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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. On a non O with 1 yr validity for example, you either leave every 90 days or report to immigration every 90 days?

    No they are not an option - you do 90 day reports when allowed to remain more than 90 days by your permitted to stay stamp and do so - you do not receive more than 90 days on entry unless you extend your stay (with very few exceptions). A multi entry visa does not provide an option of leaving or doing a 90 day address report to stay longer - you must leave or extend.

  2. Surely residency should be (and is) the qualifying factor - most are paying taxes anyway. Absurd to have no access to what you are paying into through tax!

    My wife joined an ESOL course level 1 after only a month of being here(Nov 2010) and we was charged £8 per hour, she was my fiancee at the time as we didn't get married till March 2011 .

    Again to take the level 2 course which she will be signing up for next month it is the same £8 per hour.

    typically the courses are over 2 terms for 1 day a week and for 2 hours, total approx 50 hours of studying.

    she has the certificates from cambridge for her level 1 pass.

    What I have been told is after she has been married to me for 1 year (March 2012) is when I will see a reduction on the charge.

    That 'reduction in the charge' should be FREE. As the wife of a UK national [british Passport holder] she qualifies for free ESOL courses.

    We are 'on the books' of a local College for next year [ after staying a full year] and it is then free for us.

    Last week my wife went to her first free conversation class and thoroughly enjoyed it. She said it was fun, the teacher was very friendly and good, and that the other students knew little, pronounced very badly and this gave great encouragement to my wife.

    We have bought the Citizenship materials [all of them] and are making tentative steps, knowing that we have the time.

    Why should any course be free to a non-UK citizen? They have to be paid for somewhere so either the individual pays (and gets the benefit of the education) or the tax-payer does. If your other half is granted British Citizenship then she will automatically become entitled to everything a British Citizen is due.

    Being allowed leave to remain is not the same as being British. Stay in the UK and take the steps required to become British (or dual nationality), make the commitment to Britain and agree to the responsibilities and get the benefits that go with it!

    Sounds like the conversation classes will increase your wife's confidence. If the ESOL course is free then you are very lucky because all the colleges I know make some charge!

  3. CB is claimed by either parent not both, but can be mandated to a joint account of course.

    The Passport is required id order to show the date of entry into the UK. Child Benifit is only paid for a child living in the UK. I claimed CB for my Stepdaughter From the day she landed in the Uk.

    The claim has to be made in both your wifes name and yours.

    I rang them and told them that my wife was subject to Imigration controls and was not entiteld to public funds. I was told it was OK to claim CB. But the claim had to be made in joint names.

    The Translation of the birth certificate was NOT required The original one in Thai was OK.

    That was two years ago The posts do have a habit of moving.

    my wife and stepdaughter have just applied for ILR. I do hope the info I was given at the time was correct. Application for ILR sent and recived by the Border Agency on 12 July no word yet so fingers crossed.

    I would be pleased if someone could put my mind at ease

  4. Can you provide a link to this, please, Bangkockney?

    The information I have given is what I was told by the child benefit people when my wife and stepdaughter moved to the UK. Did they get it wrong or have the rules changed?


    1. Guidance – public funds – v 5.0 p. 17 (exception due to nationality of a family member)


    2. General reasons for refusing Section 4 – v8.0 p. 15 (worked example involving CB claim)


  5. Not true.

    If a person subject to immigration control lives with a family member who is a British citizen or a national of a country in the EEA they can claim certain public funds if they have the right to reside in the UK.

    This includes Child Benefit and does not need to be declared as being in receipt of public funds when applying for e.g. ILR.

    If your wife has a visa endorsed 'no recourse to public funds' then she cannot claim child benefit; but you can. This includes claiming for her children, i.e. your step-children, if they are living with you.

    You can have the birth certificate translated at any translation office. The translator needs to certify that the translation is correct and include their name, address and phone number.

  6. i thought, If a person is subject to immigration control and lives with a family member who is a British citizen or a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) they can claim certain public funds if they have a right to reside in the U

    I got my information from the UKBA, as can be seen if one clicks on Source.

    Where did you get yours?

    It is not so much a question of whether they are subject to immigration control or not, but whether their leave to enter/remain is endorsed "No recourse to public funds." Which a spouse visa will be.

    No Recourse to Public Funds is not the be-all and end-all.

    Many benefits carry exceptions will allow holders of visas with such an endorsement to claim said benefits.

    Child benefit is a perfect example.

  7. Nick Griffin has past convictions and is an MEP.

    Pretty much all the top Shin Fein boys: Kelly, McCann, Maskey, Lynch, Chulin, Anderson......many more. Need I go on?

    Ok, please enlighten us as to which convicted criminal was pardoned and endorsed as an MP in Britain, US, Australia, Canada or New Zealand?

    We're waiting!

    Why not? Why so many slamming Thailand over this? It's not like our home countries haven't allowed evil people to run things.

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