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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Easy the story he got the phone " SIM card put it in his phone ran through the contacts one name or number stood out he called it thereafter the picture became clear "
  2. This is Thailand! Sugar is what fluids the country no basic education on health, nutrient, if you do with anyone they bite your head off like an addict would do. my daughter in law, her little brother 12, 200 both grew up on sugar their style morning night is sugar from 7/11, in one sitting he took a jaw of ketchup and drank it as if it was soup. Their mother major diabetes problem can't stop goes down to Banglamung spends the day waiting area all full with same problem many in early stages don't even get medication just a brochure to educate themselves. Recently had a major operation to the heart cause by diabetes month later habits still the same she actually thinks all the Samgson she downs will help?
  3. Are they hitching a ride on big joke private plane. Funny, he flies up to a farm to investigate a Thai hanging himself that the locals can't solve yet he seems to be left out of this big case.
  4. Thanks for your input, but your story although true it doesn't happen enough sadly in the situation of a shakedown for example like the discussion with the Taiwanese in Bangkok in the Thonglor area the chances of the tourist police coming to engage the police doing their shakedown to slap their hand not know and try to put a stop I really like to see. But I'm happy you got your nut loosen.
  5. correct why ask for a unit that is part of the swamp.
  6. There is zero chance of him stopping she needs to wake up and smell the coffee! Go now get a one way ticket out of dodge..
  7. I agree but the lower end which I will generalize the majority here in Thailand as in this story they have very little chance there isn't a second. Even in government being boys as noted " don't attend " it all ends at 15 with school with their grades alternative is a trade school If they get it and attend. if not already they are drinking staying out not even going home. In the west there are programs trade unions service jobs that pay more than Doctors make here. Here these kids are all over where I live, many kids 5 and up playing on the Soi parents can't afford to take them to school.
  8. I was starting to writes long post outlining what action then I came to my senses impossible how do you fiX Something that goes on every police unit throughout the country then you got the army, then you got the government the problem is systemicly so large incorporates the entire country. IS there A hole big enough!
  9. Here you go the start of the Michael Jackson moon walk to slowly walk it back! This is the Thai way of apologizing admit guilt thereafter all is go, a misunderstanding slap on the wrist a transfer to a resort until the smoke clears then back to business as usual!????????
  10. I'm surprise they US Embassy didn't give you the letter it is standard regardless when I did mines in September I requested it. With the letter that is all it takes.
  11. what location immigration response is assuming it was done at Jomtien. Which you are not allowed to go inside! Be specific!
  12. You aren't referring to big joke are you? Change what like the saying " different day same <deleted> " when they are sworn in they swear to uphold the status.
  13. Reading here WHO a number enough questioning ( their right) responses doubting her side particularly with Interpol. My support is with her that she is telling the truth! This is all hot air smoke and mirrors grandstanding on the RTP, just like all the programs and hot air to fix driving not going to happen with cleaning up this group of mafia thugs. Yes it is that time of year, W. H. O. a fools organization will donate 10 millions plus for them to try to fix the problem with their driving in return a few signs, painted lines, RTP, a black hole of corruption.
  14. What fails here is the long list of so call investigation and transparency! There are so many everytime these so call Generals open their mouth calls for one people actually believe it is going to happen. The big joke on everyone who actually think it is going to happen is asleep at the wheel as Thailand call it " micro sleep " The money of the women Doctor ran down at the crosswalk ask for the same need to be reminded the outcome! ????
  15. The reason for these stories are their own doing. During the math if one was a betting man you put your money? Like investments although no guarantee of the future example if a individual has a drug habit sent to rehab a number of time we can take a guess as to the road they will take. Thus RTP, their reputation like their driving death can't be fixed within you can't have corrupt investigation their own! No Thai in their right mind running for office would compaign to clean up once and for all once they get popular it would be like digging their own grave. If they ever allow a foreigner to run I declared I've already got a foot in the hole????
  16. I hope the Thais do try to bring a defamation suit but I put my money on this one RTP will slip away like the cowards they are hiding behind a badge. Their top brass with their puppet BiG Joke talking about being Sqeeky clean serving the people never going to happen we all know what has to be done for that to ever happen. Go girl,
  17. Like you indicated " you took at bath on that one "
  18. ????It seems to me the only concern Bill has is not enough money rolling in to Minor, he wants maximum that will keep him silent what he getting now is Minor!
  19. What is the problem going on for years! Government elites top to bottom, special tours buses escorted by police done all the time.
  20. RTP, they use that line too? I was recently at a gentlemen club the girl said " let's go to the corner " there she pull the curtain difference it didn't cost 27,000 and the end of my experience was very positive. ????
  21. She Chinese, must be a triad mistress, here on a Grey visa, or to attend to her grey business even a grey holiday ???? Where is the joke when you need him?
  22. By far the best way. Set s Wise account. iI transfer money from my Schwab and Credit Union accounts ACH, to my Bangkok account several times a month when needed done also larger transfer of like 10,000 takes planning. Done transfer of 30,000 from U. S. Simply wiring to their account. The exchange rate is excellent.
  23. I didn't see the video but based on what others are noting regardless of what the 27 is normal the damage indicate far different hitting a motorbike. Sure the old guy going the wrong way his luck ran out Been doing it his whole life. From things the truck was hauling ass as normal tailing gating or coming up quick on the vehicle in front of slowing down in a u-turn area truck not wanting to loose his normal hauling ass ways moves to the shoulder to overtake never expecting pops to be there! Reason even in Thailand driver code " can't overtake " at an intersection! I've Seen 4 death in twenty years and countless of accidents had to explain once to a captain about this law he was clueless.
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