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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Bah! I was getting all goose pimply with anticipation..but sorely disappointed (which is actually a relief seeing as its nearly my bedtime :lol:)

    1st "ghost": Just part of the hedge area/leaves

    2nd "ghost": look above the "ghost" and you will see florescent lights being reflected..its a glass area so = reflection ..thats all. No ghost.

    3rd "ghost": nothing but shadows.

    Didnt get spooked in the end. Eerie music,goose pimply, and checking under my computer desk, was all for nothing.

    Sorry, I thought the woman carrying the baby was the ghost. Well, she certainly scared the hel_l out of me. The sort of thing your beautiful wife turns into 15 years on.

  2. I do not believe these boneheads are hackers; they are just not that intelligent.

    The only way I can see that this scum were able to gain access into peoples on

    line bank accounts is by phishing. Meaning they send emails to individuals in

    the guise of being their bank requesting bank account details, passwords and

    pin mumbers. The unsuspecting a victim waiting to happen gives the information

    to them.

    Beware and don`t fall for these scams. Never give out your personal email address to strangers. Use seperate email addresses for diffirent purposes.

  3. The Thai State has long profited from the presence of Christian missionaries, they represent a nice source of steady income that has been around for generation. There is also a small yet economically powerful Thai-Christian elite in Bangkok that is aligned politically with what we call the "old guard" down there. Thus they represent a conservative political presence with long standing connections to the highest ranks of the Thai polity and serve as a bridge to other conservative Christian groups in the west. Many of the long-term missionaries, especially the Baptist and Catholics, have Thai citizenship, as do their children. They have provided superior secondary education options to the children of the Thai elite for generations without requiring conversions to Christianity. In fact, one of the reasons they are so tolerated is that they make little headway within Thai Buddhist circles. They are given the highland minorities as a bone to keep them around in such numbers, and to keep the money flowing and to keep those schools going.

    The hill people have long been successful targets as their lives and traditions, including their belief systems, have been under tremendous pressure for past several hundred years. The missionary activity amongst the hill people began with the British in Burma, having found a receptive audience that lent itself to the Empire's divide and conquer strategy. So today you find mostly Christian hill tribe villages in Thailand and a large number of missionaries to tend to these flocks. And yes, it attracts missionaries for the same reason that Thailand attracts other types of tourists, the ability to live far more comfortably for any given income than back home.

    What you say is 100%, I have personal experiences of this.

    Another point to mention is that they find recruits from the poorest South East asian village communities by offering low paid employment and a free meal that gives them a permanent source for cheap labor within the Christian sects. I have witnessed whole villages transformed into Christian communities, guaranteed loyalty to their elite Christian masters.

  4. Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

    This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin’ posts!! Yet in all that time hasn’t updated their profile from the ‘not telling’ answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

    I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

    Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

    I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

    The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

    This is not a troll, but someone who is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for thread themes.

    All I know is, no one wants to French kiss me, Thai or otherwise. How about an is there a chance of beetlejuice getting snogged senseless in the future thread?

  5. Buy a safe and Rawl bolt it to the concrete floor out of sight. :) If the floor is thin, open it up and fill with at least 6 inches of concrete. If condo bolt it to the wall at floor level.

    Same, same.

    That`s what I done. I bought a small safe at Big C, just large enough to hold documents and any cash we have about the house. 945 baht.

    There are 2 types, lock with keys or combination lock.

  6. i had it twice.

    no way i could have taken any concoction.

    i could not even drink water at a rate the doctor told me to.eating was out of the question.

    there is no medication other then tylenol to get the fever down (never aspirin because of the low platelet count ), also some medication against throwing up and water lots of water.

    the best is a drip ,that's why i went to the hospital.i got better quick there.

    from what i understand one gets immune but there are three different strands so you can get it three times. no fun.

    Caught a dose of dengie 4 years ago. wouldn`t wish it on my worst enemy.

    I was the same, couldn`t eat or drink anything, just laid there letting nature take it`s course as there is no treatment or cure, wondering if my time was up. I was told there are 4 strains of dengie, will have to check it out.

    In Thai dengie is known as Khai Lueat Ork meaning blood fever out.


    THIS IS WHO YOU HAVE TO CRACK DOWN ON!!!!!!!!:realangry::ph34r:

    Very true.

    To make this a success they need to filter out all the dregs including those of official status that believe they are above the law. Quite right, I would start on them first, the source of the problem. Otherwise this will just be turned into another lucritive business for those in authority. The foreign undesirables will just buy they`re way out of trouble and nothing will change. This new system just means that the police will be able to find more law breakers much quicker and easier, gaining more people for payoffs caught up in the police net.

    The whole world knows how the police operate in Thailand and I think this new crackdown is failing to convince anybody. The police will need to work hard to redeem themselves and earn credibility from the rest of the world and in Thailand by producing real proven results.

  8. This is something my grandmother used to do.

    Hang the carpet on a washing line outdoors.

    Boil a kettle of water. Walk the kettle over to the carpet and let the hot steam from the spout dampen the stained part of the carpet.

    Wipe firmly with a warm damp sponge, only water no cleaning additives and do not soak.

    Wipe dry with a dry sponge.

    When dry springle the carpet with perfumeless or mildly scented talcum powder. Leave for 10 minutes then brush off with a soft brush.

    The carpet will appear like new.

  9. What about farangs bitching farangs. They make the Thai bitchers appear like amateurs in comparison.

    Just take a look at some of the posts on Thai visa. Not exactly blood brothers, are we?

