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Posts posted by terryp

  1. No, this is fundamentally wrong. Mandarin is NOT part of the Crown Group and it never was.

    BUT!!!! The main shareholder of Mandarin is a major shareholder in Crown Group…The French Woman manager from Mandarin went at least 3 years ago, now a Dutch guy is Manager up and downstairs

    It’s quite strange I was in Both the bars (Mandarin & Silver Dragon) on That evening until 11:30pm and only saw one group of d*ick heads sat at the stage basically getting the dancing girls angry..so it could have been them; but other than that there was no hassle that i saw or heard of

    Sad that some people fly half way around the World just to basically carry on as they do back home…Why Bother stay at home


  2. So many really naive long times here that know nothing…Thailand your so beautiful paradise is in fact the no3 in the World gun crime statistics FACT


    I had a gun put against my head in Patong FACT….I left & never will return to that mafia Island

    Thailand is run by gun crazed lunatics…. ex-Police are allowed to keep their guns as are ex military

    Almost all hit men in Thailand are ex police/military

    Most gun related Tourist deaths in Thailand are police related very few are not

  3. You all seem to be forgetting that the largest fares are local Thai’s; their salaries have also not kept up with real inflation… so this will have an effect on inflation next year.

    BTS & MRT also increased this year over the % of inflation… things are not looking good for next year with countless increases for basic food/oil/electric/gas etc also on the way up


  4. This absolutely stinks of another set up….this guy is well known around Pattaya.

    I used to see him daily in soi post office (8 am) with a car full of dogs & a serious looking Thai guy as his driver.

    Kids stuff is terrible but a 14/15 year old rent boy (I believe 15 is the legal age for a male in Thailand)…who took the money & then complained…… & most probably went on to do more guys that same day is a load of borrocks

    The old guy has been an easy target,…….pity the BIB “aren’t getting to grips with the real peodo action around day & night Hotel with Thais running the show

    Brilliant reporting again…from 20,000 up to 100,000 images being reported…before all underage boys ….now all over the age of consent ?????????????? :o

  5. If you know as FACT that the Thai Lady was married before your ceremony then that means your ceremony is only that …..a ceremony.

    If the wedding was registered at the Ampur then She is charged with bigamy under Thai law, if the wedding cert was registered at YOUR embassy then you will have to take her to court and file for wedding annulled due to her bigamy (because you are registered as married).

    I think your choice of partner leaves a lot to be desired.

    Some hard facts that you should understand…if you have ANY joint property etc with this woman then the FIRST husband (Thai) has FULL claim on all and can bring a criminal case of Rape against you (like taking a car without the owners permission) for having sex with HIS wife (In Thailand the Husband if not divorced has full claim on anything in her name)…you really do not want to get lawyers involved and as many already say GO and run fast

  6. You can scream, shout go to lawyers etc etc it will do nothing as the fact is you (girlfriend or wife) have broken the intellectual property laws (this is a heavy fine)……Running any business anywhere in the World …Checking your responsibilities/requirements/licenses is your duty.

    As the law states ignorance is not a defense as it’s your responsibility to check fully before doing anything…..the easy mai pen rai Thai way is nonsence

    PRS have been going around Thailand for the past 8 years that I know of; and I don’t have a business

    This may seem heavy handed hitting the small guy but just think how many small guys are in business in Thailand making a living from IP (intellectual property)…that’s a lot of Royalties due…Billions in fact

    Try to settle out of court and buy the licence's required (not cheap also)

    My reply might sound hard; but these people from PRS have serious power, because the music was downloaded onto a computer owned by your wife puts the problem fully in her hands…very unfair but these guys don’t care about who or why just that they found un-licensed music. it could be on anything not just the computer. Even an ipod or a burnt cd

  7. Weather (I like it Hot), good central point for travel, keep your head down and you can be invisible, nice pretty ladies all around. Never a dull day.

    What I’m NOT here for:

    Food, Temples, cost of living or girls/boys/others


  8. "Brilliant idea why didn’t I think of that?"

    I give up, I don't know? (BEEN THERE DONE THAT WOKE UP MOVED ON )

    "Those who do make money normally have many partners who can all front cash when needs be..."

    If the business makes money why would they need all of these partners who can front cash. (ALMOST ALL THE BIG BARS IN THAILAND HAVE MULTI INVESTORS...IT'S ALL PART OF THE GAME)


    Because very few make ANY money…easy to be a wise dik splash when you don’t know what you’re talking about..I do

    To be truthful this must be the most imbecilic post ever ………….re-locate half way round the World, open one of the most difficult/fickle (language/laws/culture) business’s in the World on borrowed money …all after 1 month holiday

    WAKE UP!


  9. Vietnam is a wonderful Country; tourism is increasing at a much faster pace than was the case in Thailand’s early Western tourist years…. The 70’s-80’s

    Visa rules (on arrival) are getting much easier…. then watch the tourists flock

    Vietnamese have been watching Thais to see what they could learn and believe me they want to learn and get on in life not just mope and sleep around all day…hence most of the NEW factory’s being built are owned by Thais sick of the lethargic Thai workforce…Thai Silip for example

    Food is fantastic, Girls are stunning, prices are very fair & a general good feeling to the place

    Possible most of the people saying negative about VN are the sexpats…Girls are available but no-where near the mass prostitution of Thailand

    A very close Thai (forget the pun) between Malaysia/Vietnam (Malaysia is a massive investor in Vietnam) as my next home…forget all the Thai cr_p

  10. Brilliant idea why didn’t I think of that? :o

    Couple of serious points…………you will have so many friends when you open…none when you close

    You will have pockets full of money at the start….none and most probably be in debt at the end

    Don’t waste your time or energy…Thailand is fantastic for holidays…keep it that way

    Parting words , the Thai Government are looking very hard at all Entertainment business’s as they are a very good source of Taxation revenue, ask any owner now if they would do it again and they will almost all say….Never again

    Those who do make money normally have many partners who can all front cash when needs be......

