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Posts posted by terryp

  1. There are some very strange people on this forum, is it just the fact of being argumentative or just plain dumb…whatever it is why not go and play on another forum..say the one for Guatemala, as your totally brain dead comments are well >>>> quite pathetic & not even funny

    Hope the guy recovers and can afford to loose the 50,000 + baht due to no fault of his own…or should we just class this as the price of a night out in Pattaya

    Sad very sad

  2. One fact that on-one can dispute is the totally ridicules pointless deaths that will occur over the Songkran week, + with all those badly injured (mostly down to others stupidity) who will most probably never work again what has Songkran become…A terrible mess

    Not to mention try to do any work here for a FULL week ..all gov etc offices are closed down

    Anyone remember the Western imbecile last year with the gun’s water tank backpack filled with a mixture of ACID & water…oh what fun :o

    Songkran is ridicules in it present form; there should be designated areas; been said for years now…by Thais recognizing that RESPECT plays No part in the celebration anymore


  3. The main reason many Thais are still dirt poor is basically down to exploitation from the wealthier Thais..basically keep them down & don’t educate them, then they will be happy with 5 grand a month and a bowl of rice a day :o Really very sad considering the huge money Thailand Inc is now making

  4. What a load of cr@p the higher up in Thai society people are; the more obsessed they are with Future, lucky number, lucky days etc etc etc...new business's can't be open on certain days etc, can't buy new car on Thursdays ?? can't move house except on weekday of birth

    Almost All Thai prime ministers (inc generals etc & the high people we are not allowed to mention on here :o ) have their own fortune tellers

    May/June was told to be the most dangerous point in Thailand due to massive bloodshed …..down to another coup, all I can see is that it’s pretty much playing out as was told

  5. Contact the guys parents and get them in touch with his bank (may need a letter from a solicitor)..check on any credit/debit card use over the missing period..it may show a pattern of use of some possible help…try to get his passport number possibly from where he was last staying and then go to Immigration explain the problem and get them to check if he has left Thailand (you will need police help to do this)

    Strange but true some people disappear for a few weeks and then arrive back as if nothing happened?????

  6. Horrific Terrible Crime against anyone Male or Female ...sadly police & the legal system in Thailand leave much to be desired

    I hope they don't require the lady travels back to Thailand to seal a prosecution in 6-12 months as is normally the case

  7. LOL...You best not go to Pattaya then

    & why Come to BKK in the first place..

    The Emporium ... Ohhhh I've never been picked up in there??? more wanna be hi so's freelancing arounfd the food court than staff working :o

  8. Sadly another person who came to paradise won’t be going home..sounds like the old favorite alcohol was possibly involved …quite sad really

    But saying that, these kind’s of idiotic deaths “fighting related” happen everywhere & should not be bunched together with the terrible murders that have occurred over the past couple of years

  9. yes TERRYP you will know it all which does not stop me to post some more STUPID COMMENTS

    Why do I talk about the dollar, because it seems to be the big issue in this thread (should you have read trough it).

    The dollar is weak against all major currencies in this world and I would not treat the Baht as a major currency but of course against the baht it is weak as well. The reasons for that are found in the USA and the dilemma the USA has caused politically and economically. Just wait another 6 month until all the truth comes out about all the loans US banks have given to people that cannot pay the monthly rates plus all the bonds they have sold anywhere in the world which are not worth a penny. That will drive it down even further.

    The main factors have very little to do with the $..It’s because of these 2 main factors

    1) Asian currency’s were undervalued after 1997

    2) Asia is the manufacturing hub of the World and Thai stock have been massively under valued….Hence all the funds flowing into the SET etc

    China have said repeatedly that they want to outsource manufacturing into local Asian countries…Especially Thailand…the Baht is only going one way

  10. Udon – Wolverine, Soi Aduladej. Rating: Dire – how long can it survive?

    Been there at least 10 years that I know of.....must be the largest ago-go in Thailand with the smallest stage (was about 6 years ago anyway)...felt like going into a cinema LOL

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