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Posts posted by Englander

  1. What an idiot, or does he have mental health issues? Not content with alleging a fake consipracy against the government of Thailand (they "could have" planted drugs, but they didn't did they?) he now wants to take on the Australian government.

    At least the other Red Shirt British gentleman has had the decency to shut his mouth about it once he was deported.

    But you must remember he is of Irish descent. :rolleyes:

    Please explain your racist comment

    Why is there so much hate between Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh guys? :blink:

    A significant section of Scots, Catholic Irish and Welsh have all got a huge chip on their shoulder to the point they hate the English and we're not overly welcome in many parts of their countries.

    The English just think theyre insignificant and we couldnt really careless about them despite us funding all their nations by approx 3000GBP per head, though we do wish theyd stop inflicting socialist govts on us.

    • Like 1
  2. Why you guys bother about Indian food in Thailand? If I were expat or tourist in Thailand, I would be more interested in thai food.

    I don't eat Thai food but I do enjoy about two meals a week from Mrs Balbirs (Sukhumvit 11/1) when I'm in Bangkok. It's not cheap but it's very good. They deliver via ChefsXP so it's also convenient.

    Mrs Balbirs is excellent, as good a ruby as ive had anywhere, the butter chicken tikka massala is absolutely delightful, they do cooking classes there which im tempted to do.

    But this place in the Emporium is not good at all, i went there after the recommendation on here i was served some rubbery chicken in a non too tasty sauce, was similar to what you get on an aeroplane.

  3. Mr Purcell - who accepted political charges against him but did not plead guilty - said he did not know a lot about Thai politics before he became involved with the Red Shirt but felt compelled to help after seeing the violence at protests in April.

    It is obvious that he still does not understand Thai politics.

    Yes he's probably thinking why didnt i get locked up for 3 month and deported after being pictured protesting with the Yellow shirts the other year, maybe its the blatant double standards that he doesnt understand.

    Link to him as a yellow -


  4. 4 Man City players started in the England team last night and 6 finished the game. Hart, Barry, Lescott, Milner, Adam Johnson and Shaun Wright-Phillips. Who would have thought that a few years ago. :D

    Well done to Johnson, scoring again.

    If youd asked me a few years ago id have said Joe Hart, Micah Richards, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Michael Johnson, Joey Barton and Daniel Sturridge could have been in the England squad in a few years time.

  5. I do note, however, your backtracking from your earlier definitive answer as to who is responsible and that is a bit more commendable.

    No backtracking there is was enough circumstantial evidence for me to believe that he was shot by the army, and that the army shot and killed unarmed protesters.

    Or are you trying to tell me i need a video following the bullet as basically this is the only evidence one could have to be absolutely certain.

  6. when shot at is probably more correct.

    I can confirm 100% seeing a guy flying a flag who was of no threat shot in the head, his head melted im sure many on here saw it, there was the nurse and those in the temple these are the higher profile MURDERS.

    Thank you for solving these killings when no one else could.

    Well as no one has been held accountable

    Thank you for admitting that you don't know anything about who is responsible for these killings.

    There were videos from France24 at the time showing soldiers shooting into this crowd and then he along with many others die, there was plenty of exceptionally strong circumstantial evidence at the time .... but my lack of courtroom and non corrupt police to gather evidence has made it difficult for me to prove outright.


    Make of this what you may.

    Now please instead of trying to be clever can you confirm you believe it may not have been the army, and that you believe it may have been a 3rd element as like i say i love a conspiracy theory, please put your head above the parapet as i have.

    • Like 1
  7. Red's weren't shooting other reds unless by accident. There was a group of 'black shirts' causing mayhem on both sides on the 10th of April.

    OK they werent shot by fellow red shirts but they were shot at by people allegedly sponsored by red shirt backers but put in black shirts, now i know. rolleyes.gif

    Anyway im off to the gym enough Thaivisa for one day.

    It may help your mental processes mens sana in corpore sano

    Thats the plan and it does work, but im not the one coming out with twisted logic conspiracy theories.

    Strange how if youre not a conspiracy theorist on TV in relation to these incidents youre accused of not thinking clearly, oh well!

  8. Cannot bag rooney he is still a young lad and got married and had kids to young,you have the fame and the money the girls will come chasing.

    I Have not read the tabloids so i commenting on something i know nothing about

    Can someone fill me in what he has been up too.

    He's been beating the granny into some slightly above average looking Manc brass whilst Coleen (who is Rooneys WAG) was knocked up.

  9. LFC fans with Facebook accounts, please visit this page and sign up. Also please forward it around to everyone you know, Facebook link it, Tweet it, whatever you can to spread the word. Good initiative this is:

    LFC RBS Black Monday: http://www.facebook....Fbh6Hoy&h=57b8b

    Thatll mean that Liverpool owners would be answerable to a Tory govt, oh the irony! whistling.gif

    a nationalised, publicly-owned bank under a tory government, oh the irony.

    Actually what would happen if they foreclosed on the owners?

    Theyd go into liquidation, would have to seel some assets ie Gerrard Torres, they lose 9 points or more if they didnt come out of administration properly and then the bank would sell to whoever they desired.

    But it was reported in todays press that the bank can own them outright should the Americans not keep paying the money owed, and wont go into liquidation but the bank will try and recoup whatever money theyre owed.

