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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. It isnt SSA, it is the Thai banks. My brother use to do the same pre planning we set up Wise account to transfer his SS from his US bank to bangkok bank. If the rate is 34 he gets 34 minus the small ACH fee which still comes out ahead. Does the income method for years no problems.
  2. If he wasnt sick she be on her knees!🤣 peacemaker.
  3. This is a job for the Soi 9 boys. Within 1 hour all they go to do is position themselves outside and start writing tickets for no helmets. at the cross walk push the button that should get plenty to help pay for a new one. Thst would be a good start in helping their image😁
  4. Wherever you are main road look for a Thai furniture shop sells bedd etc they hsvr them. Homepro,Mega stores, Ive seen them at Big C, Lotus,
  5. APPEAL! Now that is the answer to much of every problem here!😂
  6. Does it really matter didnt the ladt guy change it from mandatory to volunteer?
  7. Just curious where is your location.
  8. Why pick on her let her back . in. Thailand! All leaders let he/she who is without sin step foward.😂 They are all corrupt, top to bottom left to right. Maybe now my son will get his tablet he's 24🤣
  9. This is the history and present mentally of all their men leaders.
  10. The tile you show is very popular now and availabe at many stores like Homepro Go buy a box in case. It is a easy job the current tiles can be easily removed with a hand cutter along the gout line Loosen and take what is needed out put in the connection and lay the old back in get a bag of mortar And gout.
  11. Unless more information is given the post is ridiculous!🤣
  12. After years they had to scrape the idea to charge visitor 300 baht because they couldnt figure left and right how to go about in collect. Now they going to dig up 50 million is that enough to offset the dual pricing at their hospital.
  13. Sadly this is very normal with the poor. Then you got children having children.
  14. Based on your post the Darkside of Pattaya would make sense especially if you cycle. House or condo can be had for 7000 baht a month. But personally if you want quiet I would look down Beach road Jomtien as far down like Soi 19, as a cyclist you can ride further down to the end and head up to Sukhumvit to darkside and open riding areas. I would also look Bang Saray very quiet beach community is great,
  15. Same court that ruled hospitals can charge foreigners more not by the rule of law but " because we are better off "!🤣
  16. Wouldnt putting the beer down for a moment and investing in a agent been more sensible?🤔🤣
  17. I guess as far as your narrow mind is concern only a person who lives in BKK can have a voice. It wouldn't matter that I once did and continue for personal reasons several times a month a need to visit and not just areas to get a happy ending🤣 Im glad you feel there has been enough to improve your life but what about the Thais majority who still have to deal otherwise why the article. In spite of the transit where is the master plan I referrence since you live there Like Pattaya there isnt one it is to fix the problem so people dont see it, kick it down the Soi if it come back we will budget and skim off the project later again. Glad you dont give a <deleted> where it goes but a great deal ofThai do because they cant afford like you to live above it. I have not only double down now have triple. You know what is coming if you want to continue. 🤔
  18. Oh yes Ive been although I dont live in Bangkok been in Thailand close to 20 years, aside from all the citing you do seen it first hand is so why are the people complaining. Have you seen the sanitation where it goes, are the sidewalk still walkable, is the traffic on Sukhumvit better, is the air cleaner, can you drink the water, had it stop flooding, has the corruption been reduced is the education system better, or maybe you are blinded in your isolated life because outside of it Thai people arent happy. What you cite like in Pattaya is location where tourist and masses can see how much improved but overall it hasnt there isnt a masterplan it is still ala carte.
  19. " access " do you mean who should pay? TIT, even if the bike wasnt stolen and you think stolen bike owner should cover news 99.9 of Thais dont have 3rd insursnce. The guy who did steal and caused the accident high or not has no money cant scrape the bottom of a barrel if it is already empty. So, if you want it fix, your insurance is going to fix and pay for it they already know the answet and outcome expect your premium to be different next year.
  20. Glad they are finally doing something from all the complaints, tourist cant particularly the Chinese dont want to wait in long cues to get out of this <deleted>hole. 😂
  21. That is why it is just one septic tank as noted it is too late to start need to fix the corruption cause money allow any one to do as they please just do and build as you like no master plan no oversight with any power. While trillions are budgeted each years roads so they can drive fadter to kill themselves No infractrure to improve people lives. In Pattaya. a smaller version of Bangkok, I see workers all the time digging up roads work stops officials are called all standing around scratching their head who the hell put that there? 🤣🤔
  22. Anutin, is he the actually PM? Daily I read he is always " Ordering " while the current PM " pleages "🤣😃
  23. Around 10 years ago Read read an article like this critical of their system by experts outside and inside of Thailand not afraid to speak and that was after Thai leaders made changes. Critical of the changes werent good enough so the results should be of no surprise. The thought isnt pretty but I agree if you keep the masses dumb and stupid you can control them to just follow and accept thus " This is Thailand " You cant get upset about something if one doesnt have a clue what they are missing.
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