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Posts posted by Englander

  1. ^Some information in Australia suggests that there is another type of problem with the housing industry in that there isnt enough of them (SHORTAGE) and this is one of the key differences between what has happened elsewhere.

    I don't know, I don't know how these people arrive at their figures and estimates.

    Yes the old shortage of property line those Estate Agents and property experts know their stuff, but they've been knocking that lie out in England aswell, and the bubble has just gone bang and prices will be decimated .. i think its wonderful!

    I really hope this happens in Australia, that would be just SWEET, sorry I'm one of those sadistic oportunist like people ;)

    There is nothing sadistic about wanting your average working man/women to be able to afford an ok property without having to hand over the best part of their wages he/she earns in 25-30 years .. just to fund bankers bonuses.

    Australia shouldnt put all its eggs in the one basket that is China buying its minerals forever more ... its similar to the British govt backing the Financial centre of London to the detriment of every other aspect thatll lead to a balanced economy ... but your new Prime Minister comes across as thick as pigs muck so i dont hold out much hope.

  2. ^Some information in Australia suggests that there is another type of problem with the housing industry in that there isnt enough of them (SHORTAGE) and this is one of the key differences between what has happened elsewhere.

    I don't know, I don't know how these people arrive at their figures and estimates.

    Yes the old shortage of property line those Estate Agents and property experts know their stuff, but they've been knocking that lie out in England aswell, and the bubble has just gone bang and prices will be decimated .. i think its wonderful!

  3. How far down Thong Lor is Fat Gutz and is it on the high street or down a soi, seems the food is good which is the priority.

    Got to give Aussies their due they have good fish and chips shops, far better then in England where id rarely eat from them as most are that bad.

  4. I find it strange that the US criticises European nations for spending less in relation to GDP, as its non of your governments or peoples business.

    I view it differently. If the US and European nations agree to defend each other if attacked (NATO), then the US would have a legitimate point is requesting that the Europeans increase their defense spending relative to GDP. If the US has no treaty obligations to Europe, then I would agree with your opinion-its none of our (US) concern... or responsibility if a european nation is attacked :D

    That may be the case but why does Americas clearly unaffordable military budget have to be the one adhered to?

    Send your troops home from Europe we (Britain) and they Western Europeans can take care of ourselves that'll save you a few bucks, you have bases in England <deleted> we've not lost a war on home soil for almost 1000 years .... besides there is no marching army on its way to Europe just terrorist cells, as we've seen in London and New York armies arent much use to fight such ideology.

    The point i make is not meant to confuse or even attempts to be mildly clever, im just simply stating the fact that America cant afford it, and neither can Britain.

  5. When I read an OP like this, it does make me wonder what brought the OP to Thailand in the first place. What sort of expectations did he have? Was his first visits to Thailand to Pattaya and other tourist places only? Did he think that all Thai women were like Thai bargirls? Did he really believe that he was a "hansum man?" Did he not know that Thailand was a developing nation? Did he not know about the visa laws? When somebody becomes this disenchanted with Thailand, it's usually because the reality couldn't live up to the expectations. I hope his expectations of life in Paris--or anywhere else--is a little more realistic. Otherwise, I doubt he will ever find true happiness.

    Agree, an interestign point 'What brought some people here in the first place, either as tourists or actually living here'.

    I have one acquaintence who:

    - Came for a one week holiday, mostly from pressure from friends who had already savoured the delights.

    - He rushed home, after the one week holiday, arranged early retirement*, and although it took 3 years to get to the end, he used that time to study (seriously study) Thai langauge, Listening, speaking, reading and writing, and when he moved here his Thai language skills were very advanced except that he has a very strong accent and the Thai people he interacted with couldn't understand a word he was saying.

    *retirement from a very senior public service position where he was an advisor to a premier, he had a long list of academic awards, including two MBA's and a Masters degree in Ecomonics and Public Administration.

