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Posts posted by Englander

  1. I did ten straight months in the u.k back in 2008, after living in Thailand for the best part of ten years. I can say without doubt, it was the worse ten months of my life, if living in Thailand is 10/10 and being in a uk prison is 0/10 i was at 1/10 for the whole time. I hated every single solitary second of that dark dank hellhole called Great Britain.

    Most people in the world would love to live in the UK. It is one of the best countries in the world for most people. Ok, so you don't like it, but if you gave it only 1/10 I would suggest that that is down to you personally. If you can't enjoy life in the UK with all it has to offer, then I feel really sorry for you. It is one thing missing another place and taking time to re-integrate, but I just can't fathom how anyone could have such a bad time. I love Thailand, I love the UK, I love many US cities and I love lots of other places. I would have a great time living in any of those places. Some may be 10/10 and some may be 7/10. But even in some bad places I think I'd have a good time in some respects. Life is what you make it.

    But he isnt most people he is 1 person expressing his views, and Brits are leaving in their droves and have been for years now so he's not in the minority thinking the way he does.

    And please at many points throughout life people arent happy no need to crucify the mans personality when youve never met him.

    When you say you love the UK, please try visiting Southall or Wembley in London, or other delightful places for example Bradford, Leicester and Rotherham and tell me how wonderful life is.

    [stop for a minute and write a list of the good things about London. I could name 100s. You must have a few at least. Focus on them. And start to be thankful that you are so lucky to have these .

    Only good thing about London is it has many forms of transport and lots of roads to get out the place.

  2. That is BRT, not a bus service. Metro bus goes to Pakkred but not past Immigration, and not from Mochit.

    Its NOT BRT. The whole point is that the BRT has been cancelled and replaced with a Metrobus service from Morchit to the government complex in Chaengwattana.

    How far is it from MoChit, and is it possible to get some passport photos near immigration offices

  3. Really sorry to see that Valencia's got such a bad injury, never good to see. And cant help but feel sorry for the utd fans esp the kids who spent lots of time and money to see their favourite players making up the strongest team after all it is the champions league and what do they get ? the second string, something should be done, nothing like a fine, cos under regulations, utd have done nothing wrong, but for me morally they've short sold their fans.

    The Champions League group stage is boring and isnt much of a competition for the top teams (i know it was a draw) Fergie agrees judging by his team selection, time to go back to knock out football its more of a level playing field.

    But agree about Valencia no one want to see a talented young footballer get such an injury, it looked innocuous.

  4. Tigerfish

    the asshol_e that cuts you up or tries to barge their way in up the inside lane. the constant materialist values that most have back home about having the newest 3 series bm <deleted> w or who has the best mobile phone upgrade. who gives a toss!

    sounds like Thailand!:blink:

    true enough onnut and i did think about that when posting.

    the only difference is that back in the u.k. and especially in some parts of built up urban areas in the cities. the culprit is usually ready to get out the car and take issue with you over the incident, after you pull them up on it. although i know it has been known to happen out here.

    do you kind of get where im coming from on this?

    Are you saying you see the worst in a situation in England, and you can let things go in Thailand.

    But i think youve got the wrong analogy, driving in England even in Central London is pure bliss with the most respectful road users youre ever likely to meet, in comparison to the land of the wacky races.

    If you were to get angry at every bad road user in Thailand youd have a heart attack, there are without doubt many things in the UK that are a million miles better, driving and road safety is one of them.

    Ironically this is one reason id go back to England, for the safety of my child, i honestly believe there are a significant section of Thai road users who would sooner run you over then slow down.

  5. Love 'em or hate 'em, the Saudis provided decent employment for 300,000 Thais before this heist. I know some who worked there before the heist and they made very good money doing manual labor (that was before the days of 'Thai ripoff employment agencies getting into the act).

    My way of looking at the lack of Thai action in getting to the bottom of this heist is that several hundred thousand laborers have suffered because of the greed and ineptitude of a few.

