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Posts posted by Englander

  1. Ah yes, the new system that's going to be used to catch terrorists. I wonder how many they've caught. Before you know it people will be arrested whenever they enter or leave the country for outstanding parking tickets.

    I will be very surprised if this guy is sent to Thailand as the system they have in place is barbaric and condemned by most of the world as being inhumane, corrupt and brutal. For these reasons there's not a chance that he will be sent back to Thailand. Not now, not ever.


    Even if Thailand says they wont kill him he then has a case of the conditions suffered by prisoners in the bangkok hilton and he will have a valid case against extradiution on the basis that his HUMAN RIGHT will be violated by his treatment in a thai Prison

    there is enough witnesses in the UK he could use as to the condition in prison

    No hope of his extradition

    Thats my take on it aswell. If it is the case you can murder whoever you want in Thailand and so long as youve a couple of million baht for Thai customs you wont have to spend a day in prison, however prisons in East Europe are similar to Thai prisons.

    The LIB/LAB/CONS who have conspired to suppress society with the human rights act will have blood on their hands when this pyscho inevitably kills again.

    You can be sure he is reading this in a UK prison and laughing, thing is he's only 5ft 6 according to someone who knew him on this forum, so you can see why the vertically challenged fool with little man syndrome needs to use steroids and weapons to look after himself.

  2. Rather sadly the corruption in Pakistan cricket is all about economics. Their Test cricketers are paid between GBP750 and GBP2000 a month. Presumably a bit of spot fixing can multiply that 5 or 10 times.

    When an EPL footballer can easily earn GBP200,000 a month, you have to see that as a fairly large incentive to remain honest especially as I dont fancy their chances of making much in the real world if they were banned from football.

    I know little about cricket but i do know that those in the Indian Premier League get extremely well paid comparatively to decent footballers with wages rising quickly, and surely most the Pakistani national team players are able to get a contract.

    And the young 18yo lad implicated is meant to be the next big thing in cricket and would have made a fortune.

    PS Im corrupt and am not rich (i blame a lack of corrupt opportunities) but wouldnt rip the average man in the street off like these people seemingly have, its all down to morals or lack of them at the end of the day.

  3. Haahahaha, decent Player was Kitson, very underated..

    Shame though, i once cuaght him on the Powder in the Toilet's of Jets in Woodford, you know that Gaff don't you Alf ??

    :cheesy: :cheesy:

    And I always thought your lot spent their Saturday nights on a pub crawl in Leytonstone.....bit upmarket for you singhy!

    I was being used as a Plaything at that time by an old J*w Girl out of Chigwell, Birds of a Feather styley...:D

    Id have done Doreen in her prime mate, nothing to be ashamed about.

  4. Paul Kitson and the West Ham team had a spread bet on when the first throwin would be, and Kitson hoofed it out of play on his first kick.

    Similar kind of thing to the cricket scam.

    No no no no, couldn't have been the scammers, they would never do anything crooked :o

    They did let Paul Kitson kick it so it was a bit of fairplay on WestHams part, it could have landed absolutely anywhere.

  5. Paul Kitson and the West Ham team managed by a Mr Redknapp had a spread bet on when the first throwin would be, and Kitson hoofed it out of play from the kick off.

    Similar kind of thing to the cricket scam.

    Also the money gambled by Orientals on football is meant to be in the 10s of millions per bet, with this kind of money floating around id be surprised if these kind of incidents werent happening frequently. (remember the floodlights going out.)

    One of the reasons local footballs not taken seriously in this region is because the outcome is often made before the kick off.

  6. Fairplay no point trying to be a hero, there isnt anyone i know that wouldnt brick it in such circumstances lucky you stayed calmish by all accounts.

    However, for there to be 4 of them attack you they must have known each other and so presumably their soi maybe close by, hence would you be able to recognise the ferral scumbags?

  7. Actually large scale quantitative easing and/or increasing government debt should make the dollar stronger, not weaker. See Japan.

    At which point in the last 15yrs should we look at the Japanese currency to see it strengthening their currency?

    Shouldnt we look at Zimbabwe or 1920s Germany for a alternative view?

  8. But Reagonomics involved spending money they havent got, the Dems/Reps as the LIB/LAB/Cons in the UK are all one side of the same coin, theyre not capitalist theyre just interested in doing whatever necessary to stay in power.

