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Posts posted by briley

  1. Just to echo Jingjok the rules are straight forward and on the web site.

    In addition Inland Revenue are actually there to help you and will answer questions and tell you the rules. Anonymously if you want.

  2. A few of us oldies still like the radio - and you can't get radio 5 sports programs from the iPlayer.

    But you can if you use your-freedom, only as said before they throttle the connection.

    However once the connection is made if you are listening using real player you can disconnect from your-freedom and the program continues to come, un-throttled. Also think this is polite to not abuse your-freedom.

    SWMBO can now listen to Liverpool FC play.

  3. There is petrol near the junction on the main road. I think there might even be one at a fork just up the road towards Doi Inthanon - but do not think there is any inside the gate.

    Don't forget to use your licence to get Thai entry prices.

    It is a full days journey there and back.

  4. I've always used meths - methylated spirits often purple coloured. Yes has a bit of a smell but nothing compared to the food.

    Seen it for sale in most supermarkets.

  5. Probably worth 180 Baht.

    It only OCRs simple Thai, any complicated layout, small text or diagrams makes problems. Even using a longer document can cause problems.

    Depends what you want from the software.

    PS - don't try Google translate for English to Thai and expect it to be understandable. But it will make Thai friends laugh.

  6. TOT 2mb for 490pm - near CMU. Been with them for 5 years

    Mostly get 2mb whenever I want it. Use the net all day every day for over 5 years. During that time a few breaks in service of an hour or so but no more. One period recently when I could not get web sites (everything else worked) for a weekend but that seemed to be a Thailand wide problem.

    Compare to the UK. (hope the layout works)

    ............................Thailand (TOT).............UK (Plusnet)


    Max speed down....2Meg (get 2Meg)...........up to 8Meg (get 3 meg)

    Max speed up........512Kb..........................256Kb


    Monthly traffic........none (50G last month)...10Gig pm

    speed restrictions...none.............................varies over the day and type of usage

    connection probs....very few........................very few

  7. Am I the only one who thinks that all these 'speed test' things are a waste of time?

    I've tried a few and get very varying results.

    A 'real life' test is to find a big file on a good site and down load it, read the download speed on your screen.

    I download open office using uTorrent (a completely legal download) and get speeds near to my 2meg limit almost every time.

    Of course this does not check your upload speed so efficiently but again with torrents my maximum upload is around the 512K I pay for.

    (Do note you often have to multiply the figure in your torrent program by 8 to get the figure talked about by the ISPs as one is bytes and one bits.)

  8. Nationwide again!

    I had my cards refused by an ATM saying refer to my bank.

    I e-mailed nationwide and their reply on one of the cards might be interesting.

    They found the record of my two attempts to withdraw and said they had refused them as the ATM did not have a chip reader and Nationwide are refusing withdrawals from these older types of machines. Recommenced I went to a machine in a main bank branch where they have more modern ATMs.

    Instead I went into Bangkok bank and took out 40,000 Baht over the counter for no charge.

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