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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Wow, 30000 baht a month for rent! I hope that includes maid, butler, gardener and chauffeur driven car, otherwise you`re being robbed.

    A problem may arise according to what sort of school you wish to send your daughter. International school fees in Chiang Mai range from 170000 to 350000 baht per year. Thai schools much cheaper but the education is below par to western standards.

    If you like gracious living with all the western style mod cons, that it seems you do, you will not save much on expensies no matter where you live, but if you can adapt, for example swap the pool for a small fish pond and to living on a lower budget, it can be cheaper to live up north, but only just.

  2. Can we mention that Number #1 is a quality bar? It has nothing to do with prostitution. I go there with family and everything and is probably one of the best regular expat bars in town.

    Yes, and it has two of the BETTER pool tables in Chiang Mai bars. The balls actually go straight when you hit them. The women are friendly, but not invasive if you don't want them to be. And, they won't stand for being "mauled" either.

    I envy guys who’s balls go straight when they hit them. Mine always fall to the right.

  3. I would suggest that you open a new forum called the Hypocrite Forum, a forum where all the expats pull the wool over their eyes and wear rose tinted spectacles, and can keep telling themselves how perfect Thailand is and that the Thais are perfect, whilst being able to slag off and condemn others who haven't even been arrested or tried...you should get a large following!

    Ya gotta blame the press really for the assumtion of guilt look at the headline of this thread

    Phuket Killer Brit Lee Aldhouse has reputation for violence, it should be Alleged Phuket Killer

    But that just not how the press reports things.

    I go a long with that.

    know lots of people that have bad tempers, doesn't make them potential murderers. I was not on the scene to witness the incident or have seen any video footage, so I'm not in a position to assume anything and that must go for everybody.

    I watched the boxing video and the man seemed highly skilled with his boxing career, in total control of what he was doing, I never saw any attempted ear biting. He seemed someone of intelligence and not just a mindless thug. The answer is that at this time no one is in possession of the full facts of the case. Let us wait and see what transpires later on.

  4. Another scumbag Brit giving us all a bad name .....what has happened to our country to keep churning filth like this out and what the hel_l must the Thai people or any civilised nation make of us ?

    You are spot on.

    For example that English guy who threatened to burn and loot the shopping mall during the red shirt riots in Bangkok. Please do not think he is an exception to the rule, this is the type of rubbish Britain is churning out these days and one of the reasons I would not want to live there.

    It is down to lack of respect and the softly softly approach to law enforcement of the British government

    I totally agree, these people give us all a bad name. As the trail boss Gil Favor in Rawhide used to say at the end of each episode; ride erm in, move erm out.

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  5. .....he went to the restroom where he encountered Mr Lee, who blocked his entrance to the toilet

    one can only guess why he was blocking the restroom LOL

    There are far to many farang this type living on an ED Visa in Thailand and I bet many of them have problems with the authorities back home. I hate to see these full tatooed guys every day and think Thailand should reconcider its rules about getting these kind of ED Visa for THAI BOXING.

    There are some nice people with honest intentions here on this Visa, but honestly, is THAI BOXING a reason for staying in Thailand for years and years?

    I read to much about crimes created by farangs in the past weeks they give every "normal" farang a bad reputation in Thailand.

    I second that.

    Only last week while in Chiang Mai at 9.00pm, I saw 3 English thugs walking a long the Loi Kroh road, drunk out of their skulls, swearing and shouting abuse at passers by.

    People were running across the road and ducking into building entrances out of fear trying to avoid them. I felt so embarrassed, complete scum as far as I’m concerned.

    Knives are the weapon of the gutter snipe and of the New York and London ghetto. Not wanted here.

  6. <deleted> !

    this is my first post here and i don't know what can i do ...

    3 weeks ago i met in Koh Tao a young british man called Mr Lee (in the toilet ... again), he told me "i study muai thai". I have his name and his facebook and maybe my friends (go back in his country now) have a picture. I met him again 10 days ago in Bkk. Maybe it's a coincidence but maybe not ... the world is youth !

    Do i have to go to the police station to give my infos and where ? I'm in bkk since 5 weeks and i don't know wich place i have to go.

    I have to say it's incredible !

    Thanks for your reply.

    This was just a fight between two angry young men. It just so happens that the Brit won. It could have been the other way round, so what.

    This is not a crime against an innocent defenseless victim.

    I would stay out of it and turn the other cheek. What is the point of getting involved and having to look over your shoulder just in case one of his mates are about.

    Up to you.

  7. just google Thailand allied Japan

    are you Thai, thaifkrlim ?

    if so, I would be happy, if you could give me more about the Thai History in direct links, instead of just "google it"

    following your advice, wikipedia came up with following:

    ............The Japanese invasion of Thailand occurred on December 8, 1941. It was fought between Thailand and the Empire of Japan.

    Despite fierce fighting in Southern Thailand, Thai resistance lasted only a few hours before ending in a ceasefire......


