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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. I know a BG who has been working full time in the bars doing you know what for at least the last 13 or so years and her English is still terrible to say the least.

    Others only been in the bars for a few weeks and fairly good English.

    Hard to tell

  2. Off subject--- Thai's are taught from an early age to defer to anyone of higher status. "UP to you" seems to me to be a natural English translation to what they would say to their older brother, parents, boss etc. As for "same same", its just a natural translation of เหมือน ๆ which means similar.

    yes agreed,but its not correct use of english.

    when in country,i often help the nieces and their friends with english,i try so hard to make sure they say things correctly,they are uni students but hell its like pulling teeth at times.

    one of them came up with the "same same",her parents run a bridal shop,so i imagine thats where she picked up that saying,it took an hour to convince her it was not correct english.

    i dont mean to insult anyone,it is just a pet hate,that the worst of our language is passed onto others.

    when i am corrected on my use of thai or lao,i accept it and try to correct it,and so i do the same for the thais i deal with in english language.

    i can imagine my wife using "same same" at her work overseas,instead of correct english,it would be a disaster.

    Wow you are pretty anal aren't you

  3. @phuketrichard

    What about insurance costs. I know lots of folks don't think about insurance, but health and comprehensive car insurance are by far our biggest single cost (given that we own our home so don't pay rental costs).

    i dont have medical, never have, never will

    If you live here full time and don't have medical insurance it's just gambling.

    And you are betting that nothing will happen to you, accident or illness.

    Excellent friend of GOM's and others on the board here did the same, lost the bet, got a kidney ailment had to be hospitalized, no insurance, almost died.

    All the friends got together raised the money and paid for a procedure at Prince of Songkla Hospital, pretty sure he has paid everybody back now.

    phuketrichard I hope you have a lot of friends.............otherwise terrible advice telling people not to get some coverage, it's not expensive.

    I hate insurance; Yes its gambling.... Your paying, ( gambling) good money out of ur pocket and BETTING ur going to die or get sick. Sorry i just don't buy into that. Many don't agree with you on this. 95% of the people i know here have no insurance.

    If you knew me then I would be one of the 5%.

    I too know of people here who have had to be bailed out of hospital bills by friends.

  4. Divers in Thailand always know when it's just been Loi Krathong as the Krathong bases can be found all over the dive sites. annoyed.gif

    Most kratong bases are banana tree these days at least, so they do sink and will biodegrade. Better than styrofoam floating around forever! We never put ours out to sea either though. I'll let Rawai municipality clean mine out of Nai Harn lagoon.

    Banana tree bases that will be washing back and fourth over the coral reefs. Plus the nails, staples, wax candles, burned incense and often a plastic bottle with the ends cut off to protect the candle from the wind. Yeah I put mine in the pond in Karon as I am told the municipality cleans it after. At least it's not gong in the ocean.

    Better than those damned "lucky ballons" I laying all around the island. I see those diving a lot too, including the kerosene soaked wicks. The remnants of a burned one was outside my house as I got home tonight. Last year I saw 3 of them stuck in the power lines just a few meters from each other at Jungcylon.



    Somebody really has to have a chat to these elephants about disposal of used condoms ~ just not good enough.

    • Like 1
  5. The king of thailand has been king since 1946, He's the longest reigning monarch in the world.

    .......of those currently alive.

    I believe Thailand is the only country that has issued a 60 Baht note.

    For His Majesty after 60 years as King.

    Not sure how many countries have issued Baht notes of any other denominationcheesy.gif

  6. Funnily enough I find time flies when we are up on the farm. With the fish, ducks, cows etc and then hopefully a few hours fishing in ths afternoons then back for a beer or two on the balcony overlooking my fish pond never time to be bored.

    I suppose a 20 month old daughter requires a bit of ATT too.

  7. We flew Air Asia, to Denpasar, via Kuala Lampur, last month. What a horrible experience, from booking to travel, it wasn't worth saving the few dollars. I much prefer Thai Air, where we always get good service, food, beer, etc. and my flight with Thai Air, has always been pleasant. Then again, I have only been flying Thai Air, in the Region, not back to Canada. For that trip, I use Korean Airlines, which has done a lot, in recent years, to improve it's service, planes and food. Plus, we can fly Korean out of Chiang Mai, without having to stop in Bangkok, which is great. Both my wife and I, avoid Bangkok any way we can.

    Thai Air, has been one of the few airlines, we will fly, even so, they are a little bit pricier. Normally, we like to save money, too, but we have been impressed with the level of service, Thai Air provides. We are also tired of the manipulative games, Air Asia plays with it's passengers. Air Asia's online booking system is very misleading and it often took several attempts to get the booking wanted. After this recent trip to Bali, we finally said "No more Air Asia".

    On the other hand, Thai Air's booking system is simple and when you do need personal help, they are easy to reach by phone.

    You obviously live on a different planet to me!!!

  8. Contact Stefano at the big blues phuket. He does lots of types of fishing tours including for the stingrays. I have nothing to do with his business other than knowing him from having my own fishing business here in Phuket before which I sold last year.

    Thanks Phil, but i'm talking abour freshwater rays. I'd imagine you are talking about salt water?

    I was in Phuket for about 2 years. Were you located somewhere like Rawai?

    Jack - he does all sorts of tours including for the freshwater stingrays.

    My boat operated out of Chalong where just about all the fishing charters still do. As a matter of interest the fishing has deteriorated dramatically around Phuket and I would certainly not reccommend a trip offshore here - contrary to what the charter operators will tell you. One of my main reasons for selling up!!!

    There are a few boats that do trips over to the Andaman Islands around march and these can be great fun and productive.

  9. Contact Stefano at the big blues phuket. He does lots of types of fishing tours including for the stingrays. I have nothing to do with his business other than knowing him from having my own fishing business here in Phuket before which I sold last year.

  10. Big C on the second floor of the shop did have them in Jungceylon

    Thanks Peter but I am really after a momma and poppa type shop. I used to get from a shop in Phuket town close to the ferry terminals but don't have reason to go that way anymore.

  11. Two beers in 1 hour is legal since it takes the body 1 hour to dispose of the alcohol in 1 beer.

    One beer a hour in Australia to stop under the limit thats small bottles

    Probably the same here

    I drank four cans (Emu Export) in less than hour in Perth once.

    Was stopped shortly afterwards at Barrack St Jetty, blew zero.

    Oh my God - someone who admits to drinking Emu Export, what next.

  12. thanks for the help guys

    Im 24, budget is $2000 / month for everything (rent, food, fun, etc.)

    Nightlife is somewhat important but I would put windsurfing above that

    $2,000 is about 60,000 baht a month - doubt there will be too much left for "fun" after rent,food etc

  13. What a bunch of goody two shoes....

    All law abiding citezens i'm sure...

    Will see what hapens when you get fined for having beer on your breath eh...??

    Oh the goody two shoes on here never have a few coldies and go for a motor bike ride..??

    Give me a break, Always good to know where these roadblocks are set up even if for a little bit as then we know where not to drive..

    If you are driving drunk you deserve everything the law can throw at you plus some. I do not understand how you can warrant the death of innocents by not being a "goody two shoes" as you put it.

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