    However i do think there will be a bit of a fuss in the press were the bank to hold onto Liverpool for too long at the taxpayers expense, with them being a high profile easy target.

  10. LFC fans with Facebook accounts, please visit this page and sign up. Also please forward it around to everyone you know, Facebook link it, Tweet it, whatever you can to spread the word. Good initiative this is:

    LFC RBS Black Monday: http://www.facebook....Fbh6Hoy&h=57b8b

    Thatll mean that Liverpool owners would be answerable to a Tory govt, oh the irony! whistling.gif

    a nationalised, publicly-owned bank under a tory government, oh the irony.

    But it happened under a Labour govt, anyway the 3 main parties are all working to the same agenda.

  11. when shot at is probably more correct.

    I can confirm 100% seeing a guy flying a flag who was of no threat shot in the head, his head melted im sure many on here saw it, there was the nurse and those in the temple these are the higher profile MURDERS.

    Thank you for solving these killings when no one else could.

    Well as no one has been held accountable for 1 death in any of the above cases, id be surprised if all of a sudden video footage appeared showing the culprit openly saying that he was aiming for the unarmed one with the flag as he was a lanky streak of p7ss, along with a confession dragged out of him by one of Girly Berry would be enough to even suspect him, as you know that em it might have been one of those pesky red shirted terrorists.

    But one reason they would wish to protest is they might get shot by either the army/govt or one of their fellow protesters to make the army/govt look bad, hardly worth it im sure youd agree.

  12. I can confirm 100% seeing a guy flying a flag who was of no threat shot in the head, his head melted im sure many on here saw it, there was the nurse and those in the temple these are the higher profile MURDERS.


    Can you 100% confirm who fired the shot that killed the guy with the flag?

    No but i believe ballistic experts claimed the type of bullet that would have done that to his head was that used by the military. But are you insinuating the reds shoot their own supporters, as lets be honest that claim is ridiculous.

    Come on there was more then enough footage of soldiers shooting unarmed people for you not to be so silly and accept they shot at unarmed people.

    There is a history of the state and army killing unarmed innocent people why is it this time that dumb foreigners think the protesters would be shooting on their own people.

    But come on let me know i love a good conspiracy theory.

    • Like 1
  13. The last time I visited Pattaya there were a lot more families, Russian couples and Japs knockin around than there was 10 years ago.

    Aswell as gangs of Middle Eastern and India men chasing 1 hooker.

    I've not been Island hopping for quite some time, this is where you will come accross most of the backpackers.

    Lots of these young backpackers go with prostitutes, would that not make them sex tourists?

  14. Theyve probably seen that no matter how much they protest things wont change, and that the Thai army are quite happy to kill citizens as they please

    Its hardly worth dying to keep the status quo.


    I doubt the Thai army likes to kill citizens, they like to return fire when shot at is probably more correct.

    I can confirm 100% seeing a guy flying a flag who was of no threat shot in the head, his head melted im sure many on here saw it, there was the nurse and those in the temple these are the higher profile MURDERS.

    Throughout history the state and army have murdered its own citizens, here are a few examples.

    14 October 1973 Students killed in govt. protests

    6th October 1976 Thamasat University killed

    Black May 1992

    The Krue Sa mosque massacre in April 2004

    Takbai in Southern Thailand on October 25, 2004

    War on Drugs (police)

    Finally recently the Army tied up and sent the Burmese boat people back out to sea to die.

    But like you say the reds are bad, so maybe all those others were bad and the army were just shooting back, and defending the freedoms of Thailand.rolleyes.gif

    • Like 2
  15. It was a good performance and you can't take that away. However without going overboard it has to be measured against the standard of opposition.

    Switzerland are a good team, but Glen Johnson should be dropped for it, he was terrible.

    Not quite true. He's very good going forward but, at times, woeful defensively.

    Thing is, it's ok to advocate dropping him but who do you replace him with because like it or not he's the best of the bunch which for a defender isnt good.

    Hes appalling at defending and only slightly better going forward, he's all the physical presence of Bambi.

    Micah Richards, Jagielka even G Neville should all play before this hairdresser, or even Milner who played there for his club, then A Johnson and Walcott both start.

    After his dreadful showing in the WC he was even worse Friday night you cant be so bad for so long and still get picked.

  16. oh dear wayne. oh dear. bye bye coleen and half of your money.

    This one was on improvement on the granny.

    Smoking though, surely when ManU give him 6 million pounds a year its be in their interest to have a clause banning him from such an activity.

    Anyway 1 player down 2 more to be named.

    rooney's smoked for years. and i've read football physios say that a few fags here and there really makes no difference to a footballer's fitness when they train every single day.

    Medically speaking a phsio wouldnt have a clue about this, a Pulmonolgist might, but judging by his performances of late they arent helping.

    But as someone who smokes stinking cigarettes occasionally and keeps fit, im almost certain that there is no way on gods earth that a few a day or a few several times a week should one train frequently do no harm. Furthermore we dont know that its only a few cigarettes now and then.

  17. It was a good performance and you can't take that away. However without going overboard it has to be measured against the standard of opposition.

    Switzerland are a good team, but Glen Johnson should be dropped for it, he was terrible.

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