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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. At his age most like works here for shipping or car company? Too much saka from the looks!
  2. It is a bit flashy or sportyvad I call it, for the money you get spoiler all around with racing strips, Mag wheels, for around 600,000. ????
  3. One billion S.F. Tax payer money is spent now for the homeless just a few years ago it was 250 million and they brought in some homeless czar to address the problem? Instead it's growing daily, just two years ago these nuts running the City opened a million dollar facility for addicts to shoot up in a safe environment it recent shut it doors do to a lack of participants. I'm all for helping people and have done so by voting for programs but today there seems to be more programs than homeless? The only people who seem to benefit are those employed by these social programs. Don't mean to make S.F. sound like hell, given the opportunity although one of the most expensive Cities in the World I would move back in a heart beat. They say as one gets older you become more conservative certainly that is the case for me and I use to be told I'm very liberal. S.F. is like most cities better than most due to it size homelessness is usually center around where services are provided and it's weather has also much to do with it. City hall the financial district, Chinatown, North Beach much warmer weather. You won't find a lot of homeless in the Richmond or Sunset where the Ocean is located and 10-15 degree cooler than the norm which is 60, as soon as you cross Sunset Blvd. As far as I'm concern S.F. public transportation is great especially if you are a resident they give out senior cards for low income which I borrow from a family member every ride is free everywhere. The buses are majority electric they have special lanes for buses some routes like the 19 Polk are entertaining if you aren't in a hurry it runs from Fisherman Wharf to City Hall through Skid Roll so the homeless who sleep near the Wharf ride the route to City Hall to get their services daily. Every stop is near 5 minutes you need to wait for the homeless to bring on all their belonging plus then wait for the handicap lift to go down and back up, ask rider to move out of the wheelchair locations. This route seem the worse of the worse if you are a rider never turn your back. Happy New Year!
  4. These 7 are truly International? ????
  5. Your are mistaken if you know, they are moving upper market to Valencia St. ( gentrification ) Below Valencia leading down 16th to the Mission Bart system there are encampments and tents everywhere. Underneath the freeway overpass, massively under Division St. 16th all heading down Folsom, Bryant, to the sports stadiums. There is a large population in the North Beach even encampment that sleep underneath Telegraph Hill. Go to the end of Height where Golden Gate Park starts. As noted 1 billion and the problem is growing!
  6. I was born Chinese American raised in S. F. Know it well still even today. What had been happening been a slow liberal process even before VP Harris. Today it is lead by a Mayor Breed and a liberal board based on district election one of those the worse ever made. The Asian leaders are basically Token to make a name and move to State office. Today, I can safely say there isn't a voice for the Chinese or Asian community! The younger generation don't have a clue what others went through to make them Doctor, Lawyers, the Chinese or Chinatown are full of poor immigrants too old or afraid. Growing up another minority group couldn't enter Chinatown and leave unless you were allow. I still remember one Sat, Sunny and his Hell's Angel came across from Oakland to comfort a group who he felt was infringing on his business territory. As soon as he came off the Washington off ramp the word was out. As they made their way down Jackson Street with their Harley's and enter as if he owned the place. In a very short conversation he realized he was short handed and way out gun he left with a new found respect. It is sad because even before Covid they integrated the Chinese housing projects there were numerous cases where black groups came and abuse and rob the elderly without any powerful Asian political leader black Mayor like Breed couldn't care less. These areas Mission where the 14 that runs it goes through was originally Mexicans but through the years more interested with people from Latin American. Although genafication had taken place it is still more affordable than many other districts. Although small black population Mainly residing in Bay view Hunter Point lower property cost it is well known Black don't want none Blacks moving in forcing them out. Thirty forty Asians were buying property many couldn't deal with the abuse. The Thai older gentlemen was killed in a smaller black community called basically Ocean View a higher income area this was a hate crime there are a small minority of blacks even in liberal S. F. Who hate anything that isn't black but this Mayor doesn't want to see it. S. F. Has one of the biggest homeless population I would guess more than half need a shrink prior to Covid money allocation was 250 million the budget is now over a billion. Majority of that money is spent in the worse area of the City Skid Road called the Tenderloin in 6th street not too fat from Twitter HQ. Her journey S. F. Student 32? many come at different ages the City provides a lot of newcomer services for immigrants to help catch up in education, lead them to jobs her looks stereotype many live in the area next to the Mission called Delores Park down from the Castro Gay and LGBT community if anything this would be more than a Asian attack. What I do know as a Asian when home last July, I use public transportation I go where I need to go all the places mention these district are some of the best home type cooking and inexpensive. I never take my eyes off people or have my back turn I carry conseal what I need to fend off even at my age. ????
