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Posts posted by Englander

  1. oh dear wayne. oh dear. bye bye coleen and half of your money.

    This one was on improvement on the granny.

    Smoking though, surely when ManU give him 6 million pounds a year its be in their interest to have a clause banning him from such an activity.

    Anyway 1 player down 2 more to be named.

  2. Although I agree that we will not win the league this year, it's just too early.

    If ageing Chelsea get a few injuries most notably to Drogba and Rooney doesnt play as he did in most of last season it'll be a hel_l of a leveller, Man Citys overall squad is the best in the league its just a matter of finding out how well they can play together.

    If Mancini was to be doing his job to the standard he's paid for he'd have dealt with Bellamy who'd have given you a better chance imho, hes better then Cruz and Adebayor.

  3. I am very happy, because I am Thai. My currency finally appreciate for the first time.

    Ok can you tell me what youve bought that is now cheaper with your strong Baht, fuel is the only thing i am aware of. Does it really fill you with joy buying fuel?

    Many imported food products have gone up in price and not one has fallen from what ive seen, designer clothing is not cheaper and is 3 times the price of England, cars are 2-3 times the price for a European brand car and havent gone down in value, flights are no cheaper. Yet not one Thai questions WHY!

    Come on i want 1 Thai to enlighten me as to why life is better for the average person with a strong baht.

    PS its good for the super rich who can buy foreign companies at a better price thats about it

  4. there has been some enlightenment into the way Thais think, but some or most post seem to think and are concerned that they will never trust there partner for fear of being ripped of, i thought being in a relationship was all about trust and honesty,i do trust my g/f, I'm just trying to understand why what seems to me a honest family have not until now kept there word, I'm now thinking the dad must be financial strapped and to proud to say,,thinking back to when he sold is truck he was just nearing the end of a building project and finishing was taking time,so again to proud to say hes short of cash and made an excuse the truck was not up to standard,

    OK ive thought of nothing else for the last 24 hours to give you advice.

    Do as you would in the same situation back in your home country.

  5. wenger can't spot a 'keeper, just isn't in him. richard wright, stuart taylor, almunia, fabianski, manninger, shabaan, mannone. the mental jens lehmann was the best he's signed and he was always a heartbeat away from a rick or a red card. he should have moved heaven and earth to get shay given about four years ago but he just doesn't seem able to spot 'keepers or just doesn't value them that highly.

    Wow that list of keepers takes some beating (not literally), but he's had more then enough chances to buy Given, 18 months ago he went for a steal at 5 million, im surprised he didnt go for him 4 days ago.

    Im thinking Arsenal will struggle for 4th this year with Man City, Man U and Chelsea having the top 3 wrapped up, this could be his downfall.

    Delusional at this early stage......Man City flattering to deceive.....Man Utd yet to test the treatment table on Scholes/Giggs.....yeah Chelsea should be easy winners this year. The rest of us will fight it out imo.

    Opinion not delusional its only a case of them dropping 2 places, when Man City have spent like no other, Liverpool have no Champs Leagues games and wont be overly bothered about Europa, Spuds on the rise.

    Anyway ive 10gbp on a guaranteed cert of ManCity to win the league at 9/1, Cardiff with Bellamy to win the league 7/2 and Andy Carroll who will be a lone forward to be PFA young player of the year at 50/1, thatll be 23k come March.

    IMO the league will be a battle between an ageing Chelsea with Terry and Lampard having seen better days and Man City should they gel.

  6. I hope Tesco don't take them over. Got enough already. Need more competition.

    I hope Tesco take them over and ditch the Lotus part of the company, if the Tesco stores in Thailand resembled the stores in England itd be a giant leap forward.

    But surely there is a monopolies commission to stop this kind of takeover, is there not?

    I never knew, i cant understand why theyre so f'en useless then .. is it huge import taxes on food products, lack of food producers in the area or just Thais like eating only a few different things.

    As much as some like to slate Tesco, in the UK theyre a fantastic company, with an amazing choice at prices to suit all budgets and have changed the market completely over the last 15 years.

    Tesco Lotus, Big C and Carrefour are so similar youd be forgiven for thinking theyre a cartel and have no interest in competition.

    • Like 1
  7. If you had the most talented 16yo boy in the Merseyside area and had to choose a club in the North West where he would most likely advance as a player Liverpool would be at the bottom of the list of where to send him as for 10 years or more theyve rarely given youth a chance, until that changes why would parents of the top talent want their kids to join them, other then a nice big bung.