    - He sold everything at home, house and all, arrived in Bkk, and very quickly started to get very angry when people (continuously) didn't underatnd what he was saying in Thai. Got very angry when waiters didn't understand the western food items he was requesting and in most cases there was no possibility that they would have any clue what he was talking about. Etc.

    - He was near to having a nervous breakdown, for a very straight forward reason - his dream of living in utopia had been quickly and totally shattered. He had convinced himself that he would not only come here and live but would also quickly become somebody famous.

    - End of story, a group of friends (who had become very concerned about his mental health and very concerned that his more and more frequent severe temper outbursts would land him in serious trouble) told him 'either you buy a ticket and go home, or we will pool some money and buy a ticket and take you to the airport'.

    - He thankfull realized that he should go home, and he did.

    - This is all about 15 years ago, he still hates Thailand.

    That was my point exactly. I've known many guys that fit this description.

    No that wasnt your point, your point can be read here

    Its just a made up rant about all other expats not being visionaries like you are, and having full knowledge of Thais and their ways from day 1 .... it then goes on to insinuate he's obviously a un-hansum drunken sexpat, who when he first came here was so uncultured he actually went to those ghastly tourist areas youve obviously never lowered your standards to go to ... followed by a bid of cod philosophy/ amateur psychology about eternal happiness

    If you read his post he doesnt like the driving standards, litter, the smell of sewers when eating and the police corruption ..... do you?

  6. Profitable Group have closed all of their offices in Asia including the office in Bangkok. They are under investigation by the commercial affairs department in Singapore. People are left holding worthless land and worthless investments. Predictable end to another unpleasant long term scam. Search for Profitable Plots or Profitable Group victims in Google to see the victim support website.

    Sad, but when i saw their advert on TV selling worthless greenbelt land in the UK, i couldnt believe they were allowed to market such a scam on national TV.

    If an investment sounds too good to be true it usually is.

  7. With respect to military power, I am currious to hear what the folks that complain about a strong America say about a weak one?

    America can spend what it likes on its military, just its a fact they cant afford to.

    I find it strange that the US criticises European nations for spending less in relation to GDP, as its non of your governments or peoples business.

    I believe that the Tea Party has common sense and possibly affordable ideas about the role of the US military ... ie slash spending and keep out of other peoples business.

  8. .. begin removed ..

    we can still have free trade, but the EU is an unaffordable, bureaucrat , business stifling, corrupt regime that is only interested in control in its fascist manner.

    As for defaulting that means not paying the debt telling whoever to clear off thus means getting kicked out the Eurozone (presumably) At which point theyll go back to their former currencies (debt free) which will be very weak as all nations are aiming for at the moment and theyll get plenty of inward investment as theyll have a cheap and fairly well educated labour force, economic suicide is to stay in the Euro with its expensive labour force for these countries.

    The IMF have already stated Ireland are insolvent and cant afford to pay their debt which amounts to 200K Euro per person born in 2015.


    Interesting times, i look forward to the outcome within a few years.

    Looking at economical statistics from the EC website it seems in the period of Jan - May 2010 of Britain's import/export 127 billion Euro is from/to extra-EC27, 148 billion Euro intra-EC27 and a total negative trade balance of 48 billion. This suggest that co-operation is not only important for the EC26 (i.e. EC27 - UK), but also for the United kingdom.

    Defaulting causing half of your market to lay in ruins gives no comfort to feeling righteous.

    Maybe i am righteous as i despise controlling govt and the EU, and im aware that it'll be very bad for the UK, but we can print more money and devalue our currency to write such a debt off, Ireland with it being in the Euro cant. (Young Irish will at least afford to buy a home in the coming years)

    The credit farce of the last 10-15 yrs has priced my generation out the property market ... IMHO a crash of this kind will enable your average guy to buy a home to live in and raise a family with an average wage without the need to be in debt to the banks forever, he/she can then live a nicer life to the one the banksters and UK/US/EU govts have created over the last 15 years.

