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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Laws upon laws, rules upon rules, extra fees upon extra fees...welcome to the on-going direction everywhere.
  2. As we all know it will be reversed..don't know why its such a topic....almost like they feel they are charging 3000 baht with all the flip-flopping..its chicken feed for tourists..but it would deal with the gofundme circus - at least for a while. Would it deter a single tourist travelling...nope..just roll it into the airport fee etc.
  3. She might not be returning, hence the behaviour changes and distancing....
  4. The payday for the DJ is the LAY....= DJ fanclub chicks.
  5. Kim Jong Un working the nightshift to build more rockets.
  6. ...at some point I hope to put my head in a shredder following Thai visa stuff for years now... They got the best psychological torture in the world...frequent visa rule adjustments.
  7. I think not. His LSD therapy with prisoners had high efficacy rates. He just let the monkey out the cage too recklessly and LSD therapy got shut down due to it.
  8. I feel sorry for gogo chix that have to experience this body type. There could not be a payment high enough IMO. 10 years of counseling after 'the event'.
  9. It would technically be 'open and shut case'....?
  10. Can you post a picture of your face ?
  11. His voice just seems to come across so strongly no matter the handle...haha.
  12. making somtum by looks of the place ?
  13. I ended up facing someone like that last few months in UK...ended up chasing him through my local park at the end after a fight. There is no substitute for a dash of fury.
  14. Part of it was his tranny son getting ruined/influenced by Woke/LGBT+ stuff to paraphrase him, I believe...
  15. The $1million story would be enough. What a jaw-dropping amount.
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