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Posts posted by hardy1943

  1. <br />Funny... he kills a Thai and is sentenced within weeks.   He kills a Canadian and two years later still hasn't gone to trial.

    So the failure of the justice system is responsible for the 18 yr old girl's death. Shame. Failing to lock up a murderer because he only killed a foreigner, then he goes out and kills one of their own. Then he gets charged and sentenced. Guess it highlights what they really think of us.

    You all know what they think of us. Their women are great and educated too. However I like to know if any of us ever made a friend here outside the wife family?

    I can make them all over Asia except here.

  2. I would assume that the exceptions for taxis and sonchaows will be ONLY for passengers being intoxicate.

    Drivers are still at 0%

    Hello all you passengers who want to do the law abiding thing and have a good drink, and have someone drive you home. Sorry you will have to walk, and get the police to stop you and arrest you for being intoxicated in a public place. This sounds another really good STUPID idea. But if it applies to drivers only and it is applied o.k.

    Sorry I have to laugh and it is not a laughing matter however it sounds like Thailogic 101

  3. The continue fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's Thailand :(

    The continued fighting and killing among rival students is a perfect mirror of the today's America.

    Not just today but 50 years ago in the US and Germany. I know I attended schools in both countries. Lets not forget today news travels around the world fast

    and I read some place where thousands of years ago someone wrote in Egypt hieroglyphs " What has ever become of todays youth"

  4. I didn't see prices go down while the Baht was at a 13 year high against the dollar, so what's the big worry that the dollar gained almost a Baht back? When it was 42 Baht to a dollar, prices of things were less Baht then than now...

    It was hard for me to see the economy grow with the SUPER BAHT. Chinese are any thing but stupid and keep their currency devalued and a week dollar creates jobs and exports.

  5. Also the preferred method in Notting Hill. I remember a bike pulling up alongside a car and the pillion passenger shot the driver in the head. Drug turf wars, Happen all over, not just in Thailand. In fact, it probably happens much more often in the USA, where murders and other crimes are much higher than in Thailand. Many parts of the USA are much more 'wild west' than Thailand. Not sure why you lot always make out Thailand to be worse than it actuall is, when your own countries are probably much worse. How many murders are there in the USA every year?

    Per capita no. Google it "Murders with firearms ( per capita ) you be surprised what you will see.

  6. They are wasting their time as nothing will come of this. What national government (other than those involved in "war crimes" in trouble spots throughout the world) has ever suffered the consequences of such a case being brought to court be it national or the world court? The only thing it might do is create a bit of negative publicity towards the government which I suppose could be the whole purpose of this futile attempt at besmirching Abhisit's Democrats.

    Come the election (which will hopefully see the PTP annihilated) this will be a forgotten event in history with only Mr Amsterdam and his lawyer company having gained anything out of it.

    Just hot air. Even with war crimes no one ever done any thing with Pol Pot, Cambodia was not important enough.

  7. So, the vendors are unhappy about being shaken down by fake cops. So if real cops were doing the shaking down, it would be okay, right?

    You know you have lived in Thailand too long, when you understand the logic of the vendors' concern.

    LOL. I just realized that applies to me.

    Fake cops doing shakedowns - what an outrage. Shakedowns are the privilege of the good honest real cops!

    I been here to long too, but that is politics as usual here :lol:

  8. I could have told you without Wikileaks. Seeing for many years Russkies running in shorts, loaded with diamond bracelets, necklaces -you only saw at TV or auctions. They are not afraid to show who they are.

    Agree!!! I was there over three years ago and saw that the first 30 minutes and left the next day. I bet the monthly payment to the police to sweep most of it under the rug is

    very substantial.Amazing Thailand :lol:

  9. Not the first time nor will it be the last that Thailand experiences cold snaps. Here in Chiang Mai in December/January (the coldest months of the year) you see it all the time where locals rug up with jackets etc.

    We had it here in Chiang Rai city 8 degrees last night at my house, so in the hills it may be close to 0. It is still overcast and cold outside, see no old people as usually bundle up and sit in the sun.

  10. 7 years before reporting the teacher?!?!?!

    Believable. Often victims are afraid to come forward.

    Yes, and it doesn't say that the parents knew about it for the entire 7 years. It could have been that the child only reported it after 7 years, which as Gandalf said, is believable. Young children ARE often afraid to report abuse. Sometimes they don't know how wrong/bad/illegal it really is, and often the abuser threatens the child and his/her family if they tell anyone. Five year olds are impressionable.