    Anyway im paid in US Dollars and have a job where i can go to wherever the currency is strong hence a sterling fall is good for me.

    Some I agree with, some not. Personally I think it's less the government and more a few rich, powerful groups which are in control. I would almost say 'as usual'.

    The young Irish may have a choice of cheaper homes, but without a job and heavily curtailed lending practices it won't help them. Nor will it help the average guy. Some with sufficient 'fluency' may just pick up the lot as better investment than just plain old stocks, or complicated financial instruments for now.

    OK but in the mid term 5 years or so im blindly optimistic for western economies, and i believe we'll be nicer places to live after this, but one thing that will enable your average man to buy a home is we arent going to see a property bubble of this proportion in our lifetimes, hence the wealthy investor will have to invest in something more productive then property to make above average returns... plus there is talk of taxing land/multiple property owners in the UK.

  9. .. begin removed ..

    we can still have free trade, but the EU is an unaffordable, bureaucrat , business stifling, corrupt regime that is only interested in control in its fascist manner.

    As for defaulting that means not paying the debt telling whoever to clear off thus means getting kicked out the Eurozone (presumably) At which point theyll go back to their former currencies (debt free) which will be very weak as all nations are aiming for at the moment and theyll get plenty of inward investment as theyll have a cheap and fairly well educated labour force, economic suicide is to stay in the Euro with its expensive labour force for these countries.

    The IMF have already stated Ireland are insolvent and cant afford to pay their debt which amounts to 200K Euro per person born in 2015.


    Interesting times, i look forward to the outcome within a few years.

    Looking at economical statistics from the EC website it seems in the period of Jan - May 2010 of Britain's import/export 127 billion Euro is from/to extra-EC27, 148 billion Euro intra-EC27 and a total negative trade balance of 48 billion. This suggest that co-operation is not only important for the EC26 (i.e. EC27 - UK), but also for the United kingdom.

    Defaulting causing half of your market to lay in ruins gives no comfort to feeling righteous.

    Maybe i am righteous as i despise controlling govt and the EU, and im aware that it'll be very bad for the UK, but we can print more money and devalue our currency to write such a debt off, Ireland with it being in the Euro cant. (Young Irish will at least afford to buy a home in the coming years)

    The credit farce of the last 10-15 yrs has priced my generation out the property market ... IMHO a crash of this kind will enable your average guy to buy a home to live in and raise a family with an average wage without the need to be in debt to the banks forever, he/she can then live a nicer life to the one the banksters and UK/US/EU govts have created over the last 15 years.

    Anyway im paid in US Dollars and have a job where i can go to wherever the currency is strong hence a sterling fall is good for me.

  10. But i think the Euro will continue to exist in some form, but maybe without the Nations who have the courage to default.

    Trying again.

    In January and end April / begin May there were many speculations on a default by Greece, followed by Ireland, Portugal, Spain and what you have. Main conclusion none in Europe can offered that, it would be an economical disaster for ALL. That may be the reason it has been more quiet around this subject. It doesn't help any to even speculate on this, although that will not stop 'enterprising' people to use any financial instrument possible to make a profit. Like those in America who invented highly imaginative schemes copied by others and which led to the banking disaster and global downturn in 2008.

    Im unsure why youve highlighted that quote, but i do think the Euro will exist but in a different form to its current state, unless Germans wish to bail out all these countries, which im sure their electorate doesnt.

    But this isnt a manufactured financial instrument concocted by bankers thats all in the past, this is the here and now and its nothing more complicated then a huge debt they cant afford to pay back.

    If Ireland were on its own in this position as Argentina were in 2001 this would be best option but with a definite domino effect should they default then people like me and you can only speculate on the outcome.

    Anyway Argentina have thrived since defaulting, scroll to the bottom of the page to see their GDP growth.


