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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. Hub? This is consistent with these leaders that Thailand is the center of the earth. The hub of all hubs!????
  2. WHO is praising WHO????
  3. just to show he was nothing more than a dick all along.
  4. It always take two, always provided! The definition of provide is different with each person!
  5. Yes Foolish! but stirring the pot! I've heard it before and will continue to hear it! Our country greatest in the world with the smartest political leaders, economist, have said what you have noted but yet we continue down the same path to debt because we have put ourselves in this position? If you and those in power know the outcome why then we continue to self inflict this on our nation! Aren't we in debt now? 30 plus Trillion! Maybe we should do the unthinkable? You read it here daily when the opportunity arises America is the enemy, nation building, yet we are the most charitable country in the world too charitable where we are giving organizations, countries, million, billions, trillion of dollar to countries that hate us without them being accountable. Everyone and ever country seem to get a pass except the U.S.? There was a time U.S. was criticized for isolation, today 21 century that seems exactly what U.S. should be doing isolate give but our fair share and when we do make sure they are accountable just like any bank would required. U.N. W.T.O, W.H.O. N.A.T.O. the list goes on and on nothing more nothing less. We talk about what would happen if we did well maybe it is time that the U.S. isn't on top, if you want China, Russian, I say knock yourself out I'm at a point take my chances as a American I'm no Trump supporter but my opinion and reasons " I'm <deleted> tired " I say S.A., same with India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, the list is real long, Americans know the hand full of nations that are our friends. In life, when you do your best to help all you ask is a sign of being grateful and simple Thank you. The U.S. isn't perfect there isn't one country on the face of this earth that is I suggest look in the mirror first before they speak. But I'm tired of Presidents touring apologizing, graveling, and even pounding their chest intimidating others. Maybe it is time we take the pain to get the gain by producing our own oil with some mandates of renewable energy business plan to convert down the road? Maybe we need to produce and make more to balance things out and aren't we in Debt already? It is time we stop being scared while we shop at Walmart for the cheapest appliances and then throw all our money back end to help those who don't need help and hate us. If countries want to cash in when they do don't come back! But here is one American tired of helping countries like S.A. let Iran or Yemen help them! ???? Just food for thought, venting!????
  6. Sure do but time to move on from people who hate us. Same with China but like you assume do US have the fortitude to deal differently. Let Iran take them over! ????
  7. U. S. Needs to cut all ties with them as soon as possible. Let then fend for themselves.
  8. Go to HomePro they have the solution. Long needles it annoys their behind keep them from nesting.
  9. Another jackasses on the loose! Trying to get back into the graces of the Thais leaders after criticizing them for not opening earlier!
  10. Love it, he was expecting the worse unable to walk going out in a blaze kind of guy. Question who snitch on him?
  11. As first response Charlie H, you are lucky it didn't start at 4:30am Get over it your so call complaint watch the person face if it is a blank stare as soon as you turn your back it is Saturday night live! They be rolling on the floor. ???? Guess the other half didn't explain it to you ????
  12. Another warning by Thai official another in one ear out the other.
  13. Beginning of month, Nov also time to pay school fees for coming term. Good but enforcement needs to be 24/7
  14. It is greed Grab is the biggest and worse new rule should be don't drive and deliver talking or looking on the phone. Required to pull over and they will foot the bill for all accidents their drivers create!
  15. Question is when and if it does the leaders take s neutral position? ????
  16. Can be cancel if Thai don't agree! ???? If that was really true non of these jacka----would be in office.
  17. Just to show you the people who write the article or editors Thai come from the same inadequate driver education! Let me put the ban riders in pickup first! You have no education as to how to handle a vehicle to share the road. Leaders put forth scare penaltys the honor system doesn't work neither going to temples to pray and paint up your vehicle then head out on the road hoping all that BS is going to forgive and prevent not wearing a helmet driving road rage 101. It is one big joke giving hand slaps for basically murder yes murder because a vehicle is a weapon. Then you got the biggest joke at the top who is talking helping Koreans when the last thing is needed is help from a clueless government! In this situation you got untrained commercial drivers basically operating a missle there is no oversight enforcement as to how long they could drive the safety record of that equipment and the doubt of random testing of alcohol and drugs. Solution a national emergency needs to be called then put outside control in place that had the ability to remove anyone who interfere regardless of their status.There isn't a Thai in Thailand that's can fix this problem not with how they think! RIP to the parents the company that owns the truck and hired, the driver need to be force to pay millions. Right now they just walk away it had to change and change quickly.
  18. Slow down dont buy too much when you do try Index.
  19. David is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much money flowing through for years Triads been rooted It is just growing with the constant invite of their top leaders. Their country is already taken over these raid are nothing only because of former MP or massage parlor king LOL who is crying foul now. ???? You think Triads are any different? Money laundering include set aside funds for lawyers, judges, local police the list is long
  20. Before you move forward think is there a pot at the end of rainbow? If you are scraping the bottom of a <deleted>ter guess what you are going to get? Good luck.
  21. Not sure about that! The grand standing is hypocrisy! Maybe a dozen dying isn't enough for the PM to care. There are so many illegal operations going on why not stand up and do something in and for his own people. Korea? He is helping the lives of in Korea who died why not stand up for them and fix the corruption here. With all the billions being collected why not help those who got burn to death or burn pay for the medical treatment which is a drop in the bucket! Court case police I think not!
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