  7. ????shocked! just this morning on the Asean before this one.
  8. Waiting for the big one! Told it runs in my family like everyone I have my weakness. Whenever anyone looks at me and hear my cholesterol number 240, I'm not overweight, exercise, they started me on Lipitor I was 45, when all set and done at 55 I was up to 20 Mg, with regular blood test for side affects. No insurance after retirement I went full into exercise but love that Thai crispy pork and chicken skill. Don't smoke or drink after addicted to ice cream and potato chips. ???? at best I got it down to 210? So I started on a few generic and took regular blood settle on one called Betastatin as mentioned started at 5 blood test to get it to 160 I was up to 40mg everything was fine then two years I started to feel funny my arms felt sore aching as if I lifted weights for hours then at night cramps in funny places I remember my mother having these problems was taken off. It got so bad one night decided to get off it and see results within days I started to feel better today I'm pain free also no craps. July I was back home through my medicare got all the test reason Doctor said you look sick drop so much weigh but result were all good except cholesterol 245, though him my problem with pill he said common, given no alternatives except work harder and diet more. That I made the right decision to stop that continuing on the statin might have killed me.
  9. That's the problem British ???? I remember 15 years ago a British Tourist police working with the police pulling motorbikes into the station parking lot off Sukhumvit in Pattaya told me after showing him my permit that it only allow me to drive up and down Sukhumvit can't use it left or right! ????
  10. Time to change the name RTP to RFU!
  11. Overtime Overtime. Sitting under a tent playing with the phone. How do they fix the problem when they have no training and can't be taught alternatives to address the problem. So yeat after year getup in front of camera as soon as lighs are off back to the same oh.
  12. As soon as they let him out maybe his number will come up! ????
  13. I get my fireworks and happy ending on Soi 22
  14. First part is right second part is wrong since the first part is so lient you don't see to call anyone. ????
  15. Next week the CCP will get it and copy. U. S. When will you ever learn!
  16. And these guys want to buy Subs! ????
  17. I'm not your father! My Thai son wouldn't dare ask this question. " I know it isn't right " You know all the possible risk! You are traveling to another country then you are a foreigner as we know the application of those rules are applied differently. Sure not the same but go read the Brittany Grainer Russian story although I would not lift a finger to get you out if I was head of the Embassy. Go ahead make our day!
  18. If you have to ask concern! What does knowledge tell you? If you put yourself in a position for it to happen it will! Is vaping that important show some self restrain! ????
  19. To make these 9 things happen it is going to be 9 more brown envelopes donation and 9 times larger!????????
  20. Trainees lots of family members, Nepotism!
  21. Your topic is the typical one! It depends when it was said their facial expression, body language. It is not as humorous as you think when it escalated what was your reaction of GF, It might be funny now unless you plan to leave or thinking it isn't a problem?????
  22. Thai politics view T-49? He did play his cards right he follow the script and that was going up north paying 500-600 baht for the votes, promising Health care, then best of all loaded up with supportive MP on his side, script followed by his sister with his backing again paying for those votes up north where the mass population laid promising tablets for the kids and minimum wage of 300 baht. Where he went wrong when he got so popular as you noted in his election his head got large so large he thought he was the the man K? He so no respect because of that you got the coup. When his sister got into office once order of business was to go to smooth things out so her brother could return. All he had to do was get down and kiss the man feet show his respect and he would have been back? Once the coup took place if you remember it was years before they had another election, they made sure to set up that constitution so it favor the Chan O puppet so he couldn't loose. How funny if Thailand was so democratic why on earth did the new Constitution have to be taken and be approved by the big house isn't there another place it supposed to go? If they want to fix the poor situation they need to fix the government education system every expert in Education outside have stated the problem and those within who not afraid to speak but not going to happen in my lifetime. The current system is to keep them poor and whoever wins the battle to be in control while in control they get rich if not richer.????????
  23. That sounds the same as the Chinese Triads guys who they seek? ????
  24. Go up to Sukhumvit wave down a Van 100 baht? They travel up and down 36. But you need to find out from your " chick " where to stop?
  25. Personally I doubt any in power really care about the poor that includes Thaksin, who like Mao use the masses give them some social benefit reward to side with them This view include the crop that is fighting now they want the power so they can control their cut.
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