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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. The story written smells with lack of information. Although 36 not sure he has pre-existing condition the the bite should stop him in his tracks from continuing his trip. I had Dengue at 70 in good shape I had a fever ache and pain. After a few days of self teatment no response I decide to go private hospital knowing a blood test would be given confirm dengue. Knowing their MO stay I ask course of treatment told not much We can do except rest fluid. Since I was active I decline Dr. had no objection said if get worse come back regardless 2-3 days for another blood test to check the number which I did and numbers for infection dengue dropped. My son 23 a few month after same thing decline overnight stay difference they took him to a room gave him a 30 minute IV, went home rest few days later back for test counts drop. Without knowing his whole story the cost on the surface is a big rip off but this should be of no surprise to anyone who isnt blinded!
  2. My extension ends Feb 20th every year like clock work I do my extension 30 days prior so around Jan 20th or close. An emergency came up Left with no choice I booked a ticket I believe was 7-10 prior to Jan 20th, the key I believe was my return was beginning of March after the expiration.
  3. A few years back jomtien I did as Dr.Jack, I went in explain my situation showed them my airline ticket they made a exception.
  4. Eva, Everything goes through Taipei, BKK usually 4 hours tops, Stopover usually 3 hours, LAX another 10-11. You go through Japan another carrier BKK 6 hours, you might to check out of Hong Kong, BKK also around 4 hours.
  5. Problem! Manhood isnt based on the size of your penis what is lacking is mental. 🤔
  6. The problem isnt in the tourist areas orcstaying open late. The epidemic in this country is within their own population of drinking and driving is outside in the local areas and population througgout the country where zero attention is given.
  7. Thanks, P57, never the less I'm going down to make sure nothing has changed because like years prior I make it a point to go down 30 days before and get it done. Usually get up early first or second in line out the door by 8:45 am. I already have a ticket to return home for a short visit Feb 22nd, I don't need any surprises.
  8. If I get your comment right! If a person is on a retirement extension expires Feb 20, 24 at Jomtien consistently allowed to do 30 days prior cant now do until 19th Of Feb 24?
  9. IThis whole country jobs is based on nepotism! Their leaders see nothing wrong with it. They are all related resdon the system runs do smooth🤣
  10. Thanks for the clarification. Rest of my statement still stand. I live on the darkside and found many projects have this problem if not worse.
  11. I hope Thais see this story so they csn see how racist and stupid their leaders are towards foreigner and their supreme court endorses this type of racism. True the land of stupidity, 3rd world mentality.
  12. This is the total failure of the management in charge because 51% of project are Thai owned many buy for investment. To add owners dont participate nor when buying ask to see the accounting of the project how many units, how many are Thai owned, how many owners reside, how many units being rented out, how many owners are paying, hoe much is coming in and going out, if there is no savings for the community stay away. On the darkside Ive seen many in this situation with the gate being abandon.
  13. You have mo rights to the child thst is the chance you take. You mention " bad " some clarification is needed although none as you stated is it a happy family unit? Is there any appreciation as to what you are doing?
  14. 70,000 you need to have your head examine!
  15. Red Cross isnt a government compare to a real per say government.
  16. Use of the word Smart! No mention of improving education Now that is real smart.
  17. Doubt! That is being extremely kind!😂
  18. Things are standard even in Thailand. I wonder at times when I read stories like this whether the Condo rules etc are translated since many of the response suggest going to the rules? Regardless, I would imagine somewhere in the language allows certain areas to be rented by owners for events usually clubhouse etc, the profits are usually recorded in the balance sheet along with expenses hopefully it doesnt end up in the negative. These events are usually approve in the genersl meetings. Here in Thailand my impression no one seem to know until it is too late and Condo mangement agencies here seem to beat their own drums. Being a rental my opinion it is a bit late after the fact surely not worth the time and expense it being a high end complex surely this one time look for a big expensive highrise hotel book a nice room with view, treat the family to a nice outing nice dinner at the hotel surely they have a nice restaurant after back to your room in comfort to watch the celebration. Enjoy!
  19. There is really not answer in my book. Sheryl and other pretty much laid it out. If you opt out now to save I pay now 164, goes up each year you want to join later there is a penalty. There are two types of plans Original medicare and Advantages like this time of year in Advantage you can switch if original you can switch anytime. Originally, at 65, for my needs I chose a Anthem Blue Cross zero monthly since I was here it is a HMO, it is only offer in certain zip codes. You need to have a primary and he/she refers you to other specialties. Timing is everything once or twice a year knowing Im coming home I call ahead for an appointment from there I get blood test squezz in as many test I can get in two week period that can be tough at times. The drawback if something major deductiable is 8500.00. I was actually happy with the Anthem providing alot of free checkups they are real proactive with your care Last year, Do to circumstances I looked into a Supplement it is unusual for someone 70 to switch but being healthy I went into a underwriting process and Humana accepted me into Humana Plan G, High Deductible, 2500.00 52.00 a month, with a Plan D by Aetna 5.00 a month. It is really all a gamble we think if something happens here like a heart attack one survived fly home for second opinion Sheryl once noted what if you can't! AIA, what is coverage. they basically a life insurance company? Thai companies want our money even the writing say cant cancel they have a habit of raising your premien and reducing your coverage so you leave. If possible affordable I would consider as one poster suggested a company outside of Thailand that covers Thailand. Personally I wouldnt give it up until I need to I will get to a point I cant until then.
  20. This has been reported and discussed in October in regards to Jomtien. Reason is the TM30 which has been said the law since 1979 but not enforced consistently. Yes I know like responding you never had to before! I think it was a few years back prior to covid jomtien made a big issue of it that is how the room when one walked into main building left was create. Needed a residential certificate I had to obtain one then there was a confusion as to whether one had to report if they were returning to same residence. After a while it was standard you need not if same. Today, it has been reported when you do your online report will be asked to upload those document I will be doing my 90 report in December will find out then if the upload will be required. In between I'm sure will find out from others if it will be necessary. There had been mentioned a TM30 website one can use to report cause the change is now if the residence isnt in your name each time one enter back into Thailand must report within 24 hours or a 2000 Baht fine. If one own a condo in their name can submit or upload docs once clear do not need to report each time. Those renting long term like from Airbnd from foreigners are being ask foreigner owner mudt have a work permit. Down at immigration today with the new setup no service is provided unless you have a TM30 in your passport.
  21. I tried it a week ago, the location use to be another fish and chip shop with a larger variety menu what I consider a hole on the wall type of shop. I be the first to tell you when It comes fish fried I dont have a clue If it is a Dory or ?. The place is design more upscaled with limited seating two tables outsidr and a very limited menu and yes the price is 299 baht, portion is big with lots of chips. The old location with close to portion precovid was 119 baht, I was hoping not sure why after they didnt Reopen the place was always packed times had to sit across at a outside bar and order.
  22. Not surprising! Pattaya, it is clear they cant manage it is nothing but window dressing by leadership. The whole system is already brought and pay for by the Triads so why not support. Immigtation handed out the second most illegal visa last few months tops position have been all replaced. The grey business case as I noted have been quietly slip under the rug and the Chinese run club has been rename 79, up and running again LOL. It isnt grey business but business as usual.
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