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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. A brilliant Observation. I never thought of this before, but so precise when we consider it.

    Over the years I have become disillusioned with the women in my life after 2 marriages and several relationships. Could be my fault, who knows? Or maybe they just did not live up to my expectations and I expect too much. They say there is plenty of fish in the sea, but this is simply not true. Only once in a lifetime may someone bring in a prize catch, in most cases this never happens.

    What do we all want? And what do we actually get? We strive for the perfections of the expectations of reality. The problem that makes the answer so difficult is that our expectations of reality never seem to match what reality is. We constantly strive to archive perfection, trying to relive the high of our first misunderstood and naive fantasy of reality.

    The sleep pattern theory is spot on and there are many other aspects of a women's behaviour that reveal their true feelings to the man in a relationship. We could describe this as an observation of body language, the signs that could be vital in determining from the start whether or not the man should become involved with any particular woman. Perhaps save him a from a lot of grief later on.

    A very interesting and informative post indeed. I learned something today.

    Mark45Y, you are my main man.

  2. Okay then, how much do you bet?

    That's what I used to say in the school yard 60 years ago. :)

    I read that you are dead


    Is living on the over side better then staying in Thailand? It is amazing how far flung Thai visas posters are these days.

    Knock 3 times if you can read this post.

    This is an old thread, check the dates and you may be a bit embarrassed with your post.


    I checked the dates and fell for that old trick again. I feel very embarrassed by my post. I will call myself a wally and save others the trouble of posting it.

  3. Oh no, there is a need to keep track of all the these sneaky tourists! If a tourist stays in a hotel in Bangkok for a few days and then another hotel in Pattaya for a few days and then a hotel in Chiang Mai for a few days, it's very important that the government know this. I'm sure you could check with immigration at any given hour and they could quickly pull up in their database system exactly where that tourist is right now (giggle, giggle).

    After thinking for a few minutes I can't think of any valid reasons for such close tracking, but I'm sure they are some...let me form a commission to figure out (dream up) some valid reasons and I'll reported back in three years.

    Maybe immigration could issue out free GPS-enabled cell phones to tourists for general tracking...and the phones would come with unlimited daily hours as long as the tourist called into an immigration call center every 24 hours to report their specific location and, in turn, get another 24 hours of free calls. What you think?

    Perhaps this to do with wanting to know how many tourists are visiting the country.

    Just being a farang means we are a tourist, no matter how long we have lived in Thailand. Whether here married to a Thai, working, retirement, whatever, boasts the governments tourist figures. For example if a farang who has lived in Thailand for the last 70 years stays at hotel, he is labeled as a tourist and added to the number of tourists visiting that year.

  4. If some arrogant watch out when I`m about told my girlfriend or any of my family to f off, I would first approach him and ask if he actually said it. If he did and refused to apologise to my girlfriend, I would simple smack him in the face or at least threaten to smack him down.

    Sounds extreme but if you do not take action at the time, then these creeps will consider you a push over and do the same thing over and over again spoiling the enjoyment of living in your neighborhood and causing distress to your family.

    • Like 1
  5. This is a familiar Post which seems to pop up about every 3 months.

    However, If you had a lovely girlfriend back in your own Country,who was madly in love with you,and you both had no children (as now)then how much per month would you pay her to sit on her A**?

    Thai Girlfriend now x Girlfriend back home = Answer

    If I had girlfriend in my own country, Thai or otherwise, and I was the number one in her life, then we would be as a happy couple. No girl that loves you would expect to be kept and not put into the relationship. In this case the question of how much would you pay her to do nothing is immaterial unless she’s a hooker.

    Unless we had kids together I would not pay an ex girlfriend anything, for what purpose?

  6. Oh GREAT, good to see, this thread about what I like to call; "the 'F' word" has still refused to die a slow death as it should have LONG ago :o .

    FWIW: Here's a "Mock-u-mentary" posted on You Tube which should clear up any questions you have about the word;

    A very insulting video.

    Are farangs under the protection of the strict Thai derogatory laws? Does not appear so.