    Anyway read this, theyre fcuked and the domino effect is frightening.


    And then read this about Anglo Irish


  11. But i think the Euro will continue to exist in some form, but maybe without the Nations who have the courage to default.

    Courage? More like economical suicide which ain't painless. Even with economies entwined Greece would be broke and in grave problems if she 'dared' to default. Same for Ireland. The other Euro Zone countries might not like to loose 100 billion Euro, but can still afford it rather than be blackmailed. The French are a different case (as English you should know ;) ), but even they will soon come to the conclusion that trees don't grow to Heaven any more. A Europe with pension ages of 65+ will have no patience for them.

    All in all it is to be hoped the European countries realize they no longer can do things alone, or without the others. Thank God for that, we don't need another war with European countries fighting against each other. The Yugoslavian Affair was a deep disgrace and only possible because of years of suppression, but luckily contained. Now if some talk about Army atrocities in May here, start reading about those in the former Yugoslavia.

    We, Britain already have 2 wars we cant win or afford or 1.5 now, there isnt going to be a Euro WW3 so no need to even talk one up, we can still have free trade, but the EU is an unaffordable, bureaucrat , business stifling, corrupt regime that is only interested in control in its fascist manner.

    As for defaulting that means not paying the debt telling whoever to clear off thus means getting kicked out the Eurozone (presumably) At which point theyll go back to their former currencies (debt free) which will be very weak as all nations are aiming for at the moment and theyll get plenty of inward investment as theyll have a cheap and fairly well educated labour force, economic suicide is to stay in the Euro with its expensive labour force for these countries.

    The IMF have already stated Ireland are insolvent and cant afford to pay their debt which amounts to 200K Euro per person born in 2015.


    Interesting times, i look forward to the outcome within a few years.

  12. Expect to hit 28 Baht/USD.

    It's not possible to stop $$ influx. Thai stock P/E is relatively low compared to others. Thai national debt is only 48-55(58-62 max)% GDP which is again highly secure.

    The only concern is color-code protest which lead to instability. If Thais stop political mess, the country can benefit from strong Baht, reforming infrastructure, increasing productivity etc.

    Id say the trade wars that are starting are the biggest factor that could affect Thailand, as their one way trade agreements with the West arent going to last forever.

  13. If it were just the big 6 in the Euro then sure it would be stable, however there are far too many weak economies within it and Germany and France will tire of pumping more and more of their citizens potential wealth to keep other nations afloat.

    You are joking right, the Socialist Republic of France with the biggest public sector in the Eurozone, with the joint lowest age for receiving a state pension in the Eurozone (Same as Greece), whose farming industry is subsidised by the European Union to the tune of 8 billion Euro, with the lowest rate of start up companies due to bundles of red tape and where unions are abundantly powerful and strike at the drop of a hat.

    In one way or another Ireland and Greece whose economies i know a little about will default as they cant afford the repayments, its a case of how theyll do it as to whether they can stay in the club thats on the quick march to totalitarianism.

    But i think the Euro will continue to exist in some form, but maybe without the Nations who have the courage to default.

  14. Would all the Berbatov knockers like to come forward, bow their collective heads, and admit that is probably one of the finest displays by a striker, at OT, in recent memory. The overhead may well be goal of the season. Then again a lot of Berbatov knockers,not including intelligent and knowledgeable United supporters of course , wouldn't know a football from a pumpkin so its unlikely to happen.

    Thatll be all bar Fergie, but its only been a good few games see if he keeps it up.

    • Like 1
  15. seems the uk is a great place to live if your a foreigner ,not such a great place for many people born and bread there .

    too much cheap labour in uk now jobs not there and wages down ............:ph34r:

    Wait for w11guy to correct you that there are jobs for life and apprenticeships for all in Britains booming manufacturing industry .... it is 1958 isnt it!

