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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Thanks to you all. I knew you'd all finally get my dry obtuse humour - free of emoticon signalling.
  2. Do you get a lot of hassle from hawkers ? That was my exp in Viet Nam along with everyone trying to screw me down to everyday hot street food... Don't trust Viets at all. Also, as soon as you go into the oriental culttures its generally isolating with them...Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Vietnam vs the Thais who strike up a bit of chat.
  3. You can live on it, but essentially its not living and its a ticking bomb on health care as its red-flagging you as someone who will not pay medical insurance.
  4. How much is Night Hunter 180 Baht a bottle or some such ?
  5. Change EXPORT was great before...I remember having my last few Hui Hin beach on a visit with g.f years back...sad state...it was best of the domestic beer bar none then b4 the wheatbeer appeared on the scene.
  6. I like her puppy fat - it works.
  7. He's guessing the guy generally is a strain on tax payers in UK, not that he'd pay tax on weed anywhere.
  8. My oh my...how prices have had their ass fall out since mid-2022.
  9. Who is that guy behind her to the right ? MAAAAAAAN, he looks so stoned.
  10. Answer - Yes, odds on you get to leave this circus planet sooner.
  11. Probably TM30 combined with face scanning at airports. The dumbos could have made their sex vids in Laos with Thai chix... In fact, I've just found my new income stream...haha.
  12. Good ride ? Practice makes perfect - as they say.
  13. Except with bargirls you have to do the hard work first.
  14. There's a youtuve vid out there why nasty chix get tats.. It's basically a billboard for fact they like it fast and wildside..."easy access enquire within".
  15. Q) Who pays Sindod ? A) The one with the longest Frankfurter of COOOOOOOOOOURSE.
  16. Actually, no - I read a couple members clarifying that in past 2 years.
  17. Pull your frankfurter out then do the BJ gesture in-store. Works for me all the time.
  18. Because she is 14 a well-researched AN member will tell you the correct term of "hebaphile" or some such age region term....they know their target audience well. 🤩 YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
  19. "Bald balloon belly farang for hire." Payment terms 1 cold Chang per hour - all day, every day.
  20. Tits and and ass and a sparkly smile saves the day.
  21. Yes, good idea - am sure the owners will point it out just before getting their scooter finance paid off.
  22. I never knew sinsod was only for virgin brides so since I took my g/f's virginity away.... Zero right ?
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