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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Here we go, voting means nothing here. Potential anti-establishment, hold shares. ????
  2. As I noted yesterday cross your finger. Unable for him to attend schools in U. S. his family has money part of the swamp that controls this country. As we know during the pandemic there wasnt a lot of help from leaders or the rich where was he? I hear he is a investor or part owner of Grab great. Heard he also speaks perfect English. Hope for the best but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  3. New face? This is no surprise now he will find out for himself that these old dogs who got rich and want to continue to get richer will share the pie with him.
  4. The new Pattaya Mayor, the new Governor of Bangkok ran on the same message. Thais are wondering now where are they? What I heard is change but no plan how to change it one major obstacles the good Old boy network through out the country who operate on their own terms. New Dawn, hope it happens until then it is same <deleted> different day.
  5. " import export " ???? call it whatever = Triad Grey Business Consistent Married to local with kids Chinese Business work at a resort with a friend briefcase full of Condoms. Typical profile of money laundering and having fun at the same time. The last thing this was is a robbery.
  6. Sometimes you cant beat the system I've dealt with land offices as noted we would look around the land you interested have your wife ask around stay in car LOL. You might get lucky, don't say you want to buy lie tell them you want to rent land grow bananas.
  7. It is just my opinion I do lots of stuff because I guess I got nothing else to do LOL, I get a theory and then I find ways to prosecute if I can. I've purchase a number of property but of course it is all in my wife's name. She in the beginning like most Thai in general feel it is Embrassment to ask questions they think for whatever reason can't simply because it is Thailand. I been wrong at best 5% of the time. Some of these Land offices are the biggest crooks when you went to find out the owner of land from my experience they your proxy? LOL if they came back at a Million most likely was for example 900,000 the proxy if the got you to bite commission 100,000. I don't know how many times I've seen this not only at land office. My wife learn this trick when it comes to other things she find a contractor for someone prior to them meeting the contractor know if given the job she is going to get a commission. Someone usually the neighbor or friend nearby knows someone is watching the land so it doesn't get dumped on or use. You need to have your wife white lie make up a story a reason to flush them out. I got my current house 15 years ago the land next door I wanted to buy wife told one neighbor we wanted to build something an addition wanted to be considerate a week later we got knock it was the owner. Once she told me I kept silent his price was 900,000 I offered 750,000 I would pay the transfer tax and everything in cash next day. Done! I found out while waiting at land office he paid 300,000 years ago. Since then I do this everywhere cars, bikes, just to prove I can. The house I live in model wasn't available week later deal felt through gave us a call we took a second look I offer a 100,000 less cash done. That is my opinion my experience. Good luck
  8. This is old school thinking! One never use a proxy cause whoever is delivering the offer has given it a way you are farang or the offer is connected. The damage is done move on especially as another poster asked was the land being advertised to be sold. If not this would be a typical response since they don't need to sell. You want it throw a number out if you pay they win if not they really have not lost anything. I get this all the time just yesterday I saw a neighbor getting gutters made I ask the workers and I look like Thai Price? he hesitated 3M in length response 7,000 baht the current one I put in material 500 baht, I just smile and walk away. I have a real estate background here many times prices are out of whack but Thais don't know that they believe what they want nothing you say is going to change it reason at some point a Thai will pay it. Move on until you actually know you can't get land at your price.
  9. No doubt, my comment was way back in 2015, the 1 Billion. We can only speculate if a lowly cop like Joe Ferrari can accummalate millions, head cop at Soi 9, while back donation over a million in baht to upgrade the station. Ten years back reported in Bangkok Post, 200 billion is lost to government corruption a year as you noted what is it now with these guys. For me they are all the same including Thaksin he was dislike simply because those who were in power now wasn't get their cut. Prayut, being in charge just shifted those brown envelopes to the Army from the BIB. Now there is going to be lots of kicking. Thailand isn't a country you can come from nothing rags to riches and be PM, one way or another you know someone or supported by a group from the old swamp. They got a new look but the problem is their leader will always be in sheep clothing.
