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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. I thought kad had closed..? I've not been back to Chiang Mai for a while.
  2. Chiang Mai + Mae Hong Son till just before the burning season...postively chilly over December/January. There is euro forestry at the cloud line in the surrounding mountains.
  3. Mucuna pruriens will get your MIND in a much younger state for sex along with blue pills. It sends dopamine production through the roof...however, if you have any psychiatric conditions (Cluster A mind conditions...schizotypes) then its probably best to totally avoid it. Thais know this herb, its called Mah Moo Eee at herbalists..never to be taken daily and best just day before or on the day..causes short-temper also...rocket fuel..watch out..must cycle it on/off.
  4. They are probably on yaba is why they meltdown.
  5. Insane on 2 counts, what he did, and where he is about to go..a Thai hellpit jail for a longtime.
  6. Is CM immigration still queued out every day of the week these days ? I remember Big Joke slapped it into shape years back but wonder if it slipped back in standards All done on purpose before...slow..so you will use agents I believe...while the rest suffer who won't pay agents..it was gruelling so it was.
  7. You probably lost the slobbering dog look long ago after you rang the bell in the gogo bar and thought you were the bee's knees... I still slobber.
  8. Good choice, it will protect your brain as you age. High dose CBD 5000-6000mg dropper tincture is like a glass of wine buzz if you crave something similar... People say they get almost no buzz from CBD but lot of tincture is just 350mg etc bottles..Bottle size is a consideration also as that mg is fixed but 10ml or 30ml bottles are different percentaege strength. Access CBD in UK have strong stuff...3 for 2 offers on their mialing list. It helped me transition off booze.
  9. Be good if they just moved 1900 bath extensions to online portal method. Simple. Can do that in Sri Lanka I believe. It should come soon as numbers swell in the future beyond breaking pount at offices.
  10. They will all be repealed by Bad Guy In, Good Guys Out = (soon to be) PM Teflon Tony Thaksin. Flip and a flop and a flop and flip and a flip and a flop... Thai water torture for foreigners.
  11. In Thailand I think so..also M.I.P.S. tech. helmet lets the helmet torque/whip I believe so it protects you even more. https://mipsprotection.com/
  12. Diet/climate/lifestyle/cost pressures/societal pressures not factored in.
  13. Right = the new Vang Vieng...I hate that town in all the world. Think the deaths in VV were due to hitting their heads on rocks from launching/diving in the water. Pai about worst place to take your Thai g/f as you get looks like she is your hooker from tourists fresh off the plane.... "Titter titter... a white guy with a Thai female."
  14. Yes, that is one I meant...quiet time at neighbouring Thai consulates.
  15. Filling jobs Thais would not take..why not just ease on cross-border national work like the EU did ? All these people will be devastated losing their jobs with families back home..they are contributing to the Thai economy through work - if not through a lot of money. Just regularise them.
  16. What is the point with the new unlimited (in theory) 60s TVs now ?
  17. My long-term g/f above except sleeping around part..but we fought a lot and easily. I never had that issue with previous long-term g.fs from another Asian nation...
  18. If I had to choose, it would be Latinas over Thai women now.
  19. What about Pai..backpackers or Ruskie gangster types etc ?
  20. Original Beer Lao, least hangovery beer in Asia if not the planet...for me anyway. Can wake up with a thumping headache first hour or so at worst...think 5/6 BