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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. That is going to screw those on Retirement visas. :bah:

    Not just for those in retirement, it is bad news all round for everyone in Thailand.

    Retirees, the tourist industry, exporters and those who obtain their incomes from abroad. This long lasting economic situation is going to break people. Many will simply not be able to ride this out for the long term.

    I cannot see an end to this in sight.

  2. Is that Hoolahan or Hooligan?

    The word is out on the street that if you are a wanted fugitive or into the crime scene, Thailand is the place to go. It has replaced South America as a criminal destination and sanctuary.

    The great mystery is, that when these low life's or other foreigners come to Thailand, how quickly they soon establish themselves, find ways to obtain incomes, disappear into the background and become born again hardly unchallenged.

    For example, this Scotsman, he now works as a property development contractor they said. How did a wanted rapist and swindler manage that in Thailand?

    When farangs decide to live in Thailand we come here as guests. I thought it was very difficult to own anything in Thailand, companies, businesses, bars, land and homes. So what gives? Doesn't the case of this rapist indicate that it is time for the police to do a sweep, pull them in and check them out. Or is it that the police consider immigration laws as a low priority on their lists and not putting any resources and real enforcement into the problem?

  3. I know the area well. My girlfriend has relatives there.

    The area is prone to flooding. 4 years ago some of it was under 2 metres of water when the Ping river over run it`s banks and still has flooding problems during the rainy season

    13000 baht per wah is rather high for that area. About 11000 baht per wah or 9000 baht per wah for larger plots of land is a more realistic price.

    Is the OP married to a farang or a Thai? Can he legally purchase this land if asking others to share with him? Is this land in a defined residentual area? Otherwise you could end up with a bus station or factory estate as your next door neighbor. This is what happened to my girlfriend`s cousin.

    10 years ago a farang I knew tried to sell me a 1 rai plot of land in Mai Rim. I made some checks and discovered that the price was highly inflated and that the land was owned by his Thai brother in law.

    So did the area flood in 2005 and 2006?

    Yes and as I said some of it was under 2 metres of water, especially the parts that are set low. One house I can remember that stood below road level, the whole ground floor was submerged in water.

    Many residents in the area now build their houses on high pillars, like the one pictured below.

    Also in this country, be wary of property speculators that are out to make a quick buck. Have come across many of those here in my time.

    post-110219-034561300 1282452966_thumb.j

  4. I know the area well. My girlfriend has relatives there.

    The area is prone to flooding. 4 years ago some of it was under 2 metres of water when the Ping river over run it`s banks and still has flooding problems during the rainy season

    13000 baht per wah is rather high for that area. About 11000 baht per wah or 9000 baht per wah for larger plots of land is a more realistic price.

    Is the OP married to a farang or a Thai? Can he legally purchase this land if asking others to share with him? Is this land in a defined residentual area? Otherwise you could end up with a bus station or factory estate as your next door neighbor. This is what happened to my girlfriend`s cousin.

    10 years ago a farang I knew tried to sell me a 1 rai plot of land in Mai Rim. I made some checks and discovered that the price was highly inflated and that the land was owned by his Thai brother in law.

  5. More worrying than the portrayal of attempted rapes, which at least are representative of the experience many Thai women suffer, is the common story line where the woman is stalked or worse still imprisoned by a guy who she detests but eventually comes round to falling in love with him - What kind of message is that meant to send I wonder.

    If at first you don`t succeed, try, try again.

  6. Last week there was a rape scene when a young lady walking out of a shower was grabbed by a man from behind. For the benefit of censorship the lady was meant to be nud_e but we could only see her head and shoulders. Again for censorship reasons the guy obliged by wrapping the girl in a large bath towel that had a huge coca cola icon printed on it. Then he took the girl behind a wall and everyone could guess what was happening.

    I thought, what a great way to promote a product, violence, rape and coca cola. Well, rape can be thirsty work and what better way is there then to begin your sexual assault with an ice cold refreshing glass of coke.

    • Like 1
  7. First, thank you for the advice that was helpful. Second, we have scooted around our neighborhood and, alas, no towels. I also understand how one might conclude I want something handed to me, with no effort on my part, but I was simply asking for towels in an area that wasn't so far away. No need to second guess my intelligence, or be insulting.

    Again, thanks to those who offered helpful advice. You are much appreciated.

    Hi KMixon

    Welcome to Chiang Mai. I would guess that the Kad Suan Kaew shopping mall is nearest to where you live. You will find everything you require in there.

    Kad Suan Kaew (Central)

    Central Department Store is the largest occupant of this multi storey shopping complex. The centre has a Hotel, Bowling Alley, and Karaoke section and a multiplex Cinema. It is also home to Chiang Mai's first theatre, Kad Theatre. Banks, coffee shops and restaurants are in plentiful supply and there are 2 popular food courts. As with Airport Plaza, the majority of goods on offer are International imports.

    Open: 11am - 9pm

    21 Huay Kaew Rd., Suthep, Muang, Chiang Mai



    Another way if you are still finding your feet in the area, is to jump on a red taxi to Kad Suan Kaew. It shouldn`t cost any more then 30 baht each way from where you live.

    No problem, once you get used to the area and feel your way round a bit. Just a matter of time.

  8. Stone me! This is a thread from history..... Jumps from 2006 to 2009 and then one today.

    Lamphun has probably changed out of all recognition since 2006 - I'd take a bus down there and have another look round if I were you.