    I have a sister in law that was repeatedly rape by here father and she was under psychiatric care for many years and blocked it out of her mind and finally remembered it while she was in her fifties. She led a troubled live until then but now is a completely different person.

  11. Crime is heavily under reported in Thailand due to the fact that the police are either incompetent, involved, or likely to take advantage of the situation. I expect the real numbers are much higher. Can't comment on the missing people stuff as they don't say for how long or what efforts were made to find them. But we know stalkers do use the internet to find victims so no reason to doubt it happens here too.

    In Western countries one finds a bigger trust in the police and police working the chat rooms to catch these perverts.

  12. It makes me absolutely sick to read this. Almost 60 missing after online chats. Dear God. Have to agree with canuckamuck and brahmburgers. As said, stay away from Bangkok and Pattaya. ESPECIALLY Pattaya. My wife had never been to Pattaya before and asked if we could go to visit. I told her NO. She didn't understand until I explained why. Quite naive. After I explained she understood and agreed.

    So did mine they think it is a nice beach resort it is a sewer at best. Mine agreed too not to go and was shocked.

  13. As per jinjag's post - the country is in so many place, pure filth, as are the cities and waterways. But this is again simply about education. Tell them what they are doing, show a small video presentation and then offer the solution and create some jobs by 'transfer' stations or properly run recycling plants or garbage dumps. It does not take much for the 'village heads' to sit and discuss - hell buy the bottle of whisky and make it open forum for an hour and have everyone put in their two cents worth! It will work and it does not take 'AID'. It takes common sense.

    We have a professor living a crossed the street with 3 Rai never burns anything like we do and compost everything and we became great friends his son and him even cut their own grass

    then we have typical uneducated Thai Hill Billies living next door every morning at 7 AM when still wet they find something to burn and then sit around it and breeze in the heavy smoke

    seem like they get off on it. Unreal!!!

  14. Odd they had to resort to trafficking in persons, there are plenty illegal immigrants happy to work for low pay.

    Its not really that, it is the guys in Thailand that promise them the $1000 a month job then charge them a big up fee up front.

    Just returned from Philippines they had places in Manila everywhere advertising for great jobs for young women but wanted 60,000 Pesos up front then work it off. Slave labor at its finest.

    In their life time they never work it off.Japanese are looking for pretty young blond blue eyed gals in America and promise them great jobs. I bet, to make bar workers and prostitutes

    and Japanese police look the other way too. Not just in Thailand. Slavery is a big business everywhere.

  15. In the UK press it refers that the girl was on visa overstay, working illegally, short on funds and she consented to going back to the Swedes hotel room.

    After the rape the girl was too drunk to identify any of the men, so she said and the police had no leads to pursue the alleged rapists.

    So we can draw or own conclusions, because I doubt if there will be any follow up reports on this case.

    You mean the let her out without cashing in on the overstay?

  16. In Udon province they have a planning office, 1-you register with the local head village, 2 get licences from the municipality (town) 3 Udon for the main trading licence to operate only when photos are supplied of the premises, and its not near residential areas, (music/Karaoke) 4 tax to be paid at the town and registered. Now are they saying (10 businesses) dont have, and have been operating for some time.....had Phuket admin had done their work properly then the business would never have been able to open. Why for h--l sake do they advertise a crackdown. if they have the manpower for this then they have it to prevent businesses opening without licences in the first place.

    It also can be like it happens here all the time.

    For example,about 15 yeras ago a friend of mine had a bar in Pattaya when someone had the briliant idea that you needed a license for the pool table.

    So my friend went to soi 9 to get a license,only to receive the reply that there were no licenses available.so what do I do then was his question,to which he got the reply....................you pay us 300 baht a month and then you will not need a license.

    You can understand that at time every bar was operating a pool table illegal however they paid money for it each month.

    That is just the standard way to business here. In other countries in big cities they pay protection to the mafia here to the police. SAMO SAMO!!!

  17. No worries i've seen lots of em were waiting for shoppin centre to open at 11 am erm...they supposed to be in school? wait only in BKK? how about another areas? wow that'd be great!!

    I have two Thai daughters 16 and 14 both honor students but they go lots of the time to school on alternate days one is at school other one is home and then on Sundays too.

    I gave up while ago to make any sense out of it. Curfew? Is it on extra way to make tea money?

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