    Other than posting you might be surprised that some of us are chums beyond Tv. :)

    Nice thought if it`s true. Maybe hope for us yet.

  10. I wonder if they deal with annoying neighbors and pesky girlfriend relatives that are always crawling out the woodwork with their hands out for money.

    A fee of 5000 baht a year would be a bargain.

  11. I went through a similar process a long time ago. But laws and regulations are forever changing and I am well out of touch with it these days.

    I do not know where abouts you are in the Uk, but what we did was to visit one of those free legal advice centres. There is always one located in a high street somewhere. I found them extremely helpful, especially with Immigration matters.

    Next, I would be wary to let your girlfriend go for an interview at the British embassy on her own. My friend did this and his girlfriend blew it under interigation.

    Good luck and hope you are together as one family soon.

  12. of course there is also the alternative to being confrontational,like going over with a couple bottles of beer and trying to sort things out through conversation , maybe your neighbor has a bad week himself ,no to excuse his behavior, but shit happens .

    A man says to you, I`ve had a bad week and tell that whore of a wife of yours to f off out of my way. You say; that`s Ok, shit happens, I understand; what are you having, a beer or a scotch? Not very realistic, is it?

    I have bad weeks, bad years even, a bad lifetime in fact, but don`t go around calling other peoples wife`s whores and I`m sure you wouldn`t either. The creep was fortunate that he was dealing with a gentleman and a scholar like farangcravings. All considering farangcravings handled this very well. Perhaps next time he will spout his mouth off once too often to the wrong sort and end up with a knife stuck in his back or shot.

  13. I think the OP would be a star on Stickmen.You tend not to get to much affection when your paying for it.What happened, did you wake up one morning with one of the" thousands" of women and wonder why their not cuddling up to you.You give whoremongers in

    Thailand a good name.Interesting........not.

    Makes sense a lot of what you say. But what about the men that are not as worldly as you or I and fall for all the sweet talk and BS.

    I have had friends that were taken in like fish to the bait. Cost them dear in the end. They were blinded to reason and would not listen. I am sure you have personally known people like this.

    I like the body language thing, it could give a guy the advantage,

  14. Three wise monkeys

    Let it go, life is too short. Last thing we need here in Thailand is an escalation of the farang tendency to follow 'an eye for an eye'.

    I did actually intend on letting it go but while I was out yesterday evening it kicked off again and this time he called my wife a whore, among other things he speaks fluent thai so was using some very nasty thai phrases to which I wont go into here but lets just say it was real nasty talk reffering to certain parts of a womans anatomy

    She called me and told me what he said and broken leg or not action needed to be taken as it seems he did not know she has a husband like I said I keep myself to myself at home. well he knows now :whistling:

    So I headed home and gotta admit I was pretty raging mad at what he said to the missus this time and he is an obvious Bully to the women in the soi so got home and pulled up outside his house, did I mention I was angry, so I saw his lights go out in the house and I yelled for him to come outside, he did not come out and I don't blame him with a crazed 250 pound Neanderthol, shouting at him, My behaviour was nothing to be proud of in fact it was quite shameful but enough is enough I don't like Bullys.

    Anyway the whole soi came out, but he did not, typical of a bully

    I eventually went home but the cops showed up shortly thereafter, now we live in a little quiet soi and there were 3 cop cars and 6 cops which I thought was a lot but turns out he had called them that some crazy guy was trying to kill him which is why they sent 3 cars.

    Anyway I went out and saw this guy for the first time and I did not care the cops were there I told him in a very clear manner what I was going to do to him if he insulted my missus again which he admitted to saying, lucky for him the cops were there because I was raging mad

    The cops knew him as they have been called for problems with him before apparently.

    Nothing happened with the cops they said if anyone want to press charges they have to go the station.

    My behaviour was admittingly very bad and I would of preffered not to of got involved but his behavoiur was not acceptable and it would of just continued had I not taken action.

    I have been living in this house peacefully for 2 years and never even knew he was 2 doors down and had never seen him, Hopefully he now knows his neibour is a Psycho and its best to keep his mouth shut and he will never have to see me again.

    Well done, you crushed the cowardly creep down.

    I think you are a nice guy and a big softy at heart until you are pushed too far. You done the right thing, your behaviour was not in the least very bad.

    I would be proud to have a friend or neighbor like you.

  15. I ride a Baht bus (songtau) every dad. I have done this for 6 years. I have also noticed some very interesting seemingly common body language that is consistent in almost all Thai women.

    I have thought about posting a thread about it. But the only validation I have would involve another a discussion about my already overdone sex life. So I guess I will keep the information to myself.

    Would be very interested to see your thread on this subject.

    I wonder if the mods can help by giving a warning to those of little intelligence who may deliberately try and spoil things for the posters that are genuinely interested?

  16. Who gives a sh...!! Overstay is a laugh. Met a Dutch guy last year living here since 1977. No Passport, no Visa, and never been asked for it on the street. Anyone of you have been stopped, if you're doing nothing wrong? In the two years I'm here, (first of all they never stopped me in the car, and when they would, the only thing they aske for is your drivers license) So????


    your the typical person no one wants in thailand, if you can't live by the rules dont play the game, your not clever not getting caught just another blot on farangs in asia, no doubt you have no insurance for your car as you are there illegally so when you have an accident and someone is injured it's not a problem for you as you couldn't care less about anything other than your selfish self.

    Have to agree with this statement.

    It is the people that play by the rules and are considerate of others that have to bare the brunt of the problems caused by the happy go lucky`s and the so what, who cares.

    Perhaps this is why we are so wary of other farangs in this country.

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