    OP Get a job offshore it isnt too difficult to get into despite what the most on here will tell you, you just need something to offer an employer ... so here is a nice little tip, spend a couple of years becoming an electrician and get your rope access tickets, with perseverance someone will take you on and youll be making good money and have 6 months holiday a year once established.

  16. You can't afford a house so that means the older generation are to blame and the UK is rubbish. You are to blame. Earn some money and buy a place. There are lots of affordable places in the UK. Lots of young people have bought houses. Interest rates have come down massively, so that makes it fairly obvious that property is more affordable. It's common sense, I don't need a paper or anyone else to tell me that. My mortage payments almost halved, as have most peoples. So morgages are more affordable to everyone who has a mortgage, which is most of the population.

    I earn more money then you have ever earned ie i earn enough to be in wealthiest 10% should i stay in this position long enough, i am lucky i can afford to buy most my age cant. But as youre some not overly aware Guardian reader and deny FACTS to get your point over, i will give up trying to educate you.

  17. Life in England is very difficult these days with unaffordable housing for those who didnt buy 10 years ago, making aspects of life that are the aspiration of many ie a family life, home and being settled extremely difficult. (These arent personal issues)

    We've has 13 years of the most vile English hating government who have turned it into a Big Brother police state, the place is extremely violent, its full to the brim of all sorts of 3rd world filth and finally is in the worst recession since the 1930s .. (These arent personal issues) so please dont tell me that everything is tickityboo in the UK.

    I also have met hundreds leaving the UK/Ireland as i used to own a company selling overseas property, and literally everyone that was buying to move as opposed to as an investment said the exact same reasons for leaving ...ie mass 3rd world immigation, unaffordable housing, the violence and aggression, climate, overly taxed, police state, big brother the govt etc...

    Im fortunate that i work 1 month on 1 off in the oil industry making good money and not having to pay a penny in tax, so should soon be able to afford to buy somewhere in England outright, but if i was doing some 9-5 job for 25K a year (average wage) itd be an awful place to live with few prospects.

    I lived in UK on a rundown housing estate and on the dole once upon a time. Life was tough, but I still had fun. It's a mental thing. Many poor people are happy and many rich people are unhappy. Hapiness, having fun, etc, is a state of mind. I have seen some really deprivation and the people are still happy. It doesn't matter how bad things are, most people have plenty to be happy about. Good health, good friends, family, etc. etc. So UK had a bad government. So what? Make your own life, fun. I don't allow others to dictate my hapiness, fun, etc. It seems like you might.

    There is no mass 3rd world immigration into the UK. Most immigration is from EU countries. That is a fact. UK isn't violent at all. The climate is great (that's a personal thing anyway), housing is more affordable now than any time in last 10 years. You just seem to be repeating some kind of rubbish that The Sun or Star would print. I lived in UK for 50 years and what you say bears no resemblance to my experience there. If it was that bad, more people would be leaving and people wouldn't want to go there. It is consistently near the top of places to live in the world. You should try living in other countries. If you think the UK is worth 1/10, you will be in for a real shock if you visit some other countries. You are not looking at this objectively. You are entitled to your opinion, but most would disagree with you.

    My last comment, as you obviously don't agree. No point geting into a pointless debate.

    No you dont get off that easy.

    Youre over 50 so obviously had the opportunity to buy property when it was 2-3 times average annual wages, you have ABSOLUTELY no idea about affordability, my age group have been left with the tax bill your spend free labour voting not very bright generation has left us .... no doubt youve made money from property ... well that profit is coming from my generation.

    Property in most places hasnt gone down YOU ARE AWARE OF 0.5% INTEREST RATES AND QE, though it looks as if it may it still hasnt crashed, you are obviously not overly on the ball or aware of current affairs but mustn't read anything as high brow as The Sun, Star for you to come out with the LIE that property is more affordable now then at anytime in the last 10 year.

    educated yourself at www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum and you will see youre totally wrong. ... You even had the opportunity to live in a council house .... well as your generation got sold them for 1/4 of their marketl price the stock is now at a minimal and someone in a semi skilled job wouldnt get one, but again stay ignorant about this most important of issues.