  10. We standby hope for the best, change is easy to throw out being Thailand he is surrounded by the swamp. He is just a face, you got 72 provinces within each provinces there are district so forth and so forth all doing their own thing He was hand picked by a group all have hands within the old system all have self interest pulling his string like a puppet he will become. Vent the guy find out his net worth include every family member and advisor give it two years and it will be back to the same stuff. Change was sold in the Pattaya for Mayor same in Bangkok Governor after a year no where to be seen. Prayut put into office within a year rumor to have a Swiss account of a billion U. S. Baht increase on hope and a dream. Good luck AttaBoy.
  11. From my understanding Coffee need to be brewed at a specific temperature to get the benefit. When I order Hot coffee it should be hot I'm the customer paying. It is no different for other things in life not just coffee.
  12. No, I think it is more self greed their pockets aren't full enough!
  13. Good luck, he promise change where have we had that before. My son voted for him he wanted change wants it now. This Being Thailand, I just smile didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. He can't even get his fat lazy ass wife to pickup after herself change is hard even harder when people are selfish.
  14. Times no matter where people could get a stupid moment. My name was put on my brothers bank account when he passed I wrote checks to cover expenses when opportunity I walked into bank and told them need to close account that my brother had passed away. The teller said " your brother need to come in " I asked for the manager pulled her aside told her the situation and what her teller had told me she double down I needed death certificate for my brother. I smile walked out went to my bank wrote a check for myself cleaning the account out except for 5 dollars that was 10 years ago.
  15. A famous Condo? Surely it has enough funds to have CCTV?
  16. Father said better help from other Embassies? Is this a regular problem here?
  17. Let me put my joint down for a moment and enjoy the inhaled for a moment. As I read the article again as earlier noted to another poster calling the person who wrote the story a journalist the reason for 5 pages of speculation cause nothing was answered. What I got after a few more inhales from what was written by the so-called journalist she had money before she went bankrupted. The person who is telling the story isn't the American herself but from someone associated from the Cannabis shop that supposedly know her story! But provides no answers and the so call journalist and editor for the journalist don't seem to have a clue in obtaining answers leaving 3veryone to assume and speculations as soon as to whether the story is true or just s scam! Maybe the guys are smoking their own product instead of selling it. ????
  18. Journalist if the stupid <deleted> would write it properly we wouldn't be wondering! We are suppose to hear her story instead we got nothing more questions than answer. How hard is it to ask a question and get answer write it as to why 10,000 can't be withdrawn. This isn't a journalist here in Thailand.
  19. Give them a break, horny no money fo a room unable to buy a hard shell cover for back he did the next best thing got tent. He parked where he thought was secluded he didn't know there was a meat beater peeping Tom.
  20. ????Mrs, said gauge was normal, hint maybe she wants an upgrade When you get the motor done or replaced give her a surprise replace the box with a seat.
  21. It smells doesn't it? Where is Joe Ferrari with his bag when you need him,
  22. Like most things and departments this case BMA, guy most likely was in his office picked up a magazine or playing with his phone saw these colorful bins aside from ordering them didn't really have a clue other than that. As noted by another poster it seems to only be for show in main area particular where there is a lot of tourist, then you got picks up not everyday, when they do undo the sorting by the bins by mixing it up during pick, then goes to an area just a big <deleted> hole no recycle center. It is all smoke and mirrors.
  23. It is a personal choice silly haa a two way street.
  24. I would never use agent for a number of reasons the main one I'm not helpless even at my age I do things write things to help the clock ticking upstairs I'm not and hope I never get like Biden when that time comes I might if my son can't help. I do it the day before even before this year the crowds I follow the same pattern. WhatI learn living here is greater patience I get my letter the day before then go and have all my bank book pages copy, all signed . This year January hearing of the crowds I was there 6am first-day the door #1, served at 8:45 out the door at 8:55, not using a agent what I learn try to help others the money O Dave get myself a good breakfast, coffee.then head off next soi6, for two hours Thai massage and happy ending. When I get home wife ask how it go like always very busy wish you would think about coming along. ????
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