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Everything posted by thailand49

  1. I think his question is valid? I've been doing my 90 online I remember they asking for your entry date and the TM6 number. I just got my 90 day reminder, but I had just return from overseas July 25th, as noted no TM6 needed 90 days from my arrival online?
  2. Thirty years in the industry that is how it works not a lot of experience needed. You left a number of things out but as noted did she seeks the interview, if she is going through a certify agency by the airline if so no money should be required from her it is basically all expenses paid, one can call the airline personnel department and verify.
  3. No one single you out have you forgotten it takes two. I glad that they are pulling drivers over on HWY 7 for infraction but I don't feel there need to be more. As noted the problem is off the HWY where they pick up all the bad habits prior to getting onto 7, plus since the 7 was extended in Chon Buri I never seen anyone ever being pull over not meaning there should be more. The resources should be placed locally on the local roads not more on Hwy7, that is what they spend millions on cameras to do.
  4. Great need more but here in Pattaya my experience many of these driver hound and practice their crafts on the back roads of smaller Soi, that is where the problems starts. They can make a mint If they actual knew what to do setting up a tent playing with their phones is the best they could come up with. ????
  5. My motto, the only good lawyer is a dead one!
  6. Funny where on 7, in Pattaya I've only seen them parked at the station!???? Need more where is everyone going to park?
  7. Law firm? Only way to handle things with guys like this and those involved is line them all up on their knees and put a bullet in their heads. When the limitation runs out and he return let hope he meets that faith quickly.
  8. What a waste of resources close and block off roads push everyone to one location with them all standing around doing nothing. Same same!
  9. One would think once you flee like a fea any statute of Limitation would be invalid? ????
  10. ? I don't know if it is true or not and I'm not saying I'm better although retired I'm up by 6 every morning when I have projects or repairs I go hours without a break, no lunch, family think I was crazy. On their first job both work close to 12 hours a day but in a office once work was distributed they relax on the phone. Then they got a job with a major food chain as noted 48 hours a week one day off. Finally I got him alone man to man ask how was the job? He said very different from his last hours shorter but non stop work, 2 breaks and 1 hour lunch which he could not leave the property. I told him not all jobs are the same many major companies here in Thailand around the world are like that. He and his wife realized compare to their last job so far they have taken my advice and still with it. Maybe it is a bit of their culture the saying " Mai pen raining , Sabai " then it is our western upbringing gun Ho style that many of us have that never go away? I remember him growing up I assigned him a few chores when not in school tops 30 minutes after a while it was a little here a little there having a bad morning I laid into him and regretted it but he got the point. Living here it can get frustrating to get things people to think my way is to stay open and be creative and it if the outcome is better. Because That's don't like serious I remember going for my foot massages a lady use to call me serious before she knew my name. lol
  11. That is where we part, here in Pattaya most likely not where you taught for twenty years I've not experience your standard. As far as I'm concern government schools are just a baby sitting. My son once I settle perm in Pattaya quickly lucky realized and pull him out of a government school paid " something better " concentrating on study instead of showing up in time to stand tall for their anthem. I pushed for over a year had him private tutor got him help in English from a friend who taught at Pattaya International school. My goal was simple that he didn't have to use a calculator for 2 plus 2 = 4, after 10 years of government school he didn't end up like majority kids in our neighborhood still can't name off the ABC, go beyond " how are you I'm fine " I won't apologize for my views it is shape by what I see and experience nor will I try to shape yours from yours.
  12. Thanks for answering! I ask these questions so to constantly try to learn if what I've experience which has shape my general opinion on things are true. Your answer continues to lead me to believe Pattaya and Bangkok isn't indicative of what Thailand is all about. It is nice and refreshing that a pure government school isn't what it is in Pattaya in particular that has lead me to be so negative in general it sad daily to see so many in my Thai village not going to school even before Covid. My reference to gate community? reason I've found that those who live in a gated community usually in general are in a higher standard of living, economics, that they not send their kids to a pure government school, rather pay money for something better. Those who do usually are in general in the dark as to what is happening in government schools.
  13. Thanks for the information! First, the numbers don't add up for me " 48hr week max 8hrs a day " 8 hours a day adds up to 40 hours a week. Makes me wonder because if this is the law then there are lots of major players businesses in violation but being Thailand this shouldn't be of any surprise. From my experience here in Pattaya, not going to try to use any other place but! Aside from a government office job I've not heard of one Thai who I know or associated with in over 15 years that work for major delivery companies like Kerry, Flash, etc.. stores like Makro, Lotus, Big C, Homepro, DIY, have only 1 day off and hours are much longer than just 8, they usually have to put in their own time for the lunch and break, even a major player like 7/11, they work 6 days a week! Normal shifts are 10 hours, delivery my sons first job in office with Flash was 7am to 7pm, with one day off. Sure it had Overtime but it was only for a day off. This is my experience first hand vs. the Law.
  14. Not taking sides but both are correct but I lean a bit more on his side since I live with 100% Thais look like one. Just curious you live in Thailand if so is it in Gated community any direct association with a pure government school?
  15. Did the same saw a 500 baht drop.
  16. Just my opinion from my own experience with my Thai son and his wife who both live with me. Although both started work two years ago both are responsible rain or shine go to work each day. I think LOL they realize easier to go to work than take care of our granddaughter which I and wife enjoying doing each day. They work Minimum wages, in the S.S. system, get medical but personally from what I have seen with them and majority of Thais in general the hours are too long 10-12 hours with one day off which need to be changed? This hurts the poor and the family unit I find it amusing that government seem find with 5 work days 8-9 hours day weekend off but do nothing for everyone else. If I was incline to open a business would do outside of the Thai box and provide incentive like a 401k only after they complete 1-2 years of service, flexible work hours, being able to trade with other employees doing the same job, flexible days off, depending on the type of job? Floating holidays which can be use before and after certain long holidays allowing them to stretch the time off. Be creative might be the key here. Good luck
  17. Not sure Bangkok but here in Pattaya, just off Sukhumvit and Pattaya Nua a place sells nice quality wood very expensive. Have you tried Google it just to see what pops up?
  18. The whole thing is a joke reason why Big Joke is assigned at least they got that right????
  19. Looks like a hi so lifestyle magazine for Ladyboy? ????
  20. Depends on your location, in Pattaya! If you got a International Permit with stamp for Motorbike you can bypass the written test. There are approx 3 set of test comprising of 50 questions each the set with answer can be purchased on Soi Pothole Canterberry book store.
  21. When I first came here it was 25-1 thought that was 25 times better. When I purchase my home it was 39-1 along with many major items like car and more land. My thought was one can't time the market what goes up got to come down so my philosophy has always been to kind of dollar cost and to draw a line at 30-1, I luckily have been successful in living on that number comfortably. As the baht has weaken each month I socked the extra away for a rainy day which has now exceeded 100,000 baht. Never live beyond your means.
  22. Important House Meeting! Is that the same excuse compartment as " brake failure" House meeting saving a life? Now it is clear should be for all Thai citizen to comprehend your life doesn't matter! Reason nothing is done and reason deaths will continue on the roads until ALL of them are replaced!
  23. The road the only reason it happened is for the all mighty $$$$$$, the crowed road and constant fight will people kicking for their cut. I have no doubt it helps those who are sick, but I never knew so many were sick like handicap stickers for parking everyone has one the longest line is the one for the weed. I had to make a quick stop to BKK, outside the Nana Hotel they had a weed kiosk What next weed and coffee at Amazon? ????
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