    My god, the Thais gave up even quicker then the French in world war 2. That has to be a record.

    I would have thought there is lots of information available on line? Besides that there must be plenty of documentaries on CD and Thai history books sold in the book shops.

    Ask our UG Geko books. I am sure he has some on his shelves in his excellent bookshops or can point you in the right direction.

    If you are really serious about researching Thai history, seek and you will find.

  8. No use in saying anything to your friend.

    He will never believe in or listen to your advice and when it comes to loyalties between you as a friend, no matter how long you have known each other and the girl, he would shut the door in your face first.

    Best to consider your friend as not so smart as you thought he was, let him learn by his own mistakes and stay out of it. Just be there if he needs you, that is if the guy doesn`t lose too much credibility in your eyes.

  9. When will the older guys learn to stop living in a fairy tale dream world and that these much younger women are only interested in their money.

    The problem is that this is not always true. It is most of the time, but not always, so, if one is smitten, it makes it difficult to not take a chance on winning the lottery. :D

    This is true, but like a lottery the odds of winning are millions to one. That's fine if the man is willing to gamble his life's achievements and take a chance that he won't be cheated by lies and deceit.

    Men don`t seem to realise that women view sex differently. To men sex is a way of bonding with a woman; to women sex is a means of obtaining something they want.

    No woman in my lifetime has ever won me over with a bit of sex. She has to do a lot more then that to prove her sincerity. Just because the water looks clear, blue and inviting I would not jump in the deep end. We should first wade in slowly to see if it is safe or not.

    Quite often men fall in love with the dream and not the reality. This is why so many of these dating scams are successful, they see a picture of pretty girl and a few well chosen words and then suddenly they are hooked, taken in by the dream and ready to send the money.

    There are a lot of evil people out there, who want to steal what you have and as in the case of this poor tragic man, they even took his soul.

    All I am saying is, just beware and cautious.

  10. When will the older guys learn to stop living in a fairy tale dream world and that these much younger women are only interested in their money.

    It is possible that Raymond was murdered before nature took it`s course because his wife was concerned the money maybe spent on medical fees.

    Love them, pay for the time and leave them. Do not get involved with these evil people.

    Very tragic and sad for this man. Not only was he dying from a terminal disease but also suffered a terrible violent death. No one deserves that.

    R.I.P and hope you receive true justice.

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  11. To promote sex? Don't you thing Thailand have enough sex already?

    No, not to promote. To use Western-style teaching in a public light to show that Thaialnd is a "good people" and don't want children to get pregnant. I firmly believe the King does not want teens getting preganant then not going to college, getting a good job, etc. unless that is what they truly want for themselves. In the ends, it's money, however, that drives such things. It's like the AIDS... Westerners "You have AIDS." Thaiand "We don't have aids." Westerners, "You have aids we will give you money." Thaland, "OK. We have aids. What is it?" These programs tend to backfire from what I have seen and more kids end up getting pregnant because they have a new entity saying sex is ok to talk about and explore where mom and dad and foo say "wait".

    And, there is never too much sex between consenting partners, sis :) If your sex isn't good enough to agree, strongly consider changing partners.

    My problem is that my consenting partner is becoming far less consenting these days. I am strongly considering changing my partner.

    Can anybody fix me up with somebody that is very consenting?

  12. Any chance a moderator can delete the last three posts as they are all off-topic?

    Also can the moderator go through this thread and delete all of the anti-p2p posts?

    It might reduce this thread to a single page.

    As for you guys - mattcodes, vediovis, etc - please start your own thread about the unfairness of p2p. Your posts are not on topic and not wanted here. They just clutter up the place.

    @TAWP: Do not feed the trolls.

    Thanks JetsetBkk - couldn't have put it better myself. Those that want an argument can do so by PM please!

    Back on topic I've just started a new download from Demonoid ...and it's working! But everything else, my beloved "TheBox" and a few others are still dead.

    Hi geoffphuket, this is what I believe:

    This has nothing to do with whether we are for or against torrents. This is about the ISPs adapting their systems to accommodate new technologies.

    Like with all technology, there are always going to be new advances and add ons over period of time. This meaning that the original apparatus has to be adapted and more resources added to accommodate new services and increased user traffic.

    It seems however that ISPs in Thailand are enjoying the benefits of monopolising Internet services from area to area and huge profits gained from increased clientele because the customers have no where else to go, it is a use us or use nothing marketing approach.

    These ISPs are putting very little new resources into their services, it`s all out for more profit and giving sweet FA in return. In fact I see the throttling of on line traffic as taking the technology backwards, hardly any progress at all since the introduction of broadband over 10 years ago. For example if there is a demand for p2p services which was not about only a few years ago, then the ISPs have to consider ways of accommodating this system. What is going to happen in the future when something else new hits the system. Are there never going to be any advances and always nothing more then how it was 10 or so years ago because the ISPs will not put more resources into the networks?

    No, sorry, this has to be wrong.

