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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. I want to cook my own ham this year so where should I look for the best hams?

    Foodland had nothing yesterday that would fit the bill.

    I do remember popping into Yorkie's a while back & he had some but can anyone recommend a shop please?

  2. 8 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:


    Forensics run DNA analysis in Thailand? I haven't heard a news story where someone was convicted from DNA evidence, but I haven't been here long either.

    That poor couple who were murdered in Koh Tao last year (I think) & the 2 young burmese lads who were convicted of their murders using DNA evidence although it seems that the police had decimated the crime scene which would have made the evidence inadmissible in normal circumstances.

    Most people that I've spoken to including Thais don't believe that these lads did the crime but were fitted up to cover the tracks of someone connected to local hierarchy.

    All hearsay of course but confidence in local law enforcement is extremely low both here & abroad.


  3. There is a world of difference in dealing with staff at Numchai & the other appliance stores especially Powerbuy who I found to be particularly difficult to get straight answers from.

    Numchai will do the installation & back service as well & seem to deliver on their promises.

    You may have to pay slightly more but they supply the added value & don't just pay lip service as some do.


  4. 'To dob someone in' is an expression that came from English boarding schools of old & most probably had a military connection at some stage.

    It means to tell someone in authority about a person who is doing wrong.

    US gangsters called people 'stoolies' (stool pigeons )

    Londoners use the term grass which in rhyming slang is 'cat's arse' also known as a Bertie.

    Bertie Smalls was a small time London villian who grassed up his local associates to the Old Bill (police)

  5. Putin has be quaking in his boots after such tough words from the man who can't even protect his own citizens from being killed by his police force.

    All this from a country that I'm sure doesn't hack into it's own  & it's security forces have never ever hacked into any other countries business.

    Such empty shallow words that should be pulled up by the west's sycophantic Obama-loving press.

    Trump's been right about the press who are like spolt brats who throw their toy's out of the pram when they get things wrong as we've seen with the UK press in recent months as well.

    One thing in Barack's favour imo is that at least he's not a war criminal unlike his predecessor who should be up on charges in the Hague with his poodle Tony B liar.

    All just my opinion of course & not meant to offend.



  6. RIP 

    A strange one indeed.

    His (or a) backpack tied up along side would contain some items to indicate who he might be.

    Most probably a private boat was used unless it's a padi school incident where the story would break sooner or later I expect.

    A private boat is more difficult to trace.

    Where was his wetsuit & breathing apparatus from?

    Was he being dropped off from a passing ship & killed by whoever was meeting him?

    A PM will show the contents of his last meal & if there are traces of someone else's skin under his finger nails assuming there was a fight, he may not have even seen this coming.

    Did he actually die in the water?

    If he bleed out in the sea then there would have been a plethora of sea creatures attracted by the smell of blood.

    Was the body also tied up because if he died in the water then he would initially sink especially if he was wearing a divers belt & would have drifted before floating back up as decomposition started to take hold? 

    This has all the signs of a Jason Bourne movie


  7. Any time that I've seen a service charge on a bill & asked the staff if they got the service charge the answer was always no, without fail.

    It always the more expensive places as well so it's percentage of a bigger bill.

    I have come across a place that only charged VAT if you paid by card & wiaved it if you paid in cash

  8. I drove through a full on highway police checkpoint going south on the 3 opposite Makro.

    They had a massive number of bikes pulled over a few cars.

    I don't seem to get stopped any more but it may have something to do with my shiny new dash cam.

  9. I'm also sure that there's one on the 36.

    Come off the 7 & drive up past Regents, Dept of Transport & then take the 1st uturn which is about a click up.

    Now keep an eye out as you drive back down the 36 & it's on your left a hundred yards.

    If you've hit the Bee Farm then you've pasted it by

  10. Been hearing this same conversation around the odd bar for a few weeks now & something that was discussed quite often & openly 8-10 years ago in the company that I kept then.

    There is still a colossal amount of land still to be delevoped around Jomtiem & NaJomtiem not forgetting both Mimossa & Ambassador cover many many rai that could be redeveloped & that's all without considering the new road being built that will connect with 3 by Ocean Marina & the first major tower block being built on Bang Saray beach, did I forget to mention plans for an expansion at Utapao airport.... all that is just for starters.

    Somebody somewhere has some long term plans for the eastern seaboard that does not include just zero-dollar or indian/arab male tour groups as it's main customer base in the future.

    I'm not claiming any insight or inside knowledge, just stating what's in front of my eyes.


  11. I've had a look in Big C & Tesco plus the car stalls outside both if those shops but to no avail in my hunt for a wooden beaded car seat cover.

    Does anyone know where I might purchase such an item?

  12. I got caught up in the gridlock on Monday around 5pm.

    It was a car park from just past the Bunkanchanaram temple going North.

    I was turning off at soi 56 & my heart was going out to the poor souls stuck in that horror.


  13. Google street view

    There's a small place on Pattaya Tai called Or ah harn Thai that I like.

    If you're walking away from the beach it's on the left handside not far past the temple.

    If you get to Cucumber restaurant then go back across that side road & it's few doors down

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