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Posts posted by thailand49

  1. Like it is said until it happens I take what these guys say with a grain of salt and that is being very generous. It is only Feb " Sometimes this year "  I heard that before especially in regards to the GoGos based on our self proclaim PM Anutin " Covid is no match for Thailand medical system " if he had did his job it would have ended long ago do they even understand the meaning of end? 


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  2. 2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    The picture I posted above of kitchen I put in townhouse a year ago was from homepro.

    Approx 50k without appliances, installed. 

    Very cheap. 

    I go to a number of places during the week, mostly Homepro just to keep cool and look around for ideas. Today there are many new style much better than what you showed on your photo, my first condo purchased to rent was similar at HomePro, I picked out something more stylist and told the guy for the length what I wanted to include which was a location for a Microwave or portable oven you can go to a marble shop and purchase a better counter top for around 4000 baht cut and installed.  Good luck!

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    There were claims of 100 million baht in unpaid medical bills, so ~ 350,000 tourists would pay that off with the new surcharge.


    This, assuming tourists return at a reasonable clip, 25% pre-COVID, ~ 10 million will yield a cool 3 billion. 


    My first question: So all tourists get free emergency medical care? (Uhm, no.)



    Hey don't ask me ask it to those who think this is the right thing to do that it isn't a problem to make the charge that it is their country so if one chooses to live or visit we should just bend over and take it up the behind with no grease and say thank you for the privilege of visiting Heaven. 

    Nothing we say or do is going to stop the charges but at least we can bitch about it here for the moment.

    What is going to happen when one does get sick or in a accident wherever you are they be acting ignorant with that blank stir " I know nothing not understand " when it comes time to checkout expect to be charged double because their courts say you have it therefore you can afford you refuse they hold your passport next thing you know your on Asean asking you need a Go fund? ????

  4. 6 hours ago, nightfox said:

    What's the big deal as just about every country in Asia charges a foreigner to enter their country. Only difference is Thailand calls a entry fee where most call it visa on arrival just like Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam as last time I checked it was $30 USD + to enter those countries. 

    True but the things is they are already charging a fee or whatever they want to call it,  remember years back prior to departure you had to go to a machine put in 500 baht get a slip show it prior to checking out immigration.  

    This f????e is for medical coverage?based on their numbers prior to Covid the amount they would collect would far exceed the lost they are claiming? 

    If that is their reason justification as soon as they start collecting as long as Thailand Pass is in affect or any restrictions requiring Insurance be dropped at the same time but I wouldn't hold ones breath? 

    As soon as they start collecting sooner than later their will be stories of tourist getting sick having accident and not paying that is guarantee outcome. 

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  5. Hey old man, you are right not your driving skills but your lack of mental critical thinking!  Driver education nor anyone around you ever told you to slow down when it rains this is the stage when the road is slippery due to water and oil mixing.


    It really is as simple as someone pointing out " adjust your driving to the condition at hand " in this case RAIN!  Sadly the police themselves would just pad you on the back are you O.K.  nothing will be said as to why it happen because criticism isn't part of the game just you being ok is so the next time you will do it again as he has been doing his whole driving life from motorbike to the tracker trailer today his luck ran out of course no his physical skills.????

  6. This isn't rocket science to a foreigner at least?  You got loads of media on the accident lots of talk that things will be done top cop telling the mother of the victim we will be fair and consistent he is right!  The cop has done everything admit how sorry he is to the family enter into the monkhood sing a few chants as he most likely did years ago and all is forgiven?  Fair and consistent and a slap on the wrist! Life goes on just the the madness on the road and still crosswalks????

    People are desensitized to road deaths in this country nothing is going to change! 

    • Like 2
  7. NO!  I thought the future PM said "  Covid is no match for Thailand medical system "  I was starting to believe the fool, what a let down!????


    But I guess when they started up " Thailand Pass " they meant it meaning PASS on coming since we are heading into Level 4, which translate we are going to shut down the place again go back to square one since they don't have a clue what to do?

  8. I would first check with your doctor back home and see if he can recommend one for you. For myself I was on a generic for about 8 years I went from 5mg to 40mg on my own trying to figure out the MG that will lower my numbers sadly it ended up at 40MG name Berlin marked on the pill.


    Last July I finally stopped taking it, since moving everything is everywhere and I'm unable to find the box. For years I had no problem took blood test every six month number was at 165-170 problem runs in my family. Year before I stopped I noticed a lot of muscle soreness particular on my arms finally it got so bad I decided to stop within a month I felt it nearly all gone meantime I've done some research to some new products that doesn't causes these problems but just waiting now to return to the States and speak to my Doctor.  What I was getting was muscle failure today after 10 months everything is gone I have more energy and even get a woody in the morning ????.


    Generics are pretty easy to obtain when I started it was at a local Thai pharmacy one day they were out of stock so I went to Fascino next door, same generic was to my surprise lower, they also have Liptor but the generic I got was 40MG, for a 3 months supply the cost when I started was 8 years ago was 240 Baht last year it 320 after my discount card with Fascino.


    True not True, I guess if you walk in and look like a Farang they are going to push for the better stuff, but since I don't look like one when it comes to medicine for myself or family they always give me the Thai stuff I have to ask for the better stuff. So the end game ASK for what you want. I've been given some pretty good Thai stuff that works when I have a small cold. 


    Check with you Doctor back home first that is my best advice.

  9. He is talking Pfizer!  If you had two Pfizer donated by the US here in Thailand as far as I know here in Pattaya you can't get a Booster of PFizer only given if you got shots of Sino or AZ. 

    Although PFizer study for Omicron suggested those 65? Should get a booster at 3 months here it seems they are sticking with the six? 

    I was at BPH Feb 2nd ask them about the booster they had a chart those with 2 pFizer 6 months but not Pfizer not available only Moderna cost 1650

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