  13. Your liver may suffer but instead of wasting time writing here, go to a hospital.

    I say the same.

    You will find most Thai nurses and doctors speak English. No point in asking; is there a doctor in the house? On here.

    Yahoo answers.

    The reason why supermarkets are restricted to packs of 16 tabs. is that it could take as little as twenty tablets to kill you.

    The BMJ reckons that 32 would be a lethal dose:


    But other factors such as body mass and the time scale of taking the tablets have to be taken into account.

    Appart from the obvious, a sad fact is that if an overdose is taken as a 'cry for help', unless the stomach is emptied and an antidote given very quickly, the sufferer can still die several days later in agony with liver failure.

  14. If your friends were Iooking for Nana PIaza/Soi Cowboy styIe entertainment, im not surprised they found Chiang Mai boring. I have to say I disagree that Chiang Mai shouId up its "vibrancy" in this way (if thats what you mean when suggesting Chiang Mai shouId drop its "conservative" poIicies). What Chiang Mai may gain in tourists (particuIarIy what kind of tourists), it wouId IikeIy Iose in expats. The fact that Chiang Mai has a more "normaI" feeI about it, is what attracts tourists and expats who want a more "normaI" hoIiday/Iiving experience. Iife here is certainIy not boring..but depends on what you are Iooking for.

    (Sorry..used the word "normaI" for want of a better word)

    There are no rights or wrongs here and neither agree nor disagree at what you say. Much depends on how we view the situation and on what side of the fence you are on.

    If you are in the entertainment and tourist side of business, is it better to have a steady flow of tourists with plenty of holiday money to splash around and to provide them with more of what they want type of entertainment enterprises so that they have choices and will provide more money for the businesses, or to concentrate on the lesser number of regular ex pat customers that are on limited budgets according to their incomes?

    Surely the annual decreases in the Chiang Mai tourist figures suggests something is wrong and the TAT needs to rethink it`s strategies regarding Chiang Mai.

  15. I recently had a couple of friends from New York visit me here in Chiang Mai.

    They are doing a tour of Thailand and the plan was that after intending to stay for a week in Chiang Mai they were to go back to Bangkok and then onto Phuket. Both my friends enjoy the temples and a few other things renowned to Chiang Mai, but they do look forward to the nightlife, beer bars, nice restaurants and GIRLS.

    Spending only 4 days and nights here my friends became bored. After visiting the night bazaar, many of the temples, elephant farm and Umbrella factory they decided Chiang Mai was expensive and a dead loss. They cut their Chiang Mai visit short by 3 days and took off to Bangkok. My friends said, we are looking forward to Nana Plaza and other places like Soi Cowboy.

    Perhaps this is the general opinion of Chiang Mai by many visitors and this is why the numbers of tourists have dropped. Maybe the city needs an injection of vibrant new life and needs to get rid of it`s strong conservative, unadventurous policies.

    I have several friends from the UK, US and Spain that are regular visitors to Thailand, but over the last few years have given Chiang Mai a miss.

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  16. Would farang be welcome in thailand in such large numbers if they were rich and we poor?

    Poor is not racist, does not distinguish between the sexes and has no religious partiality. If you have no money the door is slammed in your face, there are no exceptions.

    Have never known Thais to be racist, except for my Thai neighbour who hates Scots people.

    I asked him why? He said what other nation would be proud of it`s men that wear no underwear and short skirts with a big furry dangly thing at the front.

  17. Who else on this board feels the crime rate in Patters in way off the charts.

    Should be right to say the percentage of the population with dodgy attitudes and disposition is quite on the high side.

    You have to ask yourself, what key element and influence has disrupted this pleasant coastal area of 30 years ago? It wasn't like this decades ago - have any guesses?

    Yes, money and corruption from the bottom right up to the top. It is rotten to the core.

    I believe Pattaya is heading to be in the top ten league of crime capitals of the world. Criminals move to Pattaya, crime brings in money, money attracts corrupt officials and so continues the circle.

    For example, someone or some criminal outfit must be running and supplying these children for sex.

    The only way to clean up this cesspit is to bring in government law enforcers from outside of Pattaya. Needs a Thai version of Elliot Ness from the days of the untouchables. Will it ever happen?

    For the present, Pattaya is certainly a place to avoid.

  18. Hmm, maybe she just popped into boyfriend number 2 apartment to 'charge' her battery :whistling:


    Only if he is Thai. Otherwise if her second boyfriend is farang, she would insist on a new phone.

    My girlfriend and her daughter never leave themselves without a mobile phone. They have spare batteries to use when the other one is on charge.

    If you think your girlfriend is suspect it is very easy to check her out. Just type her email or phone number into Google and social networking sites. You will find most of these women are addited to mobile phones and social networking sites. They always publish all what they do on these networks.

    I bet my bottom dollar that her email is either an Hotmail or Yahoo account or has both.

    Begin your search using these free links:



    Give it a go if you have concerns and give yourself peace of mind. This also goes for anyone else that is in a similar situation.

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