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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. I guess after 45 years he lost his balls! ????
  2. Yes we certainly come from two different worlds only time will tell who is correct. In Thailand, there are no Serpico and their campaign for RTP sqeekie clean isn't going to happen in our lifetime being dirty is an institution here. ???? Yes enjoy.
  3. You make excellent points but we will have to agree to disagree on the Big Joke, I don't give him that much credit he is far from being clean and I mean far far. Basically he made a deal to return sold his sole as they say made amends to those he offended while he was a rising star being human his head got big and when that happens they start to step on too many toes. His car being shot up was nothing but a warning to him and those he care about if they wanted him dead he would already he isn't untouchable! He is nothing more than a prop he goes where they send him just like the two brothers former Mayor of Pattaya. He does have s silver spoon in his mouth or damn lucky his mentor or godfather high enough who brought him along saved his butt.
  4. Big Joke, they put him back in service for that reason and on"y reason! He is nothing more than a Prop Get paid well to give the illusion he is cleaning up things but he is a big part of the problem otherwise he would be dead!
  5. Drain the swamp from top to bottom but impossible you scrape the bottom of a <deleted>ter you still going to get <deleted>!
  6. Kind of late, already a mess! Already broken and you want to ask them for advice you ran for mayor touting something different but seems you from the swamp to? Asking for advice from them their solution is to block off roads. Put more cones then take off when all hell's breaks back to playing with their phones.
  7. Driving here is taught in general just look one car length ahead instead of getting the bigger picture. My wife taught by Thais scratches all over her car my son taught by me his truck 5 years old spotless. He gets the bigger picture knows how to use both his mirrors although his training and test by me all mirrors were covered. Once wife was to pick me up at a specific she called said where are you? I told her I was there standing waving and she just drove by???? Not once but twice.
  8. Might as well! I seriously doubt they collected a baht. Sure PM as news but actually paid it!????
  9. Getting the big picture in driving which isn't taught because those doing the leading and teaching have never been taught themselves. Watching the video what is missing is if you are licensed and your vehicle is register and road worthy you have a right to the use and share the road. In this incident the vehicle was in the wrong there is a reason turns are taught in a specific manner which Thais haven't been taught at all. When you execute a left turn you start on the left finish on the left, same when executing a right. Here the SUV did neither the SUV merged into the main road from the left and try to make a right from the same lane. Whether the bike being in that lane isn't relevant what is relevant the biker wasn't taught right either never taught to get the bigger picture when driving most likely like most drivers here focus looking down instead of forward if they were would have spotted the SUV coming from the left earlier a second being aware might have allowed the driver to avoid. Whatever the case it was Hit and Run, and the police response is unacceptable also Hit and Run from their responsibility. Bunch of Clowns dress up!
  10. Not in your town it is being done offshore on a boat. ???? Go back to opening your brown envelopes.
  11. Same! We must have been there at the same time and witness the incident sitting under the tent next to each other and didn't even know it. I've logged on to the new website for sometime it works great until a few days ago for me. I got a new passport logged on to my account a few day ago filled out the information submit next morning rejected. I try to logged back in a number of times to my account invalid? So like you truck down to immigration what use to be a few minute now started due to Covid takes longer outside set up. Handed in Passport given a number told one hour. I went back home gave it another try to sign into my account no luck! Back to driving back down?
  12. Not the government priority! The only reason there is one to try to show they care with the amount of foreigners there but outside of Jomtien this one and they can't even up keep the one. Plenty of money to put in drains over and over again or to widen beach road over and over to enrich themselves when it comes to their future and their own?
  13. As noted after rejection by email I try to logged in my account got rejected after I did my report in person got new date went home try again to log in still unable to log into my account. Come January I will try again hopefully I'm able?
  14. Since the new webpage started I've had a very good experience prior I wasn't able to use the old 90 report system. The new one worked like clockwork, with messages prior to 90 days etc. etc.. Then in September I renew my Passport and got it back in a timely manner from the Embassy with letter etc.. to have immigration transfers everything which went very smoothly. My last concern as my 90 was approaching could I do it online like before so yesterday I logged on filled out the form as before only differences was the new passport number and just returning from U.S. July 26th. No problem signing in with email address and password with their caption after filling out the form double triple check submit, got an email with message of submission with attachment of the TM47. This morning I got a message rejected! Thinking Why? I pull up the website try to sign in unable tried dozen time each time failed due to some reason? Each try double triple check same email, PW, and captions each time failed. So, I drove down to Jomtien, today not as busy handed in my passport, given a number told 1 hour came back picked up report done! Now what was the problem online rejected and why I can't sign in any longer. Because of new Passport? for the future do I need to re-establish a new account? If so I only have one email address used for sign in prior to new passport will I be rejected trying to use email address which is already register? ????
  15. Yea, slow and painful, pour a bit of salt for starts after, then honey in particular spots and let those red ants slowly come top it off with the blacks ones and that is for starts. Like to give the victims family like this mother the first cut!????
  16. I can understand the word Charm, sadly this is the same as " This is Thailand " I just heard this from a Thai government guy the other day being older and wiser? I said to him if thousand of people are dying each year needlessly the vehicle was invented in the West so were the rules/execution. In life one would think take something and hopefully make it better like the Japanese did with cars, when it comes to driving it isn't better it is 2nd if not the worse year in year out. Why would you think say this is Thailand when it is killing your people why would anyone with an ounce of brain would adopt to driving the Thai way here unless they have a death wish. Response? Official head down eyes roaming = Lost of Face!????
  17. Tougher rules? There is already a law in effect! But like 99.9% all their rules aren't effective due to no enforcement! It is put it out there and hope the Honor system works which handcart fail history! Like seat belts, already there but like now tougher September 5th, I haven't seen one BiB out checking. It is only getting worse not a day goes by I don't see dozens of driver using phones, especially the deliveries people. Last week getting a foot massage guy on bike hands free looking at his phone mounted on handlebar with small umbrella drove into pole knocked himself out? Shocking give him credit yesterday saw a guy on bike he was hands free both hands texting while moving. More is coming!
  18. So would one say the happy ending came after a few days?
  19. Driver on the right side height of truck would made it tougher for the trucker to see. But that is what training is all about especially for truckers and that is looking far ahead so you can position the vehicle Prior to making the U if he had done fast lane or not would have seen the BMW. Same with the BMW, I would check the BMW phone I would be surprise if he wasn't talking or texting?
  20. Let start at home first! Eradicate? Or more controlling it by means of donations so a blind eye is turn until the next episode happens. ????
  21. Hot line is going to be busy!
  22. Get a lawyer one that is in Bangkok with an International firm that can speak and explains thing to you clearly.
  23. Not really, the case was brought forward by the U. S. Secret Service to Thai authorities. ????
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