    Yes my kids grandfather, and his brother worked there, the brother speaks ok English through doing so.

    I was working there recently and its just Indians, Filipinos and Indonesians workers now earning about 800-1000 sterling a month.

    Im sure there are plenty of Thai welders, platers etc... that would love to make such money, fortunate for Thai housemaids though, who would have potentially gone there though.

  6. Ive stayed here for long periods of time and had to go back not through choice but through necessity and all i could think about was how to get back and it isnt a good way to think, so i done whatever necessary to give my self a choice of where to live, its taken 3-4 years.

    Now ive been here for 8 months out of the last 12, 4 were to work away, and im in a position where i have a choice and the thought of going back to the UK is not too bad and i probably will go sooner then later as Thailands not the best place to bring up a child imho, so long as im not working in England or paying tax to whichever dreadful govt is raising taxes, and own property more or less outright itll be ok.

    Though the thought of living in London would leave me with nightmares that place really is awful, cant you live somewhere fun and friendly like Brighton and commute.

  7. The biggest problem I see for Liverpool going forward as a business proposition is not their debt (say GBP400m which is manageable) or their squad (with say GBP100m could make them top class) nor their fans or their management.

    It is the lack of a new stadium. It will not only cost a lot of money - say GBP300m - but it will take time. However, I think it is costing the club something like GBP40m in revenues a year - say compared to a MANU.

    Thats 800 million quid there, Man U cant manage this amount with an 80,000 stadium that didnt need building from scratch and that is usually full, a bigger global fan base, league and champions league success, they just deferred the debt.

    Theyd need somewhere in the region of 60-100 million to pay the interest alone, as football clubs historically have got terrible rates when borrowing, hence Man Us bond sale.

  8. Because when i first came here 10yrs ago all multi stop round the world flights which i was on stopped here, i liked it and kept coming back not thinking of going to PI, wish i had though as im a bit of a duck out of water here in truth, the same may not be said for a westerner in PI due to it being a recent colony and the language similarities, after meeting and working with many PI nationals (welders and similar skilled poeple) ive always got on with them and can relate to them far better then i can with Thai males of a similar background.

    Now ive a baby here so its either England or Thailand, 2 countries im not overly content in for one reason or another.

  9. Any opinions on Karl Henry, no surprise he's involved in Zamora breaking leg at the weekend (i havent seen but read it was a tackle from behind), hes a talentless <deleted>, who thinks he's a tough boy for going in for 50-50 challenges with little intention of getting the ball.

    Nothing against Wolves who are a big club but with the dour Yorkshireman in charge youre going to play the worst football in the league and at best avoid relegation by the skin of your teeth by kicking lumps out of the opposition.

    Anyway 14 yellows and 1 red in 2 games speaks for itself and has come with a fine.


  10. Cheers i will have to look into the cost of hiring a car on a bi-monthly basis as having somewhere nice and liveable is the priority, i have been living in apartments and cant stand the things, im still undecided if i want to stay in Thailand after living in BKK and Jomtien hence wouldnt want to fork out for a car just yet.

    I'll take a look down Petchkasem road wherever this maybe also, as it might be worth paying a bit more instead of having to hire a vehicle

  11. Some songs really p7ss the supporters from some inferior part of the country right off, especially when theyre losing, surely this is reason enough.

    Besides a bit of noise lets you know youre behind the players and inspires them to try harder.

    But i think almost all players no matter how much you think they despise the fans do try their best during the match.

  12. Obviously Lee Aldhouse is hiding behind Britains very lengthy and archaic red tape so he won't have to face the consequences of his behavior. What a pathetic punk this loser is. It very well looks like that Brits can go abroad, commit any crime for any reason, run home to mama, and that Britain just looks the other way.What seems particularilly disturbing is the callous attitude that the esteemed British legal system has for the international victims that have suffered at the hands of these arrogant, maladjusted, and viscious British killers. Th British legal system is hardly enlightened enough to take resposibility for the murderous behavior of this killer and will do nothing but offer lame excuses,if that. In short, Britain doesn't care if its citizens go abroad and commit murder, this case is a prime example of this attitude. If you don't agree with me then watch what happens, nothing.

