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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. Maybe they did such a good job of clearing it Basil that they sweep up all the onlookers as well.

    The only why that we'll ever know is to send a trusted scout & get him to report back 

    [ or get off our lazy backsides & get ourselves down there ;) ]

  2. The US & it's cities in particular is practically a militarized country now on par with was zones around the world for vast swathes of the population.

    Law enforcement officers one one side & citizens on the other with increasing levels of armaments including now getting suited up in body armour.

    Armoured vehicles will become derigueur for basic duties.

    A very sad state of affairs & not a sign of a populace evolving in my opinion.

    RIP to the poor man just doing a simple task & his duty

  3. I have no idea for sure but I understand that the victim can negotiate their terms & there will often be 'police' costs involved.

    300K for bottling a girl in a bar seems quite low.

    I can't think of many places in the world where you can break a glass bottle on a girl in her place of work & just being fined.

    Anyone who does that should not be allowed to pass Go. (that's the polite version)


  4. Belgian man has to take some share of blame here especially as it seems he had his daughter in the car & were on their way to drop her at school.

    Forgetting about the accusations of poor driving that lead to this incident, the Thai man could claim that he felt fear as the Belgian left his own car & came towards him.

    He then instinctively defended himself.

    My Thai is not good enough to understand what was being said in that clip.

  5. I'm not a big fan of leather furniture over here as you tend to stick to it.

    Also ask about the make-up of the leather when buying as cheap versions use what is called 'bonded' leather which is actually just a composite of mashed up leather & paper that is treated sprayed & then polished.

    It wears very very quickly, is easily torn & doesn't like the heat, humidity & insects of the tropics:


    Bonded leather, also called reconstituted leather or blended leather, is a term used for a manufactured upholstery material. It is made as a layered structure of a fibre or paper backer, a pulp made from shredded leather, and a polyurethane coating which is embossed with a leather-like texture (from wiki)


  6. Does anyone know where I can buy a phone jammer?

    They were advertised in Tukcom a while back but when I went in yesterday I had no luck.

    I asked on every floor.



  7. I'm just as concerned about all the chemicals they now spray on the veggies.

    I really can't see some city hall health inspector going around the markets & testing samples nor would I trust the big boys such as Tescos & C.

  8. Took me 2 hours to get from Pratamnak to Boonthavorn on the Suk & back

    We were trying to get to the hospital but only got that far & the clinic rang us to tell us the doc couldn't wait any longer & had left.

    Suk southbound was blocked off just past the 'tunnel'

    How will they keep that dry if the roads above are flooding?

  9. Some of the beef at the butcher counter in Friendship is labeled as 'hybred'.

    Can anyone shed more light on where/what the 'beef' they sell actually is?

    I did ask at the counter a few times & was told 'yes, it hybred beef' so I though I ask again here

  10. 4 hours ago, tropo said:

    LOL> a gogo with no music is better than no gogo at all. People don't go there for music.

    Gogos with no music would actually be a vast improvement on the awful noise that they actually play

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