    The govt figures the UN analysed showed Britain to be the most violent country in the world ... i dont think its the most violent but it certainly shows you as being well not as bright as a Sun/ Star reader when making up your lie from your Ivory Tower http://www.dailymail...Africa-U-S.html

    I used to own an agency based in Bulgaria and Romania, now if you were as well travelled as a Sun Star reader youd be aware the average wage of teachers/firemen/police there is about 250 euro a month, these countries are wildly corrupt and are akin to 3rd world status (though i do believe the PC word is developing country) .... besides for an example 250,000 Somalis have came to the UK in 15 years that comes frrom the BBC, just walk around to see that the UK has lost its identity ..


  18. I did ten straight months in the u.k back in 2008, after living in Thailand for the best part of ten years. I can say without doubt, it was the worse ten months of my life, if living in Thailand is 10/10 and being in a uk prison is 0/10 i was at 1/10 for the whole time. I hated every single solitary second of that dark dank hellhole called Great Britain.

    Most people in the world would love to live in the UK. It is one of the best countries in the world for most people. Ok, so you don't like it, but if you gave it only 1/10 I would suggest that that is down to you personally. If you can't enjoy life in the UK with all it has to offer, then I feel really sorry for you. It is one thing missing another place and taking time to re-integrate, but I just can't fathom how anyone could have such a bad time. I love Thailand, I love the UK, I love many US cities and I love lots of other places. I would have a great time living in any of those places. Some may be 10/10 and some may be 7/10. But even in some bad places I think I'd have a good time in some respects. Life is what you make it.

    But he isnt most people he is 1 person expressing his views, and Brits are leaving in their droves and have been for years now so he's not in the minority thinking the way he does.

    And please at many points throughout life people arent happy no need to crucify the mans personality when youve never met him.

    When you say you love the UK, please try visiting Southall or Wembley in London, or other delightful places for example Bradford, Leicester and Rotherham and tell me how wonderful life is.

    I've visited Leicester a number of times and Southall once. They would not be my choice of place to live, but to say there are almost as bad as prison is ridiculous. We all like some places more than others, but if you find somehere like the UK unbearable, then I think that has to be because of personal issues. Yes, many people are leaving the UK, as I did myself. But they don't hate it. I know many people who have left. They left because they wanted to experience another culture or another country. Or beacuse the preferred another country. They didn't leave because they hate the UK. I have met 1000s of people from the UK and people who have visited the UK. Some liked it and some didn't, but no-one thought it was one step up from prison. He's entitled to his opinion and I'm entitled to mine.If you can't find anything to like in the UK, then you can't have many things in life that you like. The UK has almost everything you could ask for.

    Life in England is very difficult these days with unaffordable housing for those who didnt buy 10 years ago, making aspects of life that are the aspiration of many ie a family life, home and being settled extremely difficult. (These arent personal issues)

    We've has 13 years of the most vile English hating government who have turned it into a Big Brother police state, the place is extremely violent, its full to the brim of all sorts of 3rd world filth and finally is in the worst recession since the 1930s .. (These arent personal issues) so please dont tell me that everything is tickityboo in the UK.

    I also have met hundreds leaving the UK/Ireland as i used to own a company selling overseas property, and literally everyone that was buying to move as opposed to as an investment said the exact same reasons for leaving ...ie mass 3rd world immigation, unaffordable housing, the violence and aggression, climate, overly taxed, police state, big brother the govt etc...

    Im fortunate that i work 1 month on 1 off in the oil industry making good money and not having to pay a penny in tax, so should soon be able to afford to buy somewhere in England outright, but if i was doing some 9-5 job for 25K a year (average wage) itd be an awful place to live with few prospects.

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