    Yes, this thread is 4 years old.

    Last I heard Lamphun had been dismantled, resurrected somewhere in the outskirts of Bangkok and renamed, New London. They replaced the town with a retirement home for aging farangs.

    David Oxen became disenchanted with Lamphun, met and married a beautiful Thai actress, had 7 kids and moved to Sweden.

  9. :) i know this has been done to death in the past ,but where do members recomend

    to buy reasonably priced,good glasses.{eyes for the use of] :D thanks Random


    As you say, it has been done to death. Since you are obviously too lazy to do a search, the consensus seems to be:

    Vision Center, Rajvitthi Rd, halfway between the UN Irish Pub and Moon Muang Rd.

    / Priceless

    Vision Centre. Full stop.

  10. Forgive my lack of knowledge, but why doesn't a good anti-virus program just remove the virus from the memory stick when you plug it back into your own machine?

    It does.

    There is no way that a virus can destroy a memory stick, only the data contained on it.

    I always do a virus scan when I plug in a memory stick to my computer, this is common sense.

  11. Bad Tempered old Bastard that I am !!!!

    This is the problem. No need to lose your temper.

    I once made an enquiry with a gym and health club in Bangkok. All I wanted was the basics and details. The lady began all the sales patter, then she asked do I have a credit card, no I replied. What is my mobile phone number? Do not have one I said. This was my way of cutting out the do you want to join now part. The girl took me round on a mini tour of the place and wrote down the details, I said thank you and went my merry way. No problems, no stress, no hassles.

    We should keep in mind that these girls are under intense pressure from owners to gain customers. Many are given target numbers for recruitment of new members and told to advise on what services are on offer.

    If you don`t want to play the game, it is easy to say; thank you very much I will think about it and simply walk out.

  12. Is this just another over the backyard fence rumor or is there something to it??

    Seems to me if it had some merit there would be a lot more posting going on about it.....

    If is some fact to it, would like to hear more about the English guy named Eddie..... got a friend or two with that name..

    I dont believe its a rumour, my missus told me "Eddie go Chiang Mai he dead now".

    I rang a mate who also knows him and he tells me details are sketchy as nothing being released due to police investigation.... all he has heard is Eddie has run foul of some Thai guys and they threw him off a building.

    Eddie lived between Pattaya and Sihanoukville, he owned a bar in Sihanoukville called Sessions.

    Until anyone can substantiate this story, it`s a rumour.

  13. Hello

    I am a 29 year old 'farang' who has found my true love and want to marry her by end of next year...She is 28 years old, lives abroad, has a university degree, comes from Bangkok and works in the airline industry...one thing that is making me worried is the dowry issue....

    She is asking for Bht 4,000,000 but then she said that her mother has offered to return half of the amount to me at the wedding....can someone pls tell me if this amount sounds 'normal'?!? Can this amount be negotiated?

    If i do agree on paying that amount, what does the bride's family pay/ contribute towards the wedding??


    This thread is almost a year and a half old.

    What is the point of regurgitating it again?

  14. I have always preferred Giardino's on the 118 in the Sansi market across from the Equestrian Club of Chiang Mai. Excellent Italian food 100% owned and operated by a Thai family trained in Italy for the finer culinary arts.:D As usual I do not eat Italian pizza.:bah:

    I have to disagree on that. I tried Giardino's pizza on the recommendation of someone else in Doi Saket. Can't say that I liked it at all, in fact I thought that it was hands-down the worst pizza that anyone ever told me was good. Stopped in at a later date and tried one of their pasta dishes. That was adequate though nothing special. The pasta and the Risotto was great at Locando though.

    Well, that settles it. I won`t be going and this also applies to my 279 American friends who are visiting me that have read this post.

  15. Probably not the same kid but I know one 17 year old Brit son about the same age. He took up with bar girls, they support him, give him gold chains and take him around to show their friends like a new doll.

    They kid doesn't pay for anything, he is doing drugs and riding a Honda 150 motorcycle.

    In this young mans case as long as his good looks hold up it costs him nothing to stay in Thailand. The girls fight over him nightly. Blond blue eyes.

    Can't say I blame him for wanting to stay in Thailand. Think of what it will be like when he goes home.

    WHAT! Bar girls actually supporting a FARANG?

    This has to be a first and he must be a prime candiate for a mention in the guinness book of records.

  16. Tried the Pizza at Locanda last night, what a great surprise! from years of getting pizza hut delivered her from town,to being able to get a pie Local was a nice option and they even had Anchovies

    2 thumbs Up!!!

    OK, so Locanda, in Doi Saket.

    300 M up from Seven.

    I'll give it a shot soon.

    BTW, I love pizza Napoli with anchovy and olive.....:)

    Why do people keep resurrecting these old threads? Been caught out several times like this.

    If you look carefully, the original poster has been banned.

  17. The part I don`t understand is, how is the son managing to stay in Thailand?

    If his father is supporting him, all he needs to do is stop the support. Another way, the father could threaten to report his son to the police if he refuses to go back to the UK. The be cruel to be kind approach.

    So how does the 17 year old manage to stay in Thailand? And who is supporting him?

    Without this knowledge, it is diificult to give an answer to the OP. Or is this going to be another troll thread, where the OP is just wasting everyones time.

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