  7. Right. Technically both Caucasian groups of people. Lots happening with light skinned people for a long, long time here.

    You seem infatuated with, sexual category, race and religion,.

    Why is that?

  8. What is a fair amount to give a lady? Answer, nothing.

    If she is your live in partner, then you share and share alike. Just a girlfriend that you date, then you pay and perhaps she will pay sometimes if the girl really likes fancies you, enjoys your company and is sincere.

    If she is only with you as long as you pay, then you are hiring the services of a hooker and she cannot be described as your lady.

  9. I do not think there is such a place that serves the best meal in town.

    I prefer certain meals at specific places. If I fancy a steak, I choose my favorite restuarant that I think does the best steak. If I want a Pizza, I go to the restuarant that I consider does the best pizza and so on.

    They are all good and it is all a matter of what you fancy at the time.

  10. We don't call asians orientals because that word is just old. If someone was called oriental they would just think "hmm never been called that before well whatever" Asians are called asians. So in thailand they call whites FARANGS. What the hel_l is the big deal? Even if your a thai/lao in the states they refer to other white people as "FARANGS" It's not different then referring to someone as Caucasian when they are white. What the hel_l else are they suppose to call, if not farang?

    Reason farang has a derogatory term is because so many farangs are giving a bad reputation to that name, you guys do it to yourselves. It's like the laos people in the states will say they are Thai, because saying their Laos is has a different meaning to it. They are just labels, not slurs, and the people themselves determine what kind of connotations the word will bring.

    Not to worry, it will be all white on the night.

    In my country I am a honky or a whitey. In Thailand I am a farang or stinking farang to the Thais and other farangs that don`t like me.

    But actually I feel honoured, because in my country it is not appropriate to declare myself as white. Thailand is probably one of the last places I can call myself a white man, looked upon as a white by others whether I like it or not because that`s what I am, be proud and not considered a racist.

  11. I cannot see any economical way of doing this. The sort of fence wire mentioned is very expensive everywhere in Thailand.

    Have you considered the possibility of having a cement block wall, rendered or plain built around the property? This is also expensive but perhaps a better alternative then wire, more secure and should last longer. Otherwise the only other options is to use wooden or bamboo fence panels that are much much cheaper but will need replacing about once a year when the weather conditions eventually rot them or cement posts with barbed wire running along the borders attached to the posts

    This is all I can think of, cement block wall, wire fencing, bamboo fence panels or barbed wire.

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  12. If I had doubts about the postal worker as the OP, I would have insisted that the post office clerk stamp the parcels in front of me. Failing that I would have ordered the clerk to hand the parcels back to me and demanded she refunded my money, then gone elsewhere to post my parcels.

    If the clerk would have not wanted to refund my money, I would have stood my ground caused a scene until either she returned my money or the boss came out to see me.

    I have done this and works everytime, especially when I know I am in the right.

    It`s a shame this has happened to you, as if we don`t have enough problems in life and hope you either get your parcels returned or better still they arrive at the destination.

  13. The problem of human trafficking will always continue and no real efforts will be put into stopping the practice or rescuing the victims. That's because slave labour is beneficial for the big companies involved in the textile, food and manufacturing industries and economies of countries that are turning a blind eye. Those forced into the sex industry is just the tip of the iceberg.

    The unwilling manual labourers are specially selected from poor economy countries, usually uneducated, unskilled and from backgrounds where society considers them of little worth, that the governments and big companies are taking full advantage of the situation, sometimes with the family`s blessings if the moneys right. So what chance do they have? Similar to the practices of the third Reich during the second world war that used forced labourers to boost the economy of Germany, make huge profits for the companies involved all on the backs of the slave workers. Mostly using people from eastern Europe and Jews, that was low on the list of priorities to the allies, because no one really cared enough.

    It is the same today, there will be no cavalry coming to their rescue, not while there is money, power, huge profits to be made and the trade in human trafficking remains a lucrative business with virtually no enforced laws to punish those committing the crimes.

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