    Which British killerS (plural) are you talking about?

    Anyway youre obviously some twisted American who thinks all of us English thinks its wonderful that an ... extremely violent murderer ... has got out of the country and may well escape justice.

    But instead of ranting on about all us murderer loving Brits, why not email Andrew Drummond to get on the case of this, Or Fox news who also ran lengthy stories on this case interviewing his mother and siblings or try going directly to the British tabloids theyll love a story about a Brit soon to be walking the streets when he is very possibly a murderer.

    Basically instead implying such nonsense that all us evil British think its tickityboo whats happened so far, why not get off your lazy backside and actually do something about getting publicity for this messed up case.

  13. hodgson won't get the sack. the club can't afford to fire another manager for starters, but he's a safe pair of hands for the owners who won't make demands on them like benitez did. roy's appointment was all about compromise and lowering of expectations and accepting mediocrity because of the state the owners and administrators have made of the club.

    Ive seen Hodgson speak out about the current owners several times since he got the job, or at least saying they wont challenge for the league with the Americans in charge and the club needs new owners, sounds to me he may well have been appointed by the bank as opposed to those 2.


    Imho he must have known the financial situation before accepting the job so he should shut up and get on with the job, a good manager could get Liverpool challenging for a champions league place this year season, i wouldnt have though many Liverpool fans genuinely expect them to win the league.

  14. Today I received a mail from ChefsXP and they have decided to give me a compensation , 1000 baht in food for my next order .

    Yes I did complain about the delays but I can understand they are quite busy on a Saturday night.

    I will give them another try after this , their customer service is much better than I expected.

    Ive got to give them there due for good customer service.

    I ordered a Tikka Massala which ive recommended on here from Mrs Balbirs, which i order about once a week for delivery and i go there once a week for the same curry so know exactly how it tastes.

    Anyway what arrived yesterday wasnt the Tikka Massala more like a very mild Korma, but id waited 30 minutes after it was delivered to pour it on the rice so i just ate it.

    I would have just left it, but it wasnt the best curry imho, so i sent them an email saying it was the wrong dish and they called the restaurant and offered to bring a Tikka Massala out free of charge, (though wrongly Mrs Balbirs did claim theyd sent the correct dish)

    Anyway the girl from the company done all that could have been expected of her, for a problem that was not of chefxsp's making.

  15. Cheers for the help, i was planning on coming down next weekend for a few days to have a good look around.

    That Kiri Nakar looks pretty much what im after will definitely take a look, though the problem is the transport as ive always said to myself not to bother driving a car as the driving standards here arent upto scratch, and i would never let her go on a motorbike or take the baby near one.

    Would anyone know of similar places a little closer to town?

  16. After the Switzerland match I watched the Argentina - Spain match. The quality of the football from both sides was brilliant and made England look like Sunday morning players. Not one of our players would get into either team so unless new talent emerges soon dont expect us to win anything for a long time.

    Our left back would get into any team he is the best left back in the world just because he upsets the "Peoples Princess" aka Chezza and gets booed by a load of morons doesnt make him a bad player, as would Gerrard who is better then both Masherano and Alonso who you would have watched the other night, so would Rooney who despite being out of form is better the Tevez and although a different type of player is also better then Torres, Ferdinand would also get in either team if you believe anything other then that you obviously have never seen him play.

    And i didnt see this FRIENDLY you mention but England were fantastic the other night.

    You are correct about Ashley Cole but thats about all.

    BTW, England were good last night and are playing well at their level, but you have to realise the likes of Spain, Argentina would not allow them to play like that. We will qualify, and qualify well, but when we play the finals it will be a totally different situation just as we saw in the world cup.

    I think youre being harsh on Rooney, ok crap of late but without doubt world class.

