to tell where you want to go and how to get there also helps ;)

    I would ask jayjay0 if he catches his tuktuk from the center of town near any hotels or from a local mooban. Yes some tuktuks are reasonable, friendly and cheap. These tuktuks normally service local moobans away from where all the foriegn tourist are located. The price also depends on the color of your skin and your grasp of the Thai language The demographics of this survey is foreign tourist.

    Catching a tuktuk from town near any hotel and you will get ripped off. Some do offer cheap 30baht fares, but you will have to follow then to some ++massage parlor or highly prices jewelry store. The apparently get fuel coupons from these places.

    Prejudice or not, bottom line I will not get a tuktuk from town. There are just so many more safer, cheaper and cleaner options. If traffic in town is at a gridlock, tuktuk does not help. The only fast options in this case in the subway or skytrain or with enough testicular fortitude, motorbike taxi. Not tuktuk.

  3. What Farang don't understand is that Thai people would rather die in war then to loose 1 square inch to Cambodia, AGAIN. Isn't 3 provinces and Angkor Wat enough? Someone have to stand up and say enough is enough.

    What Farang understand is that Thai will kill Thai with nothing to do with losing of land to Cambodia. Thai form of diplomacy and avoiding colonization is by giving away land that it taken away from others over many hundred years. I think many people have address this bigoted statement of yours in s different forum. You seem fixated on this concept that everything belongs to you.

    FYI: I just asked about 10 of my Thai friends and not a single one is willing to die for the land around the PV temple. I guess only the PAD are willing to die then for the land is question,huh? About time, I suggest all PAD members should unite, get armed, and raid Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia and claim back PV, Angkor Wat,Penang, Langkawi, the Great Wall of China (that is yours as well, right?), and everything else that you think has been wrongfully taken from you. I will support your effort 100%,I will also offer to buy you some bullets.

    Show us you're willing to walk the talk, go put your life on the line. Go get yourself ready to die for an inch of land, scream on top of your lungs "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".

    BTW, I think you're the Troll Peingrudee. She stops posting and you go on a posting crazy.

  4. I thought that was part of the attraction of Thailand? Cheap goods, Nike Golf t-Shirts,Polo, Nautica, Gucci, fake Rolex, etc....

    I had always considered Thailand a country with the worlds worst trucking system. A large number of shopping areas have all kind of fake goods that the sellers always claim to be original or 1st grade fakes. When asked why is it cheaper than original, common answer "fall off truck".

    A small gift shop in Chonburi caught with 4 bags. I think they were setup by some rival shop owners. In my opinion if they were really serious about cracking down on these type of piracy, try raiding MBK, Chatuchak, Seacon Square, Future Park, Seri Center, Pratunam, and the list goes on and on and on.......

    To target a couple in Chonburi for 4 mickey mouse bags is simply absurd. Again a slow news day.

  5. Yes you Democrats. Forget not your rise to power. Remember those little boys and girls in Yellow, that committed acts of terrorism for you in plain view of an impotent army and a comical police force. Well those buddies of yours are planning to call in that favor you owe them. So like the article says, its time to remember your friends.

    Based on the results of May - I would say calling the army impotent is rather incorrect. An Australian military affairs expert at ANU, in a podcast on newmandala - said that the military containment and dispersal plan in a crowded urban area was tactically sound, and almost flawless in being carried out. Impotent, they are not. :jap:

    You are right, they were not impotent in May. Proof that Viagra and Cialis works.

    An army that is as competent as what we saw in May, would have never let a bunch of terrorist lay siege to the Airport. Yet they did, proof of onion politics of Thailand. Too many layers, that make you cry.

  6. No 1 priorities should be catching Thaksin, and put him in Thai jail. Anything else does not matter.
    In a true democracy, the sitting Prime Minister (rightly or wrongly) is not deposed by a military regime/coup to satisfy the needs of the opposing side.There are a few members of this present Government that should be in jail as they are also Terrorists.......Remember the Airports my dear. Seems to be "DOUBLE STANDARDS" here. <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />

    In the airport case, they are doing it for the country. It is call Rak Chart (love nation). Just like the recent Chamlong infront of UNESO protest under SOE. No police, DSI, CRES can touch them, if they do it for the country. Law comes second. Watch out for more protest this Saturday at PM office.

