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Posts posted by SausageKing

  1. Tops on Samui has most of 'em I noticed. I prefer to eat the whole packet melted together.

    Only attempt this on the beach though.......:ermm::lol:

    Have a trip to Penang in Malaysia and go to Tesco and they have a lot chocolate Digestives their-Bovril 250g jars and many British food items you can not get here. well worth a 2-3 day trip. i go often.
  2. Maybe Gekko American Rudy normally puts a great thanks Giving dinner on for around 300-350 Baht or Chiang Mai Saloon 1 or 2 Ron Or Bill put a big feast on. However if you have no Joy then sausage king can make you a nice American style Ham or a stuffed rolled belly pork with sage-onion-and hickory smoked bacon and you can party at home, i can help if all fails, Emergency number: 085-7060105 (ROB)










  3. Staff needed and can start right away as we are very busy this time of year and we need part time/full time staff to work in work shop and training will be given,must hold a Thai ID card or work permit, Thai or English speaking accepted. Contact (Rob) 085-7060105 or PM me.

  4. They're a pretty fickle lot here Don, show them a new sausage and they're anyone's.

    I had visitors last month and served up your steak and mushroom pies with onion and bacon gravy, mashed potatoes and beans and carrots and received a standing ovation. :thumbsup:

    Don't despair, purists... we had Thai food on the other days.

    am sure don has nice food and we both in the food business but our products are not quite the same. ie Indian curry etc.We at Sausage king use 95% prime shoulder and belly pork in our sausage with no fillers-no msg-no color- just top quality pork. We don't part cook our sausage as we like our customers to see a fresh sausage and great contents. thats no offence to you Don.

    We just made a new beef & chicken pot Pie and its wonderful taste,so guess i will bring a few over when we come Chiang Rai next month. Rob/sk

    as previously requested, are the pies free?

    Also can I get a small quantity of different products, just to see if we are satisfied with them

    Yes you can order something no problem and i feel it good for the Chiang Rai people to try our products and see how much they like and we cater for american and English,Dutch market

  5. We confirm with you that we will be in Chiang Rai on 13th-14th November and we will be bringing food products for the ones who order already. If Any body else wants us to bring anything of our menu then PM me your Order or order online. http://www.sausageking1.com/

    or call me 085-7060105 (Rob) We will be staying in Area Makro Chiang Rai. its a good chance to get to try our food products, Bacon-Sausage-pies-Burgers-Indian Curry's ETC. Rob/sk

    @Sausage King Chiang Rai













  6. Are you talking about a Seekhseekh_kebab_2.jpg kebab. I used to have them all the time back home.prd_a13607.jpg

    wow so i need try 3 or 4 types and pick the best and yes the seekh would be very suitable for a sausage but not in lamb as it it cost an arm and a leg so i will make it with beef and pork mix first and take it from there.
  7. Any news on the steak and ale pie Rob?

    I kinda got a bit excited when you said you could do it :D

    I don't think its been done b4 a kebab sausage so i will give it a try go and am sure i can do it with my experience with Indian Food. Balti Bob/sk Getting a Donner into a sausage maybe a problem so looks like a chicken Tikka and Sheek Kebab Sausage, Guess it will be a good substitute for A Donner.




  8. Chicken Tikka Masala sausage.

    Yes that would work and will try.But i will still try kebab sausage, Think on a bread roll and salad-chilli sauce-yohurt sauce-red onions-chutney. Maybe be good after a Saturday night out ? But Chicken tikka sausage i think will be good.Rob/sk

  9. I am in Ao Nang, Krabi. We are looking for a Ham for Christmas and possibly Thanksgiving (11/25). Typically in the USA we have Smoked or Honey Glazed Ham. I am not familiar with Dry Cured that you have listed. Is that another name for Smoked? Im not sure what size we need, maybe serving 15 people. Not sure how many Kilo's that would need to be. Can you let me know an approx. of what that would cost and if you have available for both Thanksgiving and/or Christmas?