    Ferdinand would have got in Spains team prior to the WC, hes far better then both Puyol and Pique, and id pick Gerrard over Alonso (i know he isnt as defensive but he could play there, besides they had Busquets to do the donkey work.)

    Individually and for their clubs they proved to be world class, but yes i know collectively for England theyve proved time and again theyre crap together. Contradiction i know.

  17. Im looking to move to Hua Hin in 5-9 weeks or so when my lease in BKK runs out.

    Could anyone recommend any 2 bed places in housing developments within 2-3KM's of town for about 20-25K a month, id prefer to go direct to developments and not have to bother with agents if at all possible.

    Im after something that is fairly new built, is in a safe area as mother and baby will be there whilst i am working away and has decent furnishings. (inc a bathtub/oven)

    Also what is public transport like in Hua Hin, as ive not been there for 5 years so am presuming things have changed a lot.

    Thanks in advance.

  18. Hi everyone,

    I regard Paul Scholes as one of the best, or the best english footballer of the last 15 years.

    if he did suffer asthma, he would have ranked for me in the top 10 footballers ever,


    What about if he didn't have Asthma then, he would have been the bestest ever, ever, ever ?

    Im thinking they built him up a bit much after having a good game against a disorganised team on the first day of the season, got a feeling him and ManU will be shy7 this year.

    Giggs has always been far better then Scholes, but apart from when he first come on the scene has never really had people getting all excited about how good he is.

  19. I'd liek to Cardiff too to be fair, would definately add something to the Prem..:D

    Yes id go along with that even though i reciprocate the Welsh's feelings towards the English, but id like to see Leeds go up ASAP they belong in the top league and the Yorkie bars have suffered more then enough, id also like to see Sheff Wed who are as big a club as most in the top flight back up. (i know theyre in division 3)

  20. After the Switzerland match I watched the Argentina - Spain match. The quality of the football from both sides was brilliant and made England look like Sunday morning players. Not one of our players would get into either team so unless new talent emerges soon dont expect us to win anything for a long time.

    Our left back would get into any team he is the best left back in the world just because he upsets the "Peoples Princess" aka Chezza and gets booed by a load of morons doesnt make him a bad player, as would Gerrard who is better then both Masherano and Alonso who you would have watched the other night, so would Rooney who despite being out of form is better the Tevez and although a different type of player is also better then Torres, Ferdinand would also get in either team if you believe anything other then that you obviously have never seen him play.

    And i didnt see this FRIENDLY you mention but England were fantastic the other night.

  21. They talk about Barca and Real but these 2 clubs are in massive debt due to voting in people to run their clubs on a who can bring in the superstars they cant afford pledge, its a dreadful way to run a club, plus theyve TV deals that ruin competition in their league so no these clubs shouldnt be what fans aspire to.

    As for fans having the power, that could be true if they/we/i had brains not too turn up or buy a TV package, but you look at the plebs at Old Trafford flying their green and yellow flags just after theyve come out the club shop having bought a whole load of overpriced nonsense that goes straight into the owners pockets, before clicking through the turnstile to watch a game thats ticket price has gone up by 50/100% in a few years or whatever it is, so they can pay the interest to the bankers who lent the Glazers money they can never pay back without selling the family jewels ie Ronaldo.

    As for selling a portion of the club to fans/trusts, in the 90s many clubs listed on the stock market and fans who bought lost an absolute fortune and they had pretty much no say as the major shareholders i.e. Edwards at ManU, Halls, at Newcastle, Sugar at Spurs etc... ran the club as a PLC in name only but had ultimate power over every decision.

    Im thinking if fans boycotted games for a season or 3 so the clubs go close to administration (something which will never happen) is one way to go, or just accept the status quo that football is now run by people wanting to take as much out of the game as possible (as it was when we had local businessmen owned clubs) or people like these Arabs/Russians who distort competition thus making running a club within its means whose fans want to compete totally impossible.

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