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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. It's in the back right handside just past the booze.

    The shelf is about head height.

    There were 5-6 bottles left this afternoon but might be best to call the bank manager first as they're 79 baht each for a 200ml bottle

  2. The cinemas here really do miss a trick when it comes to showing films & cartoons for children.

    Yet again there is not one single film showing that I can bring mine to.

    It's a great treat for them & easy money for the cinemas.

    When I was a nipper there used to be Saturday morning shows for 2 bob that filled the place with gangs of noisy children.

    Saturday Morning Pictures


  3. The Telegraph piece was done by a company called Euromonitor.

    They would have been paid for that report so quite often that company will have an agenda & want results sqewed to suit that agenda.

    The CNN report was by mastercard & would most likely just reflect people using mastercard & not the actual amount of people who actually travelled.

    Immigration figures would be the best indicators of a countries visitors because a lot of hotels in some places under declare their turnover but these can be manipulated as well.

    Visa runs would have effect although probably small but sometimes it just suits to have inflated figures so for example you could just take your busiest day of the year & multiply it by 365 to come up with a yearly figure.

    Something that goverments, media & CEOs globally have been doing for years to suit their purposes.

  4. I do like brussel sprouts & so does the missus.

    The local weather can be a tad breezy at our house on occasion.

    Made the mistake of buying frozen ones at Friendship for xmas & they were pre-cooked so you just warmed them through & they were tasteless.

    I saw tinned one yesterday but not a fan of tinned veggies apart from mussy peas (don't want to mix the letters up in those 2 words or else people will think that I'm referring to Donald)


  5. T2 (sequel to Trainspotting) is due out but I wondering if it'll be cut to pieces over here.

    I know that movies shown on TV are attacked with a pair of clippers that Mary Whitehouse would have been proud of but what about Thai film censorship?

  6. I overcooked it NL but will have try again soon & report back.

    I'm not sure if it was me or the ham but I will persevere. 

    I parboil the ham in a mirepoix stock & let it cool in that stock before draining, peeling etc... & I think that's where the problem arose.

    I've only done this in a cold european climate where the meat & stock cooled off quickly so the cooking process stopped.

    I'm guessing that the high ambient temperature here kept it cooking longer in the stock.

  7. Something needs to be done though.

    Most times they just show the latest shoot em ups from Hollywood.

    Rarely are there slower moving drama or shorts.

    So many screens are just often showing the same films but at staggered times.

    I'd like to see more film festivals such as art house, film noirs & old cartoons or childrens films during the school hols (Charlie & the Chocolate Family, Oliver!, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Wizard of Oz)

    How about a run of spagetti westerns or old war films?

    The list is almost endless.

    There is rarely many people in the cinemas when I go.

    There is room for more Thai shorts & feature lenghts or even documentaries to show case any young film makers

  8. I drove past a northbound accident this morning just after 10am-ish by Ocean Marina on the Suk.

    There was a policeman their waving traffic around it & the heart breaking sight of a boy being attended to on the tarmac by the central reservation & what I can only assume was his distraght mother.

    Some bikes & a black pickup were stopped by him.

    Shaken me to the core to see a child like that & I do wish him & his family all the best and that it's only scapes & broken bones at worst.

    A little blond haired boy.


    If a foreign country did as much harm to people here that poor driving does it would be seen as an act of war & something would be done about it.



  9. Thanks to JP1961's advice I did put the Irish tracking number into the Thailand Post's tracking website & it's showing as an attempted delivery last Friday afternoon but no more information other than that.

    December 16, 2016 
    BANG LAMUNG Out for Delivery  
    December 16, 2016 
    BANG LAMUNG Delivery Status International ( Unsuccessful Attempt)
  10. Gotcha.

    I'm 20150 but it's a toss up as to where I have to go to collect post/parcels.

    I don't know why 

    The one on the Suk is a dream compared to Naklua & not just for access & parking.

    I'm always in & out in a minute or two


    The point that I was making is that the only tracking number that I have is the original  one issued in Dublin.

    The An Post website is showing an attempted delivery but no card was left here.

    They may have left it at a different address as we often get post for other buildings

  11. I've been sent a small parcel from the old country & it was tracked.

    An attempted delivery is listed on the tracking website for the 16th but no note or card was put into our post box.

    I have received other unrelated post since

    What are my options?

  12. Yorkies charge 450/Kilo uncooked.

    They have a sign up saying that the govern

    ment have banned the import of turkeys this year & that the local variety is of poor quality so they will not be stocking any for sale

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