    Hi and we can provide you with a high quality dry cure ham which is the best taste in ham as a brine cure ham is pumped with brine. our hams start at 1kg upwards and i think for 15 people a 8kg joint would be more than enough and you may have some left over. you must order early as we close on 25-26-27 December
  10. Hi and we at Sausage King are almost fully booked for our Dry Cured Hams for Christmas dinner. we need 6 weeks to cure and make a good ham so book your ham soon, We will be doing stuffed belly pork with sage-onion-and hickory smoked bacon-and stuffed chickens. Order early as we will close 25-26-27 December,just book and leave e.mail and tel number and nothing to pay until just before Christmas.Rob/sk

  11. Hang them on the washing line to dry and the price feels only half as bad ?? Ha Ha

    hiya gladiator.

    re ... If you are a tea connoisseur and enjoy PG Tips

    nahhh im not ....

    but these heladiv tea bags @ 168 baht from rimpings float my boat

    and these two @ about 50 baht ish ? from rimping or tops are quite nice .... try them : )

    enjoy ... dave2

  12. OH gone already well not been there for a while and it was a poor set up for M&S . Try shopping in central the prices are the same as M&S

    Gone at least two years ago, maybe three. It was a concession area in Central Dept Store (actually they're not really concessions - more just label or merchandise groupings with brand owner support) and it used to be on the left as you entered the mall from where Starbucks is now. Everything was very pricey and reflected M&S's aspirations to be seen as more upmarket than us Brits regard them at home (solid, safe and pretty good value but hardly a fashion statement).

  13. Yes its a small branch, sorry very very very very small branch in the central dept, and no they not do food, things like basic underwear, that just about covers it. Rob.

  14. SunnyDisposition described a perfect 'Donner Kebab' yesterday, elsewhere on the forum.

    I don't suppose SK can knock em up. Folks generally buy two, so it would be a good seller. One to eat after Beer and the other to put under your Pillow for breakfast. Lovely Stuff. :D

    Stop following me !

    Hey Sunshine Guy ! :D

    You where there on the front page, Lusting over a very greasy , Donner with lashings of Chilli Sauce. You had it on a Nan bread because the Pitta wasn't big enough to hold its Bio Mass. You'd had a few bottles of Tennants Super, The Chilli was dribbling down your Cheeks. You had added lots of 'redders' because they didn't have Tomato Relish. You had a fullfilled look of satisfaction on your face. You was with a 'Big Blonde Lass' who also had chilli sauce Oozing from every orrifice; It was very scary and I had flashbacks to my not so distant youth !

    The 'Blonde Lass' wanted to take you Dogging in that Car park, but you took her round the back of Netto instead. can you remember or is it just my vivid Imagination !? :D

    wow thats good living ha ha. i do make a lot of kebabs for me and friends and we pig out on kebabs and a few cold beers about 1 time per month. I know my goodle map is a bit out but we are working on it. Rob/sk

  15. Sausage King Has a new Pie, It a American -Aus Style pie Beef & Chicken Pot Pies, and they are excellent, They have sold out faster than we can make.


    was just thinking that the other day as I had Iron Mike around for an impromptu BBQ. We were supposed to go out but he said 'no no my shout at Villa so who was I to refuse?'

    Will do it soon, problem is I havent had a full weekend in BKK for about 5 weeks now dammit

    post-112062-012917500 1288493265_thumb.j

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  16. I can make Donner kebab meat but the price of lamb in Thailand would stop me to make, sausage king can make all kebabs and Indian breads etc as i have 20 years experience in Indian food. You can call me Balti Bob. ha ha

    SunnyDisposition described a perfect 'Donner Kebab' yesterday, elsewhere on the forum.

    I don't suppose SK can knock em up. Folks generally buy two, so it would be a good seller. One to eat after Beer and the other to put under your Pillow for breakfast. Lovely Stuff. :D

  17. I send you the very best of luck and hope you have all the success and i will come and try your bread. am sure that will be nice with my bacon on it. Rob?sk

    I went there will not bother again as my bread maker will arrive soon and I can bake fresh bread rather than there frozen offerings.

