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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. Fortuner drivers. All of them.

    Couldn't agree more. I have often thought there must be some sort of Goo Goo gas of sort they comes out of the dashboard of fortunas. How such a high percentage of piss poor drivers have bought the same vehicle beggars belief.

    Have you sold your fortuner Phil

    Never had one but if I did would happily sell to you!!!

  2. Can anyone confirm that it is still possible to do 90 day report in Phuket by mail and how to do it if my last "report"as such was at the airport on the way in so do not have the small slip of paper from the TM7.

  3. Fortuner drivers. All of them.

    Couldn't agree more. I have often thought there must be some sort of Goo Goo gas of sort they comes out of the dashboard of fortunas. How such a high percentage of piss poor drivers have bought the same vehicle beggars belief.

  4. This is the best event that has happened to Patong in a long time! I am so excited. I went to the store yesterday. NO PROBLEMS! I can buy the freshest fruit and vegetables...and meat! No problems parking, and the BEST----> the manager knows perfect english...and french! Highly educated thai woman! I was in and out fast! Just remember...cash!!! They do honor one card, but its only one select bank...I cannot remember.

    No problems parking - I would like to see that!!!!

  5. Phil,am not too sure about the light being on all night in the duck shed,but here is maybe an idea for you.

    Have a look at the first photo,i think that they are black lights used by many Thais to catch bugs with,maybe it would an idea to use that light on a night time to catch bugs and insect for you ducks.......


    Lashings of lum




    Thanks for all the replies. Apparently the light is for security to stop duck egg thieves!!!!,

    Will try letting them out longer but I think they are so used to staying inside they make their own way back after about 2 hours. Would have to probably keep the door closed to keep them out.

    We do let them into the veggie garden once most of the veggies are collected and they love this. When the water is higher in the pond the pak boong is also a favorite.

  6. Sorry but I am completely new at this so please bear with me.

    we have 18 girl ducks and 3 boys. All the girls are Pekins as well as one of the boys. Anyway we get an average of about 16 eggs a day which I believe is pretty good. We keep them in their "house" most of the day and all night with a light on. They get about 2 hours a day for a paddle and scratch around the dam of about half a rai.

    Feed wise we go through about 2 and a half bags of duck food - for egg laying ducks a month. Recently we have started giving them LAM mixed with water as well.

    Well questions

    1) Are we doing the right thing with a light on all night.

    2) Can we reduce or replace the amount of feed as just gone up again to 490 baht per bag

    3) Is LAM a good food for them.

    4) Would it be better to let them out for longer each day

    5) What about the ratio of boys and girls and the mix of only one Pekin and 2 who knows what but very nice looking black ducks who I often see doing the business.

    Thanks for any help and/or advice


    • Like 1
  7. Thanks guys, appreciate the info. I guess then that DTAC has pulled out of JC altogether. Bummer, as it was convenient for me sometimes, and their staff was friendly and helpful there.

    And just so as not to make this a total waste of a thread, I have to say I've been pretty happy with DTAC's service after switching to them from AIS. My Thai friends all say, "AIS #1 in Thailand!", and I had been with AIS for years with no problems. But I had phone problems that forced me to try switching service providers for a remedy. As it turned out, it was a problem with my phone, and not the phone provider, which is a whole different story.

    When I decided to try a different provider, I went to AIS and asked them about moving my same phone number to DTAC. I had the same number for a long time and didn't want to lose it. They were very helpful and gave me the document I needed (no charge) to bring to DTAC to change over.

    I brought that to DTAC, and they charged me ฿99 for the changeover service, plus I had to wait for a few (I think 4) days for approval. They gave me a new SIM card and told me after 4 days to put that SIM in the phone and if approved, it should be okay and I could start using that number with them. That entire transition thing worked out great and I'm now using DTAC with my old number with no problems.

    Two things about AIS that always bugged me was: 1) I would always end up losing ฿10 or ฿20 a month for no apparent reason, and for what I have no idea, and nobody at the AIS office could explain to me.

    And, 2) I was constantly bombarded with promo SMS's and ads that drove me crazy every day. With DTAC I haven't had either problem (so far!). The only money I lose with DTAC is for calls I actually make, and I get maybe ~3 SMS ads a week as compared with 3 - 5 a day with AIS.

    Anyhow, I don't know how their coverage is around the country, maybe they are weaker in other areas. But so far DTAC has been a pleasant surprise for me. And they even extended my usage date for one year for a cost of ฿24, good deal.

    Why didn't you just turn the SMS adds off? Pretty easy to do just call 1175 and follow the prompts.

  8. OP; You did well by telling him, your only mistake was that you `thought` he was a mate. You didn't lose a mate, you lost someone not worthy of that title.

    Had he been my mate I would have told him too, that is what mates or friends do, friends don't sit and just watch the other person being taken to the cleaners. Friends care for each other.

    Couldn't agree more. A mate is just that and should be prepared to side with you. I have told a few people in the past and suffered the consequences but will still continue to do so - my sense of right and wrong just cannot let me keep quiet.