    So shutting down the country main transportation hub, causing billions and billions of Dollars worth of damage is an expression of love for Thailand, huh!

    .......incoming message.......

    From: Thailand

    To: Airport Terrorist

    Message: Love me less. Stop loving me so much.

    ......end message.....

    What is this about protest this Saturday? I thought Bangkok is in a state of emergency. So let me get this straight, you expect the Red's to abide by the state of emergency, while you go around and do whatever you want.

    End of the day you exploit the law, cause traffic chaos, cause ungodly amount of financial damage, think you can not be touched and claim to do it for the love of the country. Change the word "country" and you sound like Al-Queda.

  7. No 1 priorities should be catching Thaksin, and put him in Thai jail. Anything else does not matter.

    I would have thought that the welfare of the Thai people was more important.

    I think you have the right thinking, Thai people's Welfare among other things should be top priority.

    SamritT, does not really care about Thai people's welfare. Her main concern is weather to shop at Paragon or Emporium this evening. She is also concerned about Thaksin's apprehension so that her glass bubble stays intact.

    So much for Thai's looking after Thai's.

    In my opinion Thaksin should never set foot in Thailand. If he does it is going to be chaos, worse that what we had seen earlier this year. Catching him and bringing him back is a bad idea.

  8. The going rate for smuggling coke from the Caribbean to Europe used to be 5000 USD per kilo. South America to Asia should be even more due to the hefty penalties. So 4 kilos should have been at least 20.000 USD.

    How do you know the going rate?

    Is there a web site offering drug mule services, with a list of drug carrier rates?

    Just read Super Freakanomics and have a better idea now how much call girls make. This woman would probably be better off working as a call girl in South America. Carrying drugs into a country that will hang you, is like playing Russian roulette using a loaded gun with one bullet removed.


  9. I see this as another Thai requirement that will never be followed on. Seriously with all the Tourist entering the country daily and all the Hotels in Thailand, I personally do not believe that the government has the necessary resource to actually maintain this tracker. I see it as,

    1. A first step in procuring additional hardware and software to support this this endeavor. The article states that all hardware had already been bought, so I think they had to figure out what to do with it. With an operation like this, the tracking software is what is crucial. I'm sure it will be grossly overpriced so that some minister will be able to line his pocket.

    2. A step to paint a false impression to potential tourist that their movements are being tracked as a method of safety control!

    3. Forcing all the smaller hotels/resorts to declare their foreign guest. A lot of these resorts under declare their occupancy to get out of paying taxes. Now they have to either declare and pay their taxes or fines.

    4. Generating more employment to support these activity.

    Like everything else with Thailand, there is an ulterior motive behind what is being done here. Whatever it is, I would not worry too much about it. IMHO

  10. Here we go again. More pie in the sky wishful thinking. Do these people read medical journals or track the patients that enter Thailand?

    Here's some discussion points;

    - China and India also are promoting themselves as centers of medical tourism. They draw some of the most profitable procedures and you know what those are don't you? Does anyone want to join me in a chorus of where or where have all the organs gone?

    - What exactly are Thailand's "International Standards"? Just who enforces those standards? When is the last time any hospital or health professional faced sanctions for a botched procedure? Oh, that's right, there are no cock ups in Thailand's health system. Thailand isn't like other countries...... Sure there was the eye surgery fiasco last year, and what pray tell was the outcome?

    - US citizens can find more cost efffective medical centers in Mexico, Panama and even Canada. Yes. that's right. Canada has a very lucrative eye care business that charges a fraction of the US costs for cataract and other corrective surgery and the procedures are less costly than in Thailand. Factor in the travel costs and Canadians can find more affordable cosmetic procedures in the USA, Cuba and even India. Surprised?

