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Everything posted by Lopburikid

  1. I think your wife should be commended for teaching your son home economics. I believe household chores should be shared out amongst the people living in the home.
  2. They can bring in ALL the safety measures they want, If the RTP are too lazy to police them, they won't make one bit of a difference.
  3. Why did the boats go out? The forecast predicted STRONG WINDS AND ROUG WAVES due to the weather conditions.
  4. except the ones who go around chopping up bodies, or kidnaping as those foreigner's have already paid into the police Songkran fund.
  5. With you on that! Police always take the side of the Taxi mafia, and Thai bar owners. The incident where the tourist was dragged out of the taxi, If it hadn't been videoed and shown on social media, nothing would have happened to the taxi driver. They put big joke in charge of anti-corruption and he's the most corrupt amongst them. He was moved to an INACTIVE POST because of what he and his gang were getting up to in Bangkok's Go-Go Bars areas.
  6. Should know Thais never get involved in other people's disputes. leave that to the police, who usually will take the side of the taxi driver. Thai police idea of looking into something is to leave it 4 or 5 days and hope the foreigner forgets about it. If by chance the foreigner doesn't forget about it, then the taxi driver would have skipped the country, (according to the Thai police) And can we take a picture to show how happy you are with our investigation??????
  7. It could be the captain's house. They are used to living in a cabin!
  8. Agree, these dogs if not all dogs should be on a lead/leash when not behind a closed gate. But you never know what the owner does to them or how the owner treats them. My dog is as passive as you can get, never barks or gets aggressive towards anyone, except ONE guy on a motorbike and she barks at him like she hates him. So something has happened between them in the past, and dogs never forget. Terrible way for the man to die and the dogs should now be destroyed and the owner charged with manslaughter.
  9. In England they held a forum about the wording of insurance policies and after reading every word of 1 or 2 insurance policies The head of English at Cambridge University said there are so many "HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW" paragraphs that totally contradict what it is you are being insured for and gives them under the law the right to refuse payment. The only people who could/would be able to fight it are the rich and/or famous.
  10. If they are paying that amount, then that is for the school to provide paperwork and a fake attendance sheet, and/or to place B800,000 in their bank account and a little hand out to immigration.
  11. It says he wants it implemented to cover the upcoming holiday period. Christmas and New Year. will ALL tourist be given an insurance card as they enter? Will their hospital bill be covered immediately, or they pay and claim it back? Like everything else here, a lot of gray areas.
  12. Education Visas. and maybe retirement visas Local citizens passing off as employees of the school and visa agents. There are hundreds of these agencies in Pattaya.
  13. t a good Indeed it dose happen in Europe. I was on redeployment leave from Germany. So, I tried my luck and loaded up a suitcase with lots of goodies. Got to Heathrow, nothing to declare, stopped checked. custom officer took half and left me half. His half was for the "staff Christmas party". (so he said). Mind you i still got through with 1,000 cigarettes and 2 one-liter bottles of whiskey and 2 one-liter bottles of vodka. guess the weight gave it away. Ha! this was back in the early 80s.
  14. Plus depends on the time you arrive If you want to buy a bottle of Jameson's Irish, don't arrive after midnight, or you'll have to wait till 11am to buy it. Ha!
  15. I was unwell for about 5 days. went to a hospital was told I had flu, went home 3 days later got worse went to a different hospital and was told I had dengue fever. 6 days in hospital Private room, 24hr doctor and nurse attention, blood test, urine test. poo test, and x-rays. all for B38,500. paid for by health insurance.
  16. I think you will find the same is happening in the UK standards are dropping due to, Calculators used in a math's test; dictionaries used in an English test. Computers that correct every mistake you make, a phone that tells you the time (another thing they no longer teach) speaks the message so they don't have to read it, tap in 2 or 3 letters and it gives them a choice of words to use, so they don't have to know how to spell it. Times have changed. Plus, what language are the tests in, Thai, English?????????
  17. I was in a private hospital when I had Dengue fever. Private room. 24-hour nursing assistants and doctor. Was in for 6 days. Cost the insurance company B38,500
  18. The incident occurred in a small ally. Wonder what they were doing???????????????? Ha!
  19. Not just tourist areas. None tourist areas are feeling the same pinch. just no money around. Locals where i live are all talking about the situation and 90 percent are not happy about the restrictions placed on this digital B10,000 hand out, as it doesn't really benefit them. Plus. It already looks like the handout will be delayed by 7-8 months.
  20. Age of consent in Thailand is 15 for both boys and girls. Not say it is RIGHT. But that's the law. Remember the RTP turn a blind eye to lots and lots of ILLEGAL activity for a price, including underage sex with children as young as 8. Plus I do believe joke was removed to an inactive post for doing similar things. Some years ago a 9 year old girl was found to be pregnant, the father of the child was 35 years old. The family informed the police that the couple were married. NO ACTION TAKEN. again, not saying it's right. But TIT.
  21. Because then I am obeying the law that is written down for foreigners. And I can always say I have reported. Plus, some immigration officials aren't all as lazy as the others.
  22. I have done it a few times reporting when I leave the Province I live for another. EVERY TIME they are not interested. They just say Mai Pen Rai and wave me away.
  23. My first year with them. AIA only paid half the medical bills. The one I'm with now pays ALL the medical bill, on the day of discharge If you go to a decent hospital that doesn't double charge foreigners. .
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