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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Please Please Please get on meals on wheels delivery! :)

    I'm hungry :D

    Good news for you! We are scheduled to go on it when they do their next update. Below is a tentative list of what we will offer. Most of our baked goods are listed here with the exception of products that either can't survive the heat, or if they do, you might not survive eating them. In the latter case I'm referring to baked goods that contain custards which have egg in them. Most of our cakes with icing are in the former category.

    If there's anything else you might like, let us know. We are considering shipping the blintzes frozen.

    When I copied my excel table into thaivisa all the formatting got lost. The numbers are the prices in Baht.


    Bagel Plain 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 Genuine New York Style Bagel

    Whole Wheat Bagel Plain 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Sesame Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    100% Whole Wheat Bagel with Poppy Seeds 25 100% Whole Wheat No White Flour

    English Muffins 25 Real Traditional English Muffins

    Deli Rye Bread with Caraway Seeds 85 Authentic Deli Style Light Rye Bread

    Italian Bread 35 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

    Italian Bread with Sesame Seeds 40 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf with Sesame Seeds

    Seven Grain Bread 55 Multigrain Bread with a Touch of Honey

    100% Whole Wheat Bread 55 Baguette Shaped Italian Style Loaf

    Challah Bread 55 Traditional Bread Rich with Egg Yolk & Butter


    Butter Scones 30 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream

    100% Whole Wheat Scones 30 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

    Butter Blueberry Scones 35 Genuine Traditional Scones Made with Butter & Cream & Blueberries

    100% Whole Wheat Blueberry Scones 35 Same as above but made with 100% Whole Wheat

    Brownies with Walnuts 40 Dark, Dense, and Fudgy

    Chocolate Chip Cookies 25 Made with Dark Belgian Chocolate & Butter

    Oatmeal Cookies 25 Made with Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, Raisins, & Butter

    Apple Pie 285 With a Flaky Buttercrust and Granny Smith Apples

    Blueberry Pies 285 With Wild Blueberries and a Flaky Buttercrust

    Cinnamon Buns 35 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing.

    100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Buns 40 Soft Buns rich with Butter & Egg Yolk and Lots of Cinnamon and Icing. NO WHITE FLOUR

    Sticky Buns 35 Tender Buns rich with Egg Yolk and Butter. Lots of Caramel Syrup

    Blueberry Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk and Whole Wild Blueberries

    Banana Walnut Muffins 30 Made with Buttermilk, Bananas, and Walnuts

    Banana Bread 125 Also Known as Banana Cake. With Real Banana and Walnuts

    Chocolate Torte 240 Very Dark Dense Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Icing


    Are these the real mccoy genuine real genuine bagals like they make them in New York or in London or just plain rolls shaped like bagals?

    For the real thing you can put me down for a couple of hundred, I love em and will store them in my freezer. I`m serious.

  2. You kiss your hand and then you blow it in her direction.:coffee1:

    Well.....what about the old proverbial 'sniff kiss''?:rolleyes:

    Last time I sniffed a bird I caught a Sinus infection.

    You pukker the lips and hold out a 1000 baht note, they soon get the message.

  3. Go to the head office of SCB on Thaipay Rd. Tell them you want a safe deposit box, they will tell you its full, but if you buy an insurance savings plan with them, they will give you one. Did this with my wife, as we needed life insurance for her anyways, and we actually got 2 boxes out of the deal. You can always cancel the plan and get a percentage of your money back, but still keep the box.

    You mean, if you buy an Insurance saving plan, someone at the bank will give you one? That seems like a good deal, especially as some of the young lady clerks can be very pretty, I have always fancied one of them.

    I have a deposit box with one of the big banks in Thailand. But I did need an account with that bank. Providing I have an account with that bank, I am allowed to rent a strong box at any branch. 600 baht a year I think we pay. There were no strings attached or any requirement to buy an insurance policy.

  4. "Oh look, there goes a Khon Angrit." No actually, I never heard anyone say that.

    Firstly you said if you "studied" the Thai language, so you would obviously come across those words. Secondly, of course you've never heard it. How on earth are they supposed to know what country people are from if they just see them walking down the street? Sounds to me like you are determined to see something negative that simply isn't there.

    Firstly you said if you "studied" the Thai language, no I didn't you did.

    Secondly, of course you've never heard it. How on earth are they supposed to know what country people are from if they just see them walking down the street?