    - If you were a wealthy asian, and you were unable to obtain care, why would you pick Thailand, when Singapore and Malaysia have excellent facilities? But then, if you had the money, you surely wouldn't be going to Thailand. You'd get it done in your homeland. So you know what that means, don't you, Thailand has to offer the procedures at a lower cost to attract these patients. The most significant input in healthcare that can be shoved down is labour costs, and I regret to say, that top quality surgeons that perform standardized procedures in Thailand do not charge fees that are as small as people think. Check out the fees that surgeons are paid under the the UK NHS, or Canada's provincial health care plans. They are often close to the rates Thai surgeons charge. Surprised? How about this. If you are an American and have a decent health plan, the rate paid by the insurer is going to be significantly less than the "rack" rate at a hospital. Surprised again? Think of the hotel industry. There are volume discounts and there are rack rates. There are are other ways to cut costs. Want to hear about the surgical scalpel blades sourced from India? 1/2 the cost of the German blades. Trouble is that the the blades kept breaking off in the patients. The North American hospitals that made the mistake of purchasing those blades went after the suppliers. Guess what happened? The Indian supplier went to vapors. The North American hospital systems scrapped the blades and ate the costs. What do you think a Thai hospital would do?

    Aren't the majority of procedures performed in Thailand on foreigners are elective cosmetic activities?. Often surgeons have declined to perform the surgery in the patient's homeland. Do Thai surgeons explain procedures to their patients? Do the chop shop folks ever talk a patient out of an elective surgery? The much promoted gender reassignment surgeries undertaken have been criticized by some observers because the patients were not suitable for the surgery. In order to have a sex reassignment in the EU, Canada, Australia etc., the patient must complete the pre counseling and be thoroughly screened. Patients can avoid this by running off to Thailand. These are the ones that usually return to their countries and have serious psychological problems.

    Oh sure, some will say, I can't wait for the heart bypass surgery in Canada because there is a 2-4 month waiting period. Know what? If the patient's condition was critical the patient would go to the head of the line and more importantly, that patient would most likely die if he or she attempted a 12 hour plane ride. So, I reckon, the case isn't that critical if the patient makes it to Thailand. Selling health care services is now like selling life insurance. Quick, you better have this stent in before you drop dead. Quick, go to XYZ hospital and do it now, before it is too late.

    I am not slamming Thailand's medical system because it's private care facilities can and do provide excellent care on a daily basis and they treat enough foreigners in times of emergencies to warrant respect. However, there is a big difference between those that practice medicine as a profession and those that work in chop shops. Don't believe me? If you have a relationship with your health care provider, ask him or her for their opinion.

    Medical tourism is a sham. It doesn't matter what country provides it. The procedures where low labour costs are a factor such as in palliative care, or rehabilitation therapy would be ideal for Thailand. However, these are not as profitable as putting in some new boobs or sucking out some blubber. What people forget is that there are complications from liposuction and you just can't get on a plane an fly home a week later without the serious risk of something going pop. Even basic facelifts carry inherent risks. Air travel, jet lag and a change in suroundings have an impact upon the healing process. In plain language, the patients that do best are those that benefit from having a support network and sufficient time to recuperate. Most procedures that medical tourism wants to attract require a healing and recovery window of time, that the typical foreign patient does not have. What about a follow up? What does the patient do if 3 months down the road there are complications?

    Why doesn't the MoH track and publish Adverse Events?

    (I leave dental procedures out of the discussion, because those are an entirely different matter.)

    Boy, do articles like this tick me off. They reduce an honourable profession to that of mutton vendors at a market.

    I get all my Dental work done in Malaysia, it's half the price of Thailand.

    It is all in the marketing. What Thailand does well is package the deal.You interested in a Medical checkup and/or Holiday. Check in to the Thai Hospital/Hotel, where you have a list of times when certain test are done (along with dietary requirements before the test). You can go ahead with your holiday the rest of the time. End of the day, you get a holiday which is cheaper when compared to paying for a hotel and a full medical workup upon checkout. The beautiful and pleasant looking nurses and attendants is also a plus.

  11. If he can afford 6,000,000 Baht that makes him a wealthy man. Wonder why instead of talking about every one else having wealth he didn't just give his to the poor and help narrow the equality gap. Also what ever he was doing to make that kind of money means he could charge less.:whistling:

    Has to be a collective effort among the wealthy, and not just one man. You'd create the Robin Hood syndrome, and everyone knows you can not have 2 Robin's. All the Thai wealthy, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Rainbow, Watermelon and Cantaloupe have to chip in. Peanut butter spreading the wealth of one across the the low income masses will account for nothing and is not the solution.

    I think this had been talked about in a different forum, equality of opportunity, improvement/introduction of an unbiased education system, and elimination of the Kreng-jai system at work is what is required. Opportunity and rewards have to be based purely on merit and not who you know or who your family is.

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