    • Like 1
  9. Having been in Thailand for 10 years with 1000's of nights going into the AM. I've never had a random beating happen to me. Usually these kind of fights happen when parties have had too much to drink and harsh words lead to fights.

    8 times out of 10 its the mouthy drunk Thai girl who tends to escalate things leaving the boyfriend to defend her.

    This case isn't the first or the last.

    I agree. Funny how people are quick to judge whilst only having one side of the story. Anybody bothered to hear what the

    Russians have to say about the event. Pretty much assured it will be a different tale.

    • Like 1
  10. When I think of the top 5 crazy drivers I have ever seen in Phuket, most are Farangs.

    No matter the nationality but Fortuner drivers always seem to be vying with the mini bus drivers for the most dangerous & ill mannered driving in Phuket.


    What is it that happens to people once they get in a Fortuner or is it just that these vehicles attract a certain type of person.

  11. "Sharing a 70 baht soup between 3 people are some of the instances."

    It's quite the opposite of what an expensive restaurant owner told me. Quite often they order pretty much everything on the menu, 2 starters + 2 main course per person on average, plus many cocktails and bottles of vodka.

    Its just one instance. I wasn't tarring all with the same brush.

    It wasn't meant to be a thread about bad experiences with Russians, it was about understanding them a little better.

    I used to run a boat out of Chalong and had nothing but good experiences with the Russians. Just have to learn to say "Joot Joot", or something like that, when they start pouring the drinks.

    Funnily enough also found most of them drank Bacardi in preference to vodka.

  12. I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

    Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

    Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

    ah but ask him about his Norwegian tax....one suspects not so cushy...biggrin.png

    You may be right there but taxes in Oz are getting up there with medicare surcharge, flood levies etc etc.

  13. I understand that point that it may appear to be more convenient to put KL under Phuket but it it is chicken and egg. I think that unlike pre-Tsunami most people know that KL is not part of Phuket and, therefore, look to forums that acknowledge its existence in Phang Nga and in a separate forum for knowledgeable information. So unless a separate forum is started TV is less likely to be of value to those looking for info on KL. That is a pity in my view as TV is acknowledged as being one of the most comprehensive sources on "all things Thai" on the web.

    However, the main question was is "Khao Lak dead?" (which is a rather unfortunate choice of words given its recent past) to which the categoric answer is "Absolutely not!"

    Who cares???

  14. I know a number of guys who work in Thailand in the O&G industry on a rotational basis, I also know a number of guys who do exactly the same work outside Thailand on a rotational basis and spend their remaining time basing themselves in Thailand.

    Most work 28 x 28 in the O&G industry in neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia and also further afield in area's such as Mozambique, Oman, Qatar....

    Guy who live opposite me does 2 weeks on 4 off on the rigs off Norway - talk about cushy!!!

  15. Coming in on a tourist visa I guess, so technically Thailand is not where you live, but where you R&R.

    I'm here on a retirement visa, but am not retired.

    Figure that one out, GH.

    Just means your over 50 thats all........know a few guys like that live in Thailand on a retirement visa and work else were

    Thats me too. Been woking rosters out of Thailand for some 15 years now. Varying time scales but last 3 years have been 8 days on 6 off out of Australia.

  16. first of all, nice photos smile.png

    if internet is important for you, as for me, and fed up with these so called 3G USB stick nets, then CAT has a real 3G net with fingers-like rooftop antennae and it works as a charm....we are really out on the sticks, about 2km away from a dusty village, and probably 10 klicks from the nearest mobile tower.

    the catch: intallation with all the things, inclusive the wifi router = 17000thb.

    monthly is the normal 590+VAT. they have a limitation to download (4GB/month on the top speed) however surfing is normal all month. The avarage speed i get is about 4-5 Mbps, whereas those USB 3G's sometimes only achived a connect to Yahoo mail in 10 min time.

    I don't know what you mean by "fingers-like rooftop antennae" but it was a few years back that I had my antenna installed. Totall cost was 4,500 Bt, but no WiFi router.


    My antenna was hit by lightening. Fried my modem and computer and I had to throw away my underwear biggrin.png

    Thailife has made some very informative posts about antennas in the mobile internet forum, but would probably take a bit of searching to find them if interested.

    what i mean is not a satellite dish. but rather look like an old fashion TV antennae.

    luckily the speed also not of those sat. internet speed, like the village have....and as i said, it is remote enough that there is no chance of telephone line in the next decade or so...i know the istalling was pricey, but as i see, it well worth for me.

    hey, a round trip with a local car to KK is about 800-1000thb, so, factor that in too.

    I went down the CAT usb route then tried a AIS usb, both with no joy. One day it dawned on me that my phone had a good signal and pretty good internet so now I tether my phone to laptop via bluetooth and am pretty impressed with the result. Sure well beats the previous 2 attempts.

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  17. I know a BG who has been working full time in the bars doing you know what for at least the last 13 or so years and her English is still terrible to say the least.

    Others only been in the bars for a few weeks and fairly good English.

    Hard to tell

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