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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Ignore list! that is your choice my choice to comment back is you pretty sensitive I can see why people choosing to wear mask bothers you? Some point in everyone life no matter how young or old got to grow up! You can't control everyone even by using the ignore!????
  2. Prior to departing Thailand I got such a noticed, I return the 26th of July understand the reset, but two weeks ago I went to the Embassy to renew my Passport, return is expected middle of October? Of course I will have a new Passport number DO I NEED TO RE-REGISTER NEW PASSWORD ETC.. ONLINE so I can start reporting online again in the future? Since I need to go to Jomtien once I get my new Passport, I will need them to transfer my Extension etc, to my new passport once done and picked up I will just do my report in person since it will pretty much be within my reset date. Thanks in advance!
  3. Oh, I do read the forum you know that! Your comment just made my point! Who really give a flying F, what they call people or you have you not heard of the saying " sticks and stones " this guy is a idiot so is every hair dye Thai in government. Some people make a mountain out of nothing. Whether it goes over anybody head is their business go on with your life for cry out loud. Many here got their choice not to wear be happy about that!
  4. These are deadly if bitten but eaten with some chop garlic Delicious!
  5. ???? Pshycology, these are people who don't like to be told what to do but have no problem telling othersbecause they like to be in control. I just came back from the West Coast, after two plus years due to the virus. I wore my mask regularly just like in Thailand, I was thinking prepared if someone approach me as to my right of choice but no one did. I notice a lot of people still did their choice and that is the way it should be. What you don't see is people harping on why people don't? ????
  6. You should have put it in all CAPS! People forget as it is their choice it is also yours!
  7. I would assume the stretch have cameras prior to the accident as to how both parties were driving prior to the incident. Guy being a lawyer I'm sure he can get around the accident but noted regardless of leaving his license he did leave the scene.
  8. When I see this what comes across is " just because you can own property don't mean your should " Yes the renter is trash but it is the owner need to take some responsibility or control on her property instead just eager to rent it out. Contracts here In Thailand are signed especially by Thais without caring what is inked. Ownership is not being absent then screaming bloody murder after. Now go after her instead of begging her online to come back.
  9. Too bad he didn't make it I was looking forward to the excuse?????
  10. Her detainment must be keeping officials working overtime in the backroom jerking on themselves.
  11. Maybe I got too much time on my hands. Near twenty years here riding all over Pattaya on my mountain bike I seen digging as far as Chon Buri to Sattahip. Every large project including the tunnel I've stopped and watched the digging etc.. and that includes the Darkside but I'll stick to the topic. I'm not a civil engineer but you don't need to be. Fixing the draining problem inside of Pattaya is impossible it is a <deleted> hole when they dig they have no clue as to what they might find. I don't see this City as having Master plan on file for development? You take the Major roads leading to the Ocean, Theppasit, Pattaya Tai, Pattaya Klang and Pattaya Nua there are major pipes all leading to the ocean which is majority Beach Road. These so call larger drains are capturing water and being taken to some storage like a reservoir, Levee, please let me know! When it rains everything drains and leads to the Beach Road, the center island ditches on Sukhumvit is like a large drain pipe but no matter how large that water in the ditch much flow into a drain hole no bigger than a meter or two. Go to the intersection of Pattaya Tai and Sukhumvit walk to the center and look down into the ditch you will see that small cement pipe. When it rains downpour those ditches fill up fast the reason as I stated. All the water capture from Sukhumvit runs down right into Beach road and go to the ocean reason those location there are pumps forcing the water into the ocean especially when it is high tide. This is like trying to fill up a bucket when it is already full, what happens it starts to back up. Every drain old or new leads to one place OCEAN! Proof all the garbage the next morning on the beach! In the Baukhao area third road, second road, and on certain Soi on Baukhao like mention Soi 21, what seem to be putting in larger drains large enough you can drive a mini cooper is just to store the water below in these larger drains so people don't see it on the surface making many think the problem will be solved but it is basically the theory out of sight out of mind. I saw this done a few years back on the side Soi outside of the RiCon Hotel. They did this also at Soi 15, and 2nd Road leading to the back of Avenue. In the end, no matter how large drains it has to lead and drain to the smaller original drains that lead to the Beach. The way it rains here like this month the volume of water it backs up and reason why we continue to discuss the topic. In my lifetime it will never be fixed! You see the work being done on the Darkside in certain areas like Soi Siam been going on for years, the money spend it is like a black hole for official to get rich. In Pattaya, due to the constant flooding it is like a giant sink hole ready to go down. I remember two years ago they started the work on Walking St.. I made a visit on the first day when the hammer was put to the ground what they found was a river underneath W.S. why the work has taken so long? Not surprise beginning of the years 2nd road near Marine Hotel a Giant sink hole developed more to come just don't know when. Get use it will never end never " This is Thailand "
  12. That is what happens when you bring attention to yourself, he should have stayed as Pure, once he started calling himself Big? Some reason in Thailand they use these names like Big to when they are really small same as Champ opposite of loser? But it hasnt hurt so far Big Joke, or the other Big who is now heading of Immigration? ????