    Besides i believe i am right in thinking it was Clintons deregulation of the banking system that led to the current financial mess we're in and Obama rewarded his advisers by giving them all jobs!

    You guys are at best grossly misinformed and at worst extremely delusional.

    There are many many examples throughout history showing that when taxes are cut, government tax revenue increases, and when taxes are increased, government tax revenue decreases.

    As for the current fiscal crisis, there are three things at the core: excessive government spending, the mortgage securities fraud (CRA, Fannie/Freddie), and monetizing the debt. There is a very close 4th being collusion and corruption between government and private industry (see the Rolling Stone article on Goldman Sachs for a stunning example).

    The dollar is in the toilet because the treasury is printing money like crazy, government spending is completely out of control, and in only 20 months the unholy trinity of Obama/Pelosi/Reid have rung up the massive sum of $4.4 TRILLION in additional debt.

    Whats your excuse for not being to read properly or interpret whats written?

    Despite lowering taxes Reagonomics and Bushonomics involved spending money the state doesnt have, such as your military and public sector (inc pensions) aswell as the banking sector which Bush started giving money to before Obama got into power, both of these tax cutting so called right wing capitalists were spendaholics and spent more then the country could afford, which at some point will invariably lead to higher taxes or money printing... ie they were socialists and their actions would lead to bigger govt. Comprende?

    Now please on anything that ive written such as Obama giving jobs to Clintons friends (At Sachs) who deregulated the banking, or that the European Union is a slightly larger market then America, or that Reagan actually done something about the ever growing public sector and cut military spending then please correct me, or my final personal opinion the the DEMS/REPS are 2 sides of the same coin.

  9. Most poorer Thais use the locally produced sea salt. You can pick it up in most town markets. It has no iodine. It is very cheap compared to the iodized salt sold in grocery stores. It's not that the iodized salt is really expensive, but every baht counts when you aren't earning much.

    Many Thai can afford to shop in a Tesco or a Big C market. There they buy fish sauce or other salty liquids that they use for cooking.

    Iodized salt is 10 baht from Tesco im presuming they sell it elsewhere.

    Or if youre a women you can buy it in a nice jar for 40bht from Tops.

  10. But if you're considering moving over, a 3,000,000 Baht low-end investment for a house, vehicle, etc will cost you $95,000 and change today compared to $75,000 when the Baht was 40/1.


    Tax cuts and deregulation were tried and led directly to the situation we're in now. And your solution is more of what didn't work?

    Exactly! Reaganomics was a failure. I think some people fall in for the scare tactics of the talk-radio mentality (and that of FOX -- one and the same!)

    But Reagonomics involved spending money they havent got, the Dems/Reps as the LIB/LAB/Cons in the UK are all one side of the same coin, theyre not capitalist theyre just interested in doing whatever necessary to stay in power.

    Besides i believe i am right in thinking it was Clintons deregulation of the banking system that led to the current financial mess we're in and Obama rewarded his advisers by giving them all jobs!

  11. AS my wife earns most our money, it's great the strong baht. May it fall below 25B to the $ which it was when I moved here.

    Unless you are planning to repatriate those funds into dollars it doesn't help you, it more than likely harms you since the World's biggest customer is bankrupt.

    The European Union is a slightly larger market then the US, (though i am anti EU and am waiting for the Euro in its present form to fail causing the collapse of this fascist regime), i was just pointing out a fact.

    PS Just because Fox news is some bizarre news corporation very often full of nonsense, doesnt mean theyre wrong with their desire for less taxation and smaller govt, on this one In my very educated opinion theyre bang on the button (or do you intelligent non fox news watchers go for the skim the surface extreme left BBC/CNN take on things?), its just a pity FOX have only came up with this obsessive attack on govt spending line at least 10 years too late. (ie after GWB the socialist spent all the nations money on unaffordable wars, banks and pension schemes etc..!)

  12. In the whole story theres not a word if any of the men got arrested.

    Under the blanket in the whole story it syas that China's justice system and prisons are not as bad as ...........

    This is probably going to strike at least some on this forum as very politically incorrect comment, but here it goes anyway:

    I (and others) have noticed a substantial influx of African "tourists" in BKK over the last year or so. The anecdotal stories I hear from others is they are here to push/mule drugs as well as other scams. Of course, this isn't all of them, but my own observations and experiences with them don't impress me in the least. The word I had from a Thai cop friend is they are working to weed them out. The word I also hear from many Thai ladies is they want nothing to do with them; they are way too aggressive and rude.