  8. wenger can't spot a 'keeper, just isn't in him. richard wright, stuart taylor, almunia, fabianski, manninger, shabaan, mannone. the mental jens lehmann was the best he's signed and he was always a heartbeat away from a rick or a red card. he should have moved heaven and earth to get shay given about four years ago but he just doesn't seem able to spot 'keepers or just doesn't value them that highly.

    Wow that list of keepers takes some beating (not literally), but he's had more then enough chances to buy Given, 18 months ago he went for a steal at 5 million, im surprised he didnt go for him 4 days ago.

    Im thinking Arsenal will struggle for 4th this year with Man City, Man U and Chelsea having the top 3 wrapped up, this could be his downfall.

  9. I hope Tesco don't take them over. Got enough already. Need more competition.

    I hope Tesco take them over and ditch the Lotus part of the company, if the Tesco stores in Thailand resembled the stores in England itd be a giant leap forward.

    But surely there is a monopolies commission to stop this kind of takeover, is there not?

    • Like 1
  10. I was surprised Wenger didnt buy a keeper, i always thought of him as the best manager in the league, but in all the years since Seaman retired and in the years running upto his retitring he has never had the accumen to buy 1 decent keeper.

    Schwarzer is as bad as he's currently got.

    Its not just a keeper. People should remember the back five he inherited when he took over at the Arse.

    Yes but hes bought and brought through some world class defenders, and im aware of the finiancial restrictions he works under but he just seems blind to his keeping problems.

    I cant think of any teams winning the league with a dreadful keeper, as a dodgy keeper affects the defence.

  11. Someone owes you 5500 pound and doesnt pay, what you do is go round there and politely ask for your money and get a date when theyll pay it.

    Then when this dates comes you go round and collect it, if they dont pay you bounce their head off a wall, no matter who it is.

    And then park the girl up for causing you such a headache.

    well apart from the old man would probably shoot me the g/f would and is capable of kicking the shit out of me the relatives are high ranking police officers,i think i will give her dad a little more time,

    Probably best not to think or do like me in such circumstances in all honesty.

    But if your mrs doesnt sort it out it shows she has no respect for you whatsoever and needs to be sent on her way, if youre going to keep face farang style.

  12. Someone owes you 5500 pound and doesnt pay, what you do is go round there and politely ask for your money and get a date when theyll pay it.

    Then when this dates comes you go round and collect it, if they dont pay you bounce their head off a wall, no matter who it is.

    And then park the girl up for causing you such a headache.

  13. Same in the formation of the State of Israel. Random bombings, etc. Many of the "heroes" of the independence movement there were labeled "terrorists" by the British. If you win you are a patriot and if you loose a terrorist. People who have targeted innocent people and used indiscriminate bombings to achieve their aims will always have blood of innocent persons on their hands.

    So lets call him a freedom fighter when being behind bombings, but then once in power he was the head of a party that is responsible for the genocide of white farmers, killing far more then Taksin govt. is alleged to have.

    For a man of peace he shouldnt be singing songs about killing whites as can be seen in this footage, imagine the outrage if it were the other way round.

    A false prophet.

  14. I find it sad, although not surprising in the land of ignoring anything inconvenient, that he should be discovered because the rent was due - not because a neighbour dropped by to comfort him in his grief.

    Money number one.........

    In one of the Pattaya papers it says he had checked into a hotel the day after his sons death and by all accounts took the overdose on the same day and wasnt found until a couple of days later.

  15. If Nelson Mandela's office confirms Thakky had been there and confirmed the photo it would be believable but Mandela is a man of presence and ethics. Why would he even grant an audience to a crim like Thaksin?

    Apart from the ANC with him in charge being responsible for the genocide of white farmers, crimes that are happening to this day, and him fathering children and having nothing to do with them he's full of ethics.

  16. What a stupid thing to say. How can you compare disciplining a child with paedophilia?

    Don't you understand that most Thai parents condone teachers hitting their kids, because they are too dam_n lazy to do it themselves.

    I used to teach 3 teenage Thai boys. They told me that their parents never hit them, but their school teachers do.

    So what's the problem?


    Youre as bad as a paedophile if you think hitting kids in this way is acceptable.

    Did you not see the video, beating a child in such a way is sickening.

    But your post is utter nonsense that parents are too lazy to hit kids themselves so they let teachers to do it, the reason they dont hit them is because they dont want them to be hit.

    My kid will be raised to know that if someone hits you hit them back and defend yourself by whatever means necessary.

  17. Don't worry, things are going to get better as soon as the USA and the UK and the rest of Europe start running trade surpluses and stop running large budget deficits.

    But the USA is not even attempting to sort out its deficits its spend spend spend for whichever party you vote for, so no need to compare that socialist enclave to us capitalists of Western Europe.

    PS See Germany's surpluses.

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