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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. You nail it on the head. Don't blame the kid it takes two?
  2. The ops stated normally received 8th of June but got it June 16th, this time. That is a delayed.
  3. This is my advice having 30 plus in the airline industry. I've done more than my share of throwing luggage around. I've traveled with many hard cases the last 20 years traveling to Asia and States I gone with basically A good Large Duffy bag style that has wheels and a pull up ba that can easily carry the 22 kilos allowed In States can obtain Walmart, Ross, Marshall run about 80 dollars. Here is my basic packing whether new or old I put down a large plastic garbage bag on the bottom they workmy way up anything that I don't want smash too bad goes in middle. On my trips any purchases I keep in plastic bags I gladly pay the penny being charge for them. Any purchases that come with A cardboard packing I place at the ends or side to help keep the bag shape. Any toiletries items I can't take carry on I packed in plastic bag set in middleof bag protected by items clothes on bottom and top. Before I close up I set another garbage bag over the top before closing.. I never use any type of locks just use a key ring. There isn't any items inside I can't replace. In Thailand, at decathlon sports Year ago in swim department got a large bag with wheels and handle made out of a stiff rubber material like a diving suit for 2000 baht waterproof.
  4. Golf course! Not a golfer but I'm referring to Mapachan lake out on Soi Siam. Where?
  5. If that is the case and your gut feeling mentioned above is correct not this time but the sooner you do it the better for her to be raised in the U. S. PM me I have a friend lawyer in BKK, across from the Embassy based on your story your needs some reassurance and confirmation. I believe she is in Thailand I can provide you with personal cell and email. Can mention I'm a friend in the past if nothing but advice clarification no charge. Up to you as they say good luck.
  6. I was just thinking this morning having coffee that the Darkside sure can use a hospital, everyday like every hours at times Ambulances are flying by heading out to the Lake and back. It must take a 1/2 hour to get to the lake.
  7. Then we differ completely but lets be straight here we are talking in general at least I am! First you might not think it makes a difference but in my experience here it does. I live with Thais in a public community with them all around me not in a gated community. I point this out because those who do have something in common and that is money that gives them something in common. Better schools if not International step above those who attend Government. If the child has a Farang as a guardian or parent they get past on to western learning that itself might seem minor but it is huge I noticed that those Thais who do live in gated communities also have better education and more exposure to the West to have access to that learning. Living with Thais I walked outside the homes are basically tin can roofs, kids playing in sewer water when it rains, I know lots of family who sell food at markets what seem to be a afford to follow health guidelines been in their homes and it isn't pretty if I take the time to explain what I have seen you wouldn't buy in a local market again. What I also see is Thais pay a lot of attention to keeping clean shower etc. but in general on the surface a room might be clean but look behind the furniture, look at the condition of the fans, the table tops then the toppers their bathroom. I owned a small rental unit rented out to the poorest when they leave it is like a tornado ran through the unit the worse of course is always the cooking area and bathroom it isn't that Thais are bad people they just trying to survived. Once a Thai family moved out I went in to survey the situation my son and friends were standing outside I came back pull out my wallet said I'll give each of you a thousand baht go in and clean the bathroom they took off on me. The greatest example is my daughter in law, I label her classic Thai, she is a prime example of a Thai upbringing I won't go into what her parents home look like it might make you throw up but it has taken years for us to correct all the bad habits. When she was pregnant some time as my neighbor across the soi she got the best care at BPH, all the health checkup's, all the vitamins pump into her, while the neighbor got nothing at government when my granddaughter arrived put the two together it was like the neighbors baby was half the size. My granddaughter got the best formulas the neighbor barely can even afford diapers. In the beginning my daughter in law changed my granddaughters diaper would just throw it on the floor if my son didn't pick it up it would stay there. Finally when my granddaugther got sick and had to go to the hospital I went and talk to the doctor told her everything showed her photos I had taken ask her to find a way to talk to her and educate her basic hygiene. My Granddaughters carries a Master degree in accountant from a public government school whatever is being taught is basic touch on move on. Same as throwing away your trash ya right reason trash is everywhere in the darkside in Pattaya. I can list another million stories to agree to disagree with you. I hope for the best each day but I won't see it in my life time here.
