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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Four, let get the owner in a cage with some other pits who don't bite? When they say pay? 500 baht? Shoot them all in the head and let's have a BBQ,
  2. At Chon Buri, Pattaya, it was a few years back I did both as you noted, someone said I needed two residential certificates. I think it must have a photo like Passport someone here told to just make a photo copy I took a step better and paid the 30-40 baht for a color xerox surprising it was better than the original. I submitted it had no problem. I don't remember the list included a physical?
  3. TikTok, isn't that Chinese a spy agency? How he made the money at his age is an non issue. Being rich doesn't mean all broken as in cells are rich too. Looks like what happen to him Thai girl friend is what happens to so many that get here forget how to use their brains. Lots not right although mentioned a fancy showroom sure could fool a person not a sand lot a whole different story! Like motorbike lots of independent dealers buy bikes then sell them for a bit higher charging a higher interest on finance. I'd this whatvitcead even then the warranty as noted is in affect. Where he purchased did they have a service area or told nearest authorize Porsche where warranty would be honored. If used then the mileage or signs of being used. Big red flag is when it broke down who did he call that told him let it cool down. It was picked up and fix then broke down again who or whom shop that did the work. Now the registration book not the year they claims it to be but he like the model and what it offers? Was this car purchased on the grey market cause nice showroom offered to buy it back at 12 million on payday it now is 1.5 minus some crazy 9 million plus tax? My view is I can see why he is connected to TicTok maybe he should hook up with TingTong. On the surface his Thai Lawyer?? Raised flags too? I was told by a big lawyer in Thailand when you got resources like money forget the courts especially if you aren't Thai. Do what I would do in situation like this I took that advice results are much quicker and satisfying LOL Get some Toyota!
  4. Louie Dewey you are always on top happening again you miss the boat again! You OK?
  5. Louie Dewey you are always on top happening again you miss the boat again! You OK?
  6. Based on Thailand governing system segregation like everything in regards to DLT and police will fail. As noted in this story key words " eventually " no way to check by the time they do it is too late. Outside of BKK what are the chances of getting stop and if you do see any manner how they will check. Can't enforce what you don't know. Overall, replace is the only answer but I guess more money in a band-aid approach.
  7. As noted it is happening way before the Chinese came. All this talk about immigration visa money corruption sure the little stuff adds bit it is nothing when a guy at the top say do this for me. When you talk about Grey businesses all those bars and gogos I suspect aren't all in foreign name. Put them all together it doesn't make a dent as to what the triads have been doing if you forget just their little investigation they have reach out to 32 plus provinces. You can dig into the Bang Na area outside Bangkok the growth of all the hotels and Condo developements where all that money was coming from you think Taiwan since there is a huge populations you think they aren't part of the triad link. While Visa and bars bring in millions we are talking trillions the changes in directly with pot, gambling, during covid the invite to people spending 40-50 million investment guess what that was all about. Believe what people want BJ (LOL) is nothing but a PR he had been already officially remove from this case just helping as they say. Even in Thailand it well be thrown out of court majority of seizure are done out of speculation " share holder " once they see those names at the top and who it is link too the door will slowly close like everything. The only reason this is news is because Former Massage King and MP snitch play second fiddle to the Chinese Triads he had to wait for his table at his favorite bar LOL, the question is it too late to turn it around? ????
  8. Wow! You think you are really something!
  9. The reason I contacted the Hyundai HQ and requested if they had the older models. One of the main reasons was the seat configuration was completely different than the new generation I went back down to take another look one day and they had taken all the old models away and brought in a new set of H-1 new generation. The seating was less and no flexibility like the older model being old school everything now was digital, keyless, not even a transmission shifter, the deal breaker my rule never buy a new generation too many problems? The row behind the driver you can reset so they are facing the rest of the passengers with your back to the driver. Each row starting with front ( driver ) you can fold down so you can place your drinks and charge your phone push a button the back flops up and sit in the middle (seat belt provided ) this goes for the middle row, 3rd row, final row taken out middle sitting all of head rest and belts. It definitely is a 12 seater without any doubt. As I noted, I been stopped a number of times going up country to the farm never more than roll my window down and them looking in then wave along even with the red plates. Thanks
  10. Guess no one rremembr or not follow the news. Chinese owned 60 rooms this is one of the So call Chinese Grey businesses being laundry investment by the triads. Time to look for a new place or call Big Joke he'll do the Tm30
  11. Don't mess with Putin! ???? I've been telling people stay away from those Kiosk selling Brownies? Something not right a 50's something working in a 7/11, then you got people saying Tourist police the regulars never show up until it is over expect nothing less from the Tourist. Bravo, to the motorbike taxi guy who tried both I'm sure both will be compensated if well, it they got 200,000 for a dancer I'm sure this will be lots more????
  12. Not sure of it's weight, but it is van Hyundai H-1, for sure it can seat 12. I had the dealership take the last row out for storage. As I noted plus too late now it was paid in cash register to my Thai wife and I know no such questions We're ever asked. Lots of information as to what it suppose to be but who is going to check?
  13. This has been going on for ages and will continue until the end of time. Investigation don't make us laugh this is done every inch of Thailand. Big Joke will get to it but he can't be everywhere. ????
  14. There is actually a school for these fool they practice in front of a mirror lying holding their own laugher. Luckily, I had just got my take out on WS ????
  15. Keep your eyes close and keep dreaming, as long as one doesn't go in the water.
  16. Typical Thai even with their seldom method of enforcement 10,000 so much they can't deal with the number so what they do sweep it under the rug probation. An endorsement to go do it again and again until they kill others and themselves.
  17. This has to be political! A Thai that wasn't going to take a neutral position. He got Bonsai maybe Geisha knows the answer answer he is something. ????
  18. wow! Look in the mirror get your answerIm no more something than you who go through the day being lead Geisha????
  19. Google see if there are any mail box etc. Outlets in a nearby mall they provide options for FedEx, UPS, DHL,
  20. They use their regular big bus I noticed a sign across from Bell they operate also now to airport using type of bus same as from jomtien. I was going to Ekammai waiting for 6am but bus park didn't seem to start that early. If you are north and need to pay to get to jomtien unless you courting baht?
  21. So much is missing in the article? So what happen assumptions? Did a fight break out the loser reported it and big joke had to be called in? If I was big joke in a land where loss of face they take the big off the Triad case and he flying around in a jet to solving a fist fight. I like Big Joke to give me a call so I can explain how small this looks????
  22. I go early for over ten years as noted usually top five once in 5 minutes I'm out that includes last year. It isn't s problem price I pay for being inpatient. Also noted, yesterday I went by 11 am it was packed line close to street.
  23. Years back I had a sidecart attached to a older bike that was yearly register the shop welded it to the bike so made it tough to register yearly without having it undone. Told by locals don't worry cops never stop sidecarts years later I separated the two took to register as noted paid back years it wasn't much
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