  13. Yes you are correct, the reason I noted the law " or This is Thailand " regardless in a court of law it is the law that applies if argue correctly just because that is how it might be done. As I noted if that was the case the Lamborghini should have cough up more as you just stated outside of the law. How much is the Lamborghini? Some noted 30 million and you offer 6000, and only 100,000 for the eggs yet market it was value at 190,000. Based on your reply certainly the better off got cheap and didn't do as they are capable thus your statement falls apart. A few years back in Na Jomtien police station with a family friend (victim) other driver admitted wrong yet police try to extort 200,000 this was a civil cases not criminal. As you noted we were better off police said we were better off, feel better, this is how things are done. We kind of stood around see who was going to crack first after 15 minutes of silent we got up told the captian we are leaving if you need us again we will bring our lawyer to this day we have never heard again from anyone. In this case you have two elements the accident itself which is civil then because of the possible switching is criminal. Reason I noted the offer not because they are just better off because guilty of what they did? If correct as I noted and noted should of not got cheap anty up and case is closed!
  14. Based on your response I read what was presented here not saying it isn't true just my scanning all pages here I don't see information or link that would draw your conclusion. Regardless here in Thailand from my own experience I would not be surprise if what you said isn't true. There is two ways one can handle the situation even for a Thai lawyer in court. You can apply " This is Thailand " or the actual law of operating any vehicle in Thailand. One can simple use the law and argue " based on your remarks : she shouldn't have been on the road if that is the case the other party shouldn't have offer even the 6000, doing so anywhere would be a admission of guilt? You indicate they were aware of their responsibility if so then why offer anything? Can't have it both ways in my book. As I noted there is no mentioned of fault in the accident at this point not relevant but out of interest I would like to know who is the victim? The fact if you are correct she shouldn't have been on the road if not there would be no accident is what I consider thinking " this is Thailand " the law doesn't matter like many police practice " if you have it better off you should pay regardless you feel better about yourself " ???? In court even in Thailand it is the law that matters but the Lamborghini negated that right by offerring her 6000 plus 100,000 for the eggs, in my book if they were within the law should have offer nothing doing so is an admission of guilt on their part. But if footage shows they did make a switch it is reason why the offer was made and when they did they should have just offer enough so it isn't on the news! In the end, driving a Lamborghini they got a bit cheap the reason they are a bit deeper in the <deleted>. Just my two baht.
  15. iyuIm sure Curious although not relevant to the driver accusation what was the cause of the accident? You would figure anyone with the ability of owning such a vehicle wouldn't have the need to switch certainly not get cheap and act stupid after by switching then adding insult after by offering 6000 baht. I'm sure after egg lady got over the shock saw the type of vehicle checked CCTV, smiled $$$$$, get me a lawyer???? No one is going to jail get real if you can't even find red bull don't make me laugh. This is going going away soon now that it is new. Whoever the owner just need to up the amount and it will go away. If you can actually own one and at fault told the egg lady here medical all paid, eggs 100,000 plus to cover your lost, fix or replace truck as needed, another 200,000 for you trouble pain and suffering or greed end of story this wouldn't be news?
  16. Owning such a beast and then giving it's name shows the type of thinking of the two. Glad it happen to them and not someone else. My wish put the whole package to sleep.
  17. Bravo! Anutin who is the Health Minister with no background will receive and trash it. He is getting too much revenue even at this early stage to turn back now. ???? Rumor? He starting a new franchise himself called " MariZon " ????
  18. I think or a good reminder to remember we speak in general. My words cheap seem to excited a few. Remember I wasn't the one to use cheap first in this situation. Personally when it comes to someone you love cheap isn't my first priority. Even in Thailand at times the most difficult we get lucky for cheap?
  19. I was just at the Embassy in Bangkok, Wednesday 14th, to renew my passport. The place was pretty empty staff very helpful told me 4 weeks by mail return with letter automatically with return passports old and new. Cost 4900 baht? 100 baht for the Post. So that would put it middle of October just in time to take it down to Jomtien have everything transferred and do my 90 days?
  20. Kenny the know it all from his own experience so anything others say like myself is generic. What is generic is your post of assumption Ive dealt with child services have a Thai son and been here for a lot of years really no point in having a conversation with a person like you or addressing your experience useless rant about your own experience half of what was written by you wasn't even mentioned in my short post bye best of luck to you too SMF!
  21. Very true like most stuff here you can never eliminate it is basically control. Here as you noted not by the leadership today or in your or mine lifetime. We both know what is needed but helpless so our solution is to vent out loud here. If we were given the power to do so we wouldn't last a week.
  22. I agree I have a number from the original poster each day now I sweep they fall off Once or twice a year they bloom these white flowers that also drop all over the place. I've never had to do anything like water it just doesn't die or need constant watering. It grows so much I have to cut branches when you do you will see the ants love these trees cut a branch will see full of water or juice. The other picture shown by other poster look like Bamboo what I see is normal they turn brown then come back nothing seems to dead at less from my experience.
  23. This is so true get a good lawyer and going cheap isn't helping. Cheap gets you nothing in fact will cost more in the long run. If this guy doesn't contact you for that lawyer he is a fool. In general, unless she is middle class and up she will not have the funds to challenge that is my experience.
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