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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. The spitter are the factory worker tours the ones they are expecting are financially better off in smaller group who can navigate themselves better educated and we'll manners being exposed more to the west. Nevertheless they will be coming from HK and other parts to escape the CCP ruling, they will overstay bring illegal gambling, smuggling, continue to contributed to the economy by laundering triad funds and enriching the leaders. ????????
  2. Don't know about Australia but U. S. a number of felony convictions, serve time was on probation, got permission from P. O. To travel HK, China, Thailand two weeks no entry problems. Return home in custom handed passport the look on IO face red flags. Asked what was the purpose of your trip reply " locked up for 4 years my brother took me on a <deleted>> tour. Both of us took to back room for body search. ???? This went on for about 3 years straight but entry into Thailand no problem.
  3. I think you got things a bit mixed up. Although the word inspection was used it in reality wasn't inspected since the vehicles were under five years ol All they did was take the book etc and told me the cost for the sticker that's it. How you come up with the prior useful information then assume I got taken for a ride! Let take my oldest vehicle same shop 2006 Yaris, I pull up due to the age they actually run it through the inspection process, cost last 5 years average is about 16-1800 baht, that amount I'm provided with the sticker 2566 this year and the government insurance. Off the top when new first no inspection 3500 baht?
  4. The problem is embedded into their culture drinking and driving is 24/7 not just holidays plus the enforcement isn't going to happen during holidays if you are tie to your chair playing with your phone under the tent.
  5. That is news to me first ever! The main reason I got the model 2021 H-1 was because of the seat removal and configuration options which the new generation H-1 Starvic didn't offer. It is a 12 seater the last row was removed instructed by me the van roll out of the dealership back roll is in storage. As noted two stops registration inspection no mentioned. Not saying I don't care but some of these rules I seriously doubt the head of land transport know them and certainly the BIB haven't a clue.
  6. This must really <deleted> those lower representatives to have to work on a Holiday?????
  7. Personally, forget all the information give Dr. Fauci a call, he'll set things straight?????
  8. Thanks, I ran through the website read half of it and scanned the rest it doesn't note as to the reason why reason cost is different. At the station when I asked what I could make out she indicated something to do with the C.C. which in my case both vehicles are 2.4 C.C. Since having the Van I've been stopped twice first up at Sukhothai, no mentioned of license and nothing said when I had to report my missing front plate. Stop here on Nongprue no mentioned of license. I asked my renter a Nongprue finest about the license he just smile and laugh. Thanks, Not sure why the difference in fee but as long as it is cheaper I'm not complaining just curious. All in all told the wife her response translated " You better double check and not <deleted> it up " ???? this is Thailand how long you been here! I tell her I was expecting to pay 7000 baht based on what I paid for the Hilux now I got 5000 baht I can give it to you. All Smiles now! we know how it goes?
  9. My question is in regards to the tax to obtain the sticker you put on the window? End of last year I proceeded to renew the stickers for two vehicles. 1st, one is a 2018 Toyota Hilux Auto 4 door 2.4 CC New price was 870,000 baht years before I paid between 4-5,000 baht just for the sticker alone. This year it was something like 4500 Baht, as we know the plates are White with Black lettering. When I purchase 2021 Hyundai H-1 Van 2.4 C.C. 1.7 million Baht it was given a White with Blue Lettering, I just assume due to the price and even the blue plate sticker based on what I had to pay for the Hilux it would be much more for the H-1 Van? Pulled into the shop handed the book to the lady in the office back out told 2000 baht, I was kind of shocked just went with the flow came back the next day to pick up the sticker crossing my finger it wasn't a mistake. I was handed the sticker I checked it over plate etc was all correct. Then I asked the lady how come the Van, etc,,, is cheaper than the Hilux? They couldn't muster an answer for me to understand. Was a mistake made? Why the difference for the Hilux vs. the Van?
  10. Been doing extension it seems forever, I read end of last year Jomtien Immigration had long lines one report guy was there at 7 am and still there were 50 ahead of him yet once he got in it was fairly quick. I heard there was an online appointment system? My extension is due soon end of next week the earliest I just happen to be in the area today at 11am, and outside area was packed with people waiting to get in. Packed but not to the street but lots compared to what I'm used. Yearly, I don't use agents each year I just wake up go down by 7am, I'm usually first or top five to get in and first or second to the extension by the 8:45 am I'm out the door. But I sense this year for whatever reason it's going to be different? If there is an Online appointment system I will give it a try. Thanks in advance.
  11. We all know where the money is going. I read out of the 300 only 50 baht is set aside for medical. Guarantee, when the Money is needed Fingers will start to point. Another fail idea proposed by a fail goVernment For the people.
  12. Now that is the best advice you can give yourself!
  13. Add-on, Also when getting her way is so easy.???? every lie she tells is sucked up like a vacuum cleaner.
  14. This puppet sure knows his Master! Why not get some of that great vaccine from China to get ready for that outbreak.????
  15. All I know when a leader says the baht too weak it gets stronger. Then you got Baht is too strong then it gets weaker. Thai economist 101????
  16. Procedure was done in Doctor office he was given a local, as I noted he isn't good with pain men like us call guys like this pussy LOL nevertheless the thought of something going up you penis!
  17. I recently went through the process with my brother back home under his Medicare plan once it was getting close to Thailand opening up. The hospital here in Pattaya or the doctor screwed him over for two years then all of a sudden recommended Rezum because it had not become availablein May of this year it was 200,000 Baht. Prior to his trip we arrange all the necessary Doctors appointments. I know everyone's pain tolerance is different it isn't much for him. I had did the research already but said nothing to him so not to get him pshych out. To double check he had a biopsy to check for cancer when result was negative he had choice of medication or a procedure which it was embedded in his head already Rezum. Everyone talks about the procedure and at my age my flow at times? I have a very high pain tolerance think I will need something down the road I read about enlargement in spite of so many having it why there isn't better treatment or solution because when you think about it sticking a rod up you penis Not Painful, not once but a few times. LOL, When he had the biopsy they had to poke holes everywhere to get samples. After procedure he came running out to the bathroom said blood everywhere during Rezum he had a rag to bite down so he wouldn't scream in pain. I just hope someone finds a better and less painful way. ????
  18. You might be. right not defending him but did you comprehend what he wrote particularly the part the wife was " called over" which assumed he was not invited.
  19. Now all you got to do for a few days man those crosswalks with officiers there after and make a mint those few day.
  20. Yes it fails more like reading too much stuff over time so it seems it was the Chinese all the time. Based on your remarks it would make sense not to allow the Chinese here until they get it together. XI, to keep control said to himself you don't like my way then O just open up regardless and here comes round two!
  21. Stirring the pot! Didn't those Europeans travel to China and return? Didn't the very first case in Thailand reported in December 2021, returning from China as early cases in the New York, California early Feb 2020. Both known for high volume of Chinese and Business travel to China. Then you got all the recent lock down in China with their demonstration I wonder why with their first and great Sinovac. It had been reported believe it or not majority of Chinese haven't gotten the virus thus far short of herd immunity reason for their recent. Somehow I wouldn't trust anything from China, maybe the leaders said to themselves world want to criticize us OK let's give the people what they want no lock down, Get ready for round two?
  22. Here comes Covid, man the hospitals, open the vaccine center, they won't be coming for the shrimp and Dorian? Immigration will be overrun with extension buy more BMW there will be lots of overstays. ????????????
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