  11. Langkawi 17th ??????????????????????? :o

    Must be a very strange bunch of people questioned as Virgin Atlantic was No1 Airline ????? :D

    Given the market segment that the magazine caters too I se nothing wrong with them placing Virgin Atlantic at No 1 - look where they fly too - these people are not the same as the biz travellers voting SIA number 1

    As for Langkawi - the Malaysia Truly Asia campaign has been running in all the right places and Thailand's is pretty anonymous therefore I am not surprised Langkawii is on the rise.

    These are the "Quality Tourists" Thailand is aiming for - TAT might now just want to re-evaluate their marketing planm and have a re-think given this and other evidence!

    Langkawi as 17th place…I travel to the island every 4 months and have done so for the past 3+ years & I can tell you that Western tourists are still very few in numbers.

    Hotels/service/restaurants are very poor in quality & the island is in NO way promoted as a beach resort as Samui is.

    Almost all of the Destinations on the list are serviced by Thompson holiday (not sure of new name)…package tours…Thompson pulled out of mass packages to Thailand because of the landing fees charged for Britannia airlines at Phuket 7 years ago + other UK charter flight pulled out of BKK 2-3 years ago and Utapao about the same time…they still use scheduled airline but no-where near the quantity of seats

    The locals on Langkawi are very anti Westerner in fact Penang by comparison is far superior in everyway & not even on the list? Borneo too ..so your Malaysian tourist promo idea is flawed.

    Virgin fly predominantly to the US & Caribbean with a flight to S Africa and Japan (NOT S E Asia) so it’s not a stretch of the imagination to say the average pollster is a charter package holiday type..of which Long Haul Charters to Asia are now few and far between …hence the drop in many poll positions for SE Asian destinations

  12. Pattaya is a total nut house, anyone who lives here and says its safe must be a complete fool.

    I’ve lived here for far too long and next week I move out of Pattaya for good, the reason being I value my life & all my limbs.

    From the minute I go out of my condo I have to take care that I don’t upset someone whether it is someone who cuts me up in the car or basically some one who is pi-sed at the world & there are so many like that here.

    I’ve been sat outside Starbucks at Tuc Com 10:30 in the morning & a yaba head just walked up to me and smacked me across the head ?? and that is absolutely nothing to what I’ve seen or been thro over the years………Pattaya you can have it :o

    I’ve lived in BKK Nana and there is absolutely NO comparison

    People who have been in Pattaya for a while and had no problems......it will soon come to you so don't worry

  13. All the changes are for a reason…A Deterrent

    Thailand has made it very clear since the onslaught of Thai Rak Thai, that Foreigners who wish to reside in Thailand are not wanted.

    I have lived in Thailand for around 70% of my Life and it is very clear to Me that the time is drawing close to move on………..I am quite happy with that as they are sending the signal out subtly, giving Me some time to look at options and try them out at My leisure, not telling Me to get out in 24 hours.

    All the speculation on this forum is crazy/…wake up realize the party is almost over and move on…let the Thais have their piece of paradise (LOL)……. I’ll soon find another :o

  14. The Child is legally classed as Japanese

    To get a Thai passport the child would have to satisfy a claim for Thai Nationality due to Mother…..Age of Child is Important (must be over the age of 5 or 7... I can't remember) and the sex of child …..it is not at all easy.

    The parents would need a very good Immigration lawyer + a very good reason as to why they want Thai Nationality for a Japanese Child?

    Last high profile case was Vanessa Mae the US born Thai Violinist …she got it but never came back???

  15. Krabi province tightens security measures for tourists

    The province of Krabi (กระบี่) is intensifying its security measures for tourists.

    by dealing with forest trespassing, suppressing the spread of narcotics among youths in entertainment venues and education institutes, and preventing cars and motorcycles from being stolen.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 August 2007

    I must be a bit thick but how is this protecting tourists from the very real terrorism threat in Krabi or Phuket provinces

    Unless of course they are going to be attacked by drug crazed lumberjacks on stolen Honda Click’s :o

  16. This is Not a rip off; this is a genuine enforcement of Copyright/Performers writers etc.

    This has been going on for at least a decade in Europe and the US (More than 20 years for Radio stations..called needle time), Even hair dressers have to have PRS license to play the radio

    PRS Thailand have been operating for at least the last 10 years that I know of…Under the guidance of PRS (UK)

    It has absolutely NOTHING to do with copy music/mp3/computers or Original cd’s etc etc …it is the fact that music made and produced by someone is being used as a tool for that business to generate profit (not personal use as all c’d/dvd’s have stamped on the inner sleeve notes)

    UBC has already started to put a disclaimer saying subscription is for personal viewing not for commercial interest


    As for all the shouting about Falangs being rip off …totally stupid

    For any business it is the OWNERS responsibility to check what license requirements are needed for that business …bet they all have the 2 cigarette license’s, even if they don’t sell cigarettes…bottom line it is mostly the accountants/legal advisors who don’t really have a clue what they are doing..just take your money every month

    BTW you also need a license if you play just the vision NO sound from a TV…in a commercial business environment (bars etc)

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