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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. I've either got a trapped nerve, pulled a muscle or strained some ligaments as I didn't get much sleep last night.

    It's been getting worse for about 10 days but it's turned a sharp corner & is now insufferable.

    Massage shops can make these things worse & a pound to a penny if I go to the hospital then I'll just return with fistfuls of painkillers & steroids.

    Does anyone know of a decent & properly trained sports physiotherapist around town.


  2. She loves cut flowers Patrick but she dislikes waste.

    When we're in the UK she buys flowers often for herself & loves that they last in the vase for at least a week.


  3. 4 hours ago, mark01 said:

    One thing for sure, those Chinese tour busses are causing huge traffic problems on the major roads and along many smaller sois around Pattaya.


    Did the Chinese tour company that got their busses confiscated a while ago, get their busses back?

    I suspect a large amount of money passed hands and the busses were quietly driven out of the compound!


    Either way, more road trouble ahead!

    Good question about the coaches.

    Parts of Pratumnak are now coach parks & at certain times of the day it can difficult just to drive up the road as there is often only enough room for a single vehicle to pass.

    One thing I have noticed & thought it strange was how many coaches I saw with red number plates that were most definitely not new.

    Newly registered but defo not new vehicles.

  4. The missus is pregnant again & loves flowers.

    I used to buy her bunches from a shop on 3rd road but even though they were very expensive they would die in a day or so.

    She actually put the block on me buying them there especially after bring a £5 bunch with me once in my suitcase from Sainsburys in the UK that lasted a week over here.

    Can anyone recommend somewhere that I can buy a nice bunch for her?



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