    I went to watch the football at Gullivers in soi 5 last night and the Africans in this area are no less then the worst scum on this earth, but i dont believe for 1 second the police are trying to weed them out, more likely theyre working with them in profiting from the drugs or whatever crimes theyre up to, besides there were many oversized African women selling themselves it wouldnt be hard to catch these yet they dont.

    As for the Thai girls who hang out with them, they just go where the money is, but if you dance with the devil and all that, but no i dont think murdering them is right i hope the get another chance at life, but i cant see this govt doing anything for a bunch of poor Issan drug mules.

  13. I fear nobody helped this poor bloke. He was alone. Mourning the death of his baby kid in his room. Coping in a situation like this can be impossible. If he weren't in a foreign country far from his family he wouldn't have committed suicide. My guess.

    I met him for only 10 hours on a bus whilst doing a visa run and we talked nonsense non stop, however he mentioned that he had a live in nanny that was from the Philippines and that she had been with him for a year or so i believe, as she was having to do monthly visa runs.

    He vaguely mentioned he was ex military or had done something connected but he was most certainly a genuinely nice man, hence im sure he'd have friends here, but maybe no one could have done anything to help him, as sadly nothing was going to change the last few days for him.

  14. From experience - press in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand are all controlled. But I still think Thailand has more Freedom than the two former. I would think Cambodia would also be heavily scrutinised as well as VN. Asia in general is simply controlled but I believe Thailand has far more freedom now that under Thaksin when he shut television stations etc. Overall I think the article is much to do about nothing. Not much has or will change.

    From experience - press in North Korea, Cuba and Thailand are all controlled. But I still think Thailand has more Freedom than the two former. I would think Burma would also be heavily scrutinised as well as Loas. .................................. but I believe Thailand has far more freedom now that under Thaksin when he shut television stations etc. Overall I think the article is much to do about nothing. Not much has or will change.

    This govt has shut down TV stations, internet sites blocked youtube wikileaks etc .. who gives a flying <deleted> what Thaksins govt done, he is not in power this govt has to take 100% responsibility for its actions, though as in the west no one is accountable, its just easier to blame Thaksin or some other previous govt.

    Just because Thaksin wasnt very nice doesnt mean you can try turning it on its head that this govt are anything other then freedom fearing rich communists who wish to control the media that people can access that suits their agenda, no need to bring Thaksin into it.

    This govt would love to be as Totalitarian as China, fortunately the people wont stand for it, the people i am refering to are the ones you and this govt wish to call terrorists.

  15. Kudos to the man for following his passion. On the negative side, the way he phrased his comments regarding Americans of mixed ethnic background sounds a bit racist to me.

    He was the one attacked for going through black, Hispanic areas for being white which as we allare aware but are not allowed to mention is a fact in the UK and US, surely ol whitey doesnt now get called being racist for being set upon, or have things really gone that far.

  16. Met a guy recently who had just brought one of these devices from somewhere in Soi Day & Night. I think he said it cost 500B and worked fine.

    Yes this is what im after would you know exactly where he got it?

    Unfortunately mother of our baby is too gentile to go for the big stick method.

  17. WoW you have someone drive however many KM's to deliver your solitary meal, yet you claim to care about the environment.

    I believe the tree hugging musician Sting once had his maid drive 300 miles to make him a solitary meal so your not quite on his hypocrisy levels when it comes to your love of the environment.

    There's always going to be someone on this forum showing off what an asshat they are. Congrats.

    Im just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy about claims of caring for the environment, no need for the name calling. Besides its socially acceptable to shake ones head in bemusement at the "do as i say not as i do" double standards of lefties these days.

    You should join with me and my ilk by realising that if youre a globetrotter who spends 10s of thousands on needless junk every year such as eating imported food, that by doing so, you obviously couldnt give a hoot about the hole in the Ozone Layer.

    Anyway as a tip the Butter Chicken (Chicken Tikka Masala) at Mrs Balbirs on chefsxp is delightful, the best curry in all of Thailand imho.

  18. I recently saw a dog scarer advertised on one of the Pattaya TV channels, its some kind of ultrasound device.

    Would anyone know where i can get one from, and also how well do they work?

    Mother of my kid is scared of dogs and often walks around with a 4 month old baby in a pushchair and one of the filthy mutts showed its teeth and growled to the little one the other day.

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