    First off, we do fresh bake Italian bread and Italian buns,and croissants made with butter every day. Also, lots of fresh pastries. As for the rest…

    On the one hand, we have garyh who by his own admission isnot a baker.

    On the other hand, we have Peter Reinhart one of the top bakers and baking teachers inthe world. Reinhart gives quite specific instructions on how to properlyfreeze bread. Anyone interested ininstructions can go to page 99 of the Bread Baker's Apprentice forfurther details. I doubt Reinhart wouldbother to go to such lengths if he felt the freezing was doing bread a seriousinjury.

    In fact, bread is at the height of its flavor just after itcools down to room temperature. If youproperly freeze the bread at this stage, you can capture 99% of its flavor.

    People who actually bake bread and think about it, asopposed to those who simply nurse their sullen prejudices, know that the mostimportant factors for bread are the quality of the ingredients used and thetechniques used to prepare it.

    Take our focaccia as an example. We use unbleachedAustralian hard wheat, salt, water, and virgin olive oil and just a little bitof yeast. After making the dough we putit in the refrigerator and let it rise slowly for 36 hours. This slow rise is crucial to developing theflavor. Before putting it in the oven, we may top it with fresh rosemary, orsesame seeds, or nothing at all. Onceout of the oven we let it cool down, wrap it snugly and put it in thefreezer. We've had Italians from Romewho tell me it tastes just like what they get at home, except ours is a littlebit less salty.

    We have a customer from Austria who was making how own darksourdough rye at home (made from a 150 year old family starter) because hecouldn't find real sourdough dark rye here. He raves about ours. And withreason. We make our own sourdough starter, grind the traditional spicesourselves, and use 65% dark rye flour and 35% whole wheat flour to make thisbread. Germans who try it consistentlytell us it tastes like what their now sadly defunct grandmothers used tomake. (This bread isn't for everybody.It's so heavy that I suspect the old Reichstag was built with it instead ofbricks. )

    Actually, the odds are good the many people here been eating frozen bread and just don't knowit. Certain well known farang stylebakeries here actually do freeze and refreeze their bread. If you get to themearly enough in the morning, you may find that their bread is oddly chilly. At least, I hope they're freezing thebread. Because, for some reason,refrigerating bread does dry it out, no matter how well you wrap it.

    Another baker, locally famous for its artisan breads,actually makes them from mixes. Thesemixes consist of various doughs, such assourdough that are freeze-dried and ground back into a kind of flour. Now the mixes they use are the best Europeanmixes money can buy, but they just don't taste the same as bread made fromscratch.

    Of course, you canget fresh plenty of fresh bread in Chiang Mai. There are local Thai bakeries that do make fresh bread every day. They use bleached low gluten flower, lots of yeast, and let it rise in a hotroom. It tastes pretty insipid to me,but there's no accounting for tastes. Thereis also, the fresh packaged Farmhouse bread which I quite like for some things. For instance, their hot dog rolls where we want the bread just to get out of the wayof the flavor of our all beef hot dogs.

    There's a researcher named Linda Bartoshuk who has conductedextensive tests on humans and found that roughly one third of the populationare what she calls non-tasters, people who have relatively few taste buds andnot much sense of taste. Now some people are very open about their lackof interest in food and wonder what all the fuss is about. They probably suffer from this deficiency. But others, more insecure, may, cling toexternal criteria such as, oh, say, freezing to establish their bonae fidesas gourmets. I name no names here.

  18. when i was a kids , i almost got choke not knowing that the hotdog i ate had a plastic wrap on it . ever since that i do not really like sausage


    i seen some kinda discover channel showing how the meat is pump into plastic tubing . till now i still do not really lik ethe idea of eating plastic .

    anyway i am sure our sausageKing can give more answer to this thread

    so is best we wait and see

    who other then the sausageking himself know more about sausage

    A lot of sausage company's use collagen casings which you can eat but not for me. sometimes company's use a plastic casing that you should not eaten, natural casing are the best from sheep or pig. We use natural casings as they are the original way to make a traditional sausage. Rob/sk

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