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  1. Only in the big business plan. Not in the single accounts (not connected to a company)! In skype you could buy on a single account a number connected to skype and use all the feature which in team is only available for companies 😞
  2. There are different ways to archive this. I my self always buy a 1 year SIM from AIS, DTAC or True (DTAC, Ttrue are now merged, but still use a seperate net, this maybe changed in the future. Now, you also can add a DTAC number in the True Service app). - 1 Year Sim, afterwards, refill with enough money for another 1 year plan (min 12 refills) or buy another new 1 year SIM. - buy a plan only when needed, but then you have to take care, that you always have enough validity. As you told your card run out fast, then I would say you should buy DTAC or True, as there you can extend your validity of the SIM for 30 days for 2 Baht. Normaly you refill for extending, but if you not use the card that much, then you will have after some time much to much money on it... so better then to pay for example 12 Baht for 6 month extension (*113*180*9# DTAC) I use the 1 year plan, because I also use this router, when I go on short trips arround Thailand. Then I plug in my router and have my internet to use with tablets instead to use mobile sharing. Mostly the Router has a slightly better signal than the mobile.
  3. This only works when the other person you want to reach also use teams! The big advantage of Skype, which some of the users here missing afterwars: - a local number in a country - when this number is called forward to a specific mobile, landline number - easy call a number at home, and even show a local number, which this person could call back Your option is same as using line, Whatsapp, ... (if both have same program, then it's easy to use it). But this is not what most of the users who still use skype need!
  4. One of the biggest problem I encounter with True is, that after a power failure, the service is gone for 4-12 hours. Sometimes it's a planned power cut, or sometimes an animal or a car who run into a transformer. Anyway you can't use their Internet for hours. About their 10GB code, it's only valid for 1 mobile. If there are 2 person or more, then you have to decide who use the code. Yes, I'm also don't like that the service always down for that long after a power cut. But I don't know if with AIS it's that much better? In my case my router swich automatic to my SIM Router, who takes over, in case of problems with True. And when True is back online, Main router switch back to the True Router.... thanks to failover....
  5. The KTB send out to all customers (or maybe all foreign customers) this message. if nothing has changed since last time, then probably nothing to do. it's like from time to time the bank is obligated to check if all information is still correct. If you have the option of a KTB branch nearby, only go short and ask if they need something from you. In my case, they already have a Thai TIN, and I'm not an US american (facta), so no more info they wanted from me.
  6. Why not using a VISA card. As this is the easiest way on MRT. Even I still hope for one card for all public transportation would be great. But I not believe in that till I see it 😞.
  7. THE KTC card I use a lot, as at the moment this is the card, which can be used at many restaurants for discounts. Or use points to redem discounts. Anyway my prefered credit card since about 2 years ago.
  8. I think some years ago it was easier as almost everything which has something to do with banking. My first unsecured credit card in Thailand (without a work permit) I became in 2011. Just a few month ago when I asked to open an additional account at K-Bank, they needed much more paperwork. Especially the TIN (Tax Identifcation Number) seemed to be very new for opening a new account. I not sure if this is everywhere or only some branches. But it seems it become more and more complicated. 10 years ago or more, you could walk with a 30 day visa excempt stamp in the bank and could open an account at many different banks. Now I think this is almost impossible (there are maybe still a few branches which do this).
  9. As some already mentioned, if the installation is not done proberly, then it's not the problem of the Aircon Unit! I have now Daikin since about 3 years, and I am more happy with them than with the panasonic before. And yes, you should clean your aircon from time to time, then the dripping water should be much less a problem, especially when you use your aircon a lot. And I not talk about cleaning the filter. A Aircon cleaner cost about 300-500 per Unit and should be done about every 6 months (depending on the usage).
  10. @kekalot I have 2 google account. One setup for Thailand and the other for swiss. Then you only have to change the account, which you can do as many times you want. The only disadvantage is, that I sometimes had a problem with paid apps Update. But this was happen some time ago.. now almost 2 years no problem anymore, that he try to update an app with the wrong account, and therefore thinks I not have paid. But with this 2 accounts I can download the swiss and Thai apps. I mostly have my thai account active and only change to the swiss, when I need a swiss app, which can't be downloaded on the thai store.
  11. I think it depends under what option you want the DTV Visa. I heard, that if you choose to use a school (Thai-boxing, Cooking), the visa maybe will not be valid the 5 years, only the 180 days, while you were in the course! But this we will know hopefully soon, how this visa really works. I would recommend to stay with your NON-O (or you mean extensions)?
  12. I always was thinking it's called Covid 19, because the outbreak started in 2019!!!
  13. I not sure what the problem in your case was @GypsyT. I have done about 4-5 cash refunds in June, and the money was transfered to my wise account without problems (after verify with wise again). They even sent me emails, about new cash refunds were available. I'm now not sure if I have done anyting after booking and what. But at the end I became back the refund... even it was only about 20$.
  14. Yesterday I also had the request, but in App and afterwards saw the email as well. This happened, after I transfered some cashback from Agoda to my wise account. Before I always transfered money from my own account to wise. this first time some money of a third account was sent to wise. So I guess some of the requests are legit, and some are scams.J I would say, if you see the request in the app, then it's legit. Else don't bother!
  15. This another thread how important it is to have health cover. Especially when you are not rich. I hear from too many people that a health insurance is a scam (of course they want make money, and hopefully you never will need it even you paid a lot to the company). What he should do now? He should talk with the hospital he stays in right now and ask about how to pay the bills maybe in installments. instead of asking question here, I think it would be much better to talk to his hospital as soon as possible.
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