    Hence the term Falang

    Sounds to me like you are determined to see something negative that simply isn't there.


    I thought, How, is a native American word meaning Hi or greetings.

    This is all way above my head and does anyone really care?

  5. The headline is a bit misleading. When you read the article you find that the 3 foreigners were arrested for using/possessing ya-ba and cocaine (serious crime here) - they just happened to be attending a sex party at the time.

    I don't believe that anyone who comes to Thailand is ignorant of the risks involved in carrying/distributing/using class 1 drugs here.

    I also don't believe these 3 men would have been jailed for attending a sex party or being in possession of sex toys.

    Seems to me that the police (at least on this occasion) did a good job.

    I agree with that.

    All those drugs and maybe the CDs were hardcore porn, illegal in Thailand and the gun, cant think why they would have needed that, but who knows what turns people on.

    I guess that this was an organised sex party; maybe these people were running this as an illegal business for profit. A friend said that he had seen sex parties advertised on craigslist, I would not read that disgusting stuff myself of course. And did you see the size of that dildo? Death by multiple orgasms.

  6. If my long term girlfriend put herself on one of those social networking sites as single and not as in a relationship, that would be good enough reason for me to question her motive and suspect that she is still window shopping and our relationship is not conclusive.

    Maybe the first thing to do is ask her to change her status on the website or leave it completely.

  7. Falang is a fruit. A farang is someone that does not know this.

    Farang (often pronounced falang)is the Thai name for the Apple Guava(Psidium guajava), a tasty tropical fruit found around the world and grown commercially in Thailand. The name came about because it was introduced to the country by Portuguese traders the locals called it the "foreigner tree" since Farang is the generic name used in Thai to describe a foreigner possibly of European or US decent.

    The fruit is very nutritious with a high vitamin and mineral content as well as a good source of fibre. In fact the average Farang contains 4 times more vitamin C than an orange. Despite its rather dull look on the outside once you cut into slices the ripe fruit tastes creamy and melts in the mouth.

    Thais will often joke about eating farang(foreigner/Guava) and it usually brings a smile to a fruit sellers lips if a foreigner asks for a Farang(Guava) to eat!

    No that is a Bucsida (spelling?)

    A Bucsida? How dare you swear at me, you, you nasty falang, you.

  8. Falang is a fruit. A farang is someone that does not know this.

    Farang (often pronounced falang)is the Thai name for the Apple Guava(Psidium guajava), a tasty tropical fruit found around the world and grown commercially in Thailand. The name came about because it was introduced to the country by Portuguese traders the locals called it the "foreigner tree" since Farang is the generic name used in Thai to describe a foreigner possibly of European or US decent.

    The fruit is very nutritious with a high vitamin and mineral content as well as a good source of fibre. In fact the average Farang contains 4 times more vitamin C than an orange. Despite its rather dull look on the outside once you cut into slices the ripe fruit tastes creamy and melts in the mouth.

    Thais will often joke about eating farang(foreigner/Guava) and it usually brings a smile to a fruit sellers lips if a foreigner asks for a Farang(Guava) to eat!

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  9. Cockroaches don't only go after food waste. They can also eat paper and cardboard, apparently they like it! So it does not mean you have a dirty house just because you have cockroaches.

    I have to say though that I am amazed and surprised that they nip or bite people. And feeling one nip me first hand has made me hate them even more.

    Thing is I am really terrified of spiders, and when I lay in bed and feel something crawl over me I really crap myself, jump up thrash around and then realise it was just a bloody cockroach!!!

    Can I borrow your cat NancyL?

    They don`t actually bite, but have sharp spines on their legs that can pierce the skin.

    I read that cockroaches are the most intelligent of the insects and probably the most repulsive.

    Some cockroach facts:


    Let's say a cockroach finds itself in a frigid climate where the temperature has plunged below freezing. What do you think it would do? Keep in mind that the mercury has dropped below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 Celsius.

    If you roll your eyes and answer, "Whatever," you're absolutely right. The cockroach would do whatever it needs to do to exist. If it were living near you, this tough, little insect would simply become your housemate. So you haven't bought groceries for about two weeks? No problem. The cockroach holds a black belt to the infinite degree in survival.