  8. " Fine Strapping Specimen " you lived here too long Jacko, that is how in general many of the Thais men see themselves too except it isn't the milk. My son growing up I use to tell him and his Soi Friends as they were getting to that age practicing their martial art, punching the bag and lifting weights trying to build the frame " You can look good, carry a big stick that doesn't make you a man " What makes a man is inside taking care of business and having some money. Of course he doesn't know my secret life down on Walking Street? ????
  9. it is going to take more than milk to compensate for being short. No real health during pregnancy, no general education on health and hygiene. Sugar is what fuel the nation.
  10. I suspect the store didn't like the area being used advantage toilet. Luckily she wasn't taking a <deleted>ter. RIP.
  11. Another lying tourist, or a poorly written event. He says he has read story and is vigilant but yet he wore a 25,000 baht around his neck? Not clear since headline of article says he was " pickpocket " which mean it was in his pocket in that case smart transgender to see a budging pocket otherwis it was around his next in that case it should have been Snatched. Then it is written " he " but ended with " they " Taking in the breeze and sights on beach at 4 am????
  12. I just don't know how any of this stuff happens. I hit the strip every week, when I was a handsome man and now old. From the first day visiting the bouncers Wai me while I go in and when I leave. Never have I been overcharge for drinks in fact had managers buy me comps for visiting, I usually have the girl check my bill since I always have my hands full. When paying by cash I always show them the note so no mistake when change comes back I do the maths few times after all these years I noticed I was given back too much and pointed it out. I don't mess around do what is right reason why I need not visit the temples here. ????
  13. Because he haS been doing this for s long time no one ever said anything. The fact that he decided to film as he was right shows indicates it he doesn't have a clue. Official should have asked for his license and registration if most likely not updated if it was also shows they learn nothing from obtaining a license especially when all you do is drive around in a circle lije a monkey.
  14. Rule of thumb! I don't mess with anyone who handles my food. I use to work part-time at a friends parent Chinese restaurant growing up. ????
  15. I learned long time ago if your nickname is Big your are small, if you called Champ you a loser, a name Clean need I say it! ???? It is always opposite, like I will fix it? Massive increase in visitors? Vaccines is coming? I'm your friend?
  16. I learned long time ago if your nickname is Big your are small, if you called Champ you a loser, a name Clean need I say it! ???? It is always opposite, like I will fix it? Massive increase in visitors? Vaccines is coming? I'm your friend?
  17. There isn't a day a story like this doesn't come out. Tough to believe there is a honest person in government includes p9lice and Army. If there is no one is going to step forward or stand up. Anyone think Pita or current head snitch they have their own agenda. We all know the answer to fix the problem.
  18. Turn them over to the parents who they still live with. How they got that way is squarely on the parents. Ability to have kids but no idea how to raise them which I will be the first to admit is a tough job no one had the perfect answer but from what I've seen 20 years here within the poor very common, once they learn to ride a motorbike off you go. Just last night my son said daughter in law parents upset at you. Why? I couldn't hold my opinion basically told them off, their 13 year old son blew up their motorbike so now they walk no money to rebuilt guess they felt if mention it we would help out. Mother said can't stop him! This is what I usually hear out of their mouth because no one ever taught them no one ever criticize them. I said this is expected I pointed it out when he was five would turn out like this cause I have a CD on Thais. just look at your daughter she basically raise him pass on all her bad habit to him which all learn from them. You can't do anything to stop him from taking the bike? How about not letting him access to the key. He is just getting started save eveR baht earned instead of everyone drinking and karaoke cause two things next you get a call and accident or some girl parents 15 come with news she pregnant. To solve problem family want 50,000 baht and basically you just purchase a slave to come live with you. If you really lucky the first thing happens you get a call he's dead and a farang was involved. Sure these two might learn but don't hold your breath. It started way before they were 18.
  19. Must have started from overflowing political difference about the conflict. ????
  20. Based on how story was written more than words were exchanged. ????
  21. Yep, I do mines in January always crowded, this year I was first got there at 6, by 8:30 line out to Soi, with Lady boy official running around setting up outside yelling and lecturing what is wrong with you people. LOL
  22. It has been a while but there was I remember a reason. I'm with Bangkok Bank so I can can do more than the 50. They do have a time limit I remember it to be something for example if you wire 50,000 baht and it gets into your account at 4pm, after midnight you will be able to another transaction. I use living expense all the time never had s problem. Good luck
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