    This six-legged critter can live without food for an entire month and hold its breath for forty minutes if necessary. Even if you cut off its head, it would still run around the house for about a week before dying of thirst because its brain is not in its head. It's scattered throughout its body.

    You'll be wasting your time trying to figure out how this little ninja with more than eighteen knees broke into your house. Young ones can squeeze through a crevice no thicker than a tip of a dime, while the older and fatter ones may need access equivalent to the thickness of the edge of a quarter. It'll certainly wear you out trying to chase it. It can run up to three miles in a hour before calling it a day.

    The cockroach world does not exist of dating or romantic warm-up rituals. The female mates only once and is pregnant for the rest of her life. Sounds heartbreaking? Think again. Her heart is nothing but a simple tube with valves that pump blood back and forth. The heart can even stop without causing harm to the insect.

    Batman and Spiderman may have to sit on the curb with Superman with Master Cockroach around. A set of claws on its feet enables it to climb a wall as easily as it scoots across the kitchen counter. Its attennae, which rival NASA's Global Positioning System, help it locate family and friends with state-of-the-art precision. Its set of eyes, made up of 4,000 individual lenses, allows it to see simultaneously in all directions. Its rear end is equipped with a motion detector that lets it know which way to scat when its safety is jeopardized. And unlike other creatures, this insect sheds its skeleton, not its skin.

    Ever wonder why the cockroach is so difficult to eliminate? You know that white gook that spurts out when it's stepped on or bitten into? That's more than stored fat. The cockroach turns valuable nutrients into an energy source which helps it neutralize or lessen life-threatening chemicals. And if it doesn't chew its food properly, that's okay. It has another set of teeth inside its digestive system that finishes the work.

    There are nearly 4,000 known species of cockroach. Their existence dates back to more than 200 million years. Some of the more interesting ones include the Madeira cockroach of Portugal, which emits such a foul odor when threatened, one would think a huge beast had died. There was one discovered in South America that was six inches in length with a twelve-inch wing span.

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  10. Whatever route the OP takes, lawyers, courts, causes criminal damage as revenge or continues to pay, it is going to cost him dear.

    I guess everything his wife has, has been bought with the OP`s money. The dream girl, love of his life has been handed everything on a golden platter by the OP. She has nothing to loose by grasping on to all the OP has provided for her.

    This has come about because the OP did not take measures to protect himself against break up of relationship or what happens if his wife dies.

    The situation is that the wife has everything to gain and the OP has everything to lose.

    Bare witness as a warning for anyone else who is considering doing the same.

  11. The Internet is the public domain.

    It has well surpassed the super communication highway stage that it was originally designed for and can be used as a tool by governments, companies and worldwide authorities to gain entry into your private lives and affairs.

    I was against computers right from the beginning when they put millions of people out of work. I can never understand why these idiots put themselves on social networking sites like facebook, dislaying personal details, daily lives and thoughts to all and sundry.

    Use the Internet with caution, otherwise something you do or say may come back and smack you in the face later.

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  12. Good observations and comments. By the way, being able to speak and read Thai--at least to some extent--for better than 15 years now, I would always order in Thai. I will try to find another, maybe even better place to spend my money. All part of the adventure.

    if youve been really here 15 years your a slow learner. you liked the food the cook and the price but now you wont go there. thats daft. fact.

    I don`t think that is daft.

    This has happened to me several times including in some of the well known places.

    I never complain or say anything, once I find out that I am being treated like a pratt, I pay up and then I`m done, never to return. Plenty of other places to go and eat.

  13. If you know how to design your own logo and graphics, you should also know how to print your own cards using a computer and standard printer.

  14. I thought crossfit was something weird, until I looked it up:

    CrossFit is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology that promotes broad and general overall physical fitness. CrossFit combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics.[1] CrossFit says that proficiency is required in each of ten fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy. It defines fitness as increased work capacity across all these domains and says its program achieves this by provoking neurologic and hormonal adaptations across all metabolic pathways.[2][3][4] [5]

    CrossFit athletes run, row, jump rope, climb rope and carry odd objects. They frequently move large loads quickly over long distances, using powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting techniques. CrossFit athletes also use dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, kettlebells, and many bodyweight exercises.[6] CrossFit is used in nearly 1,700 gyms worldwide and by many fire departments, law enforcement agencies and military organizations including the Canadian Forces, the United States Marine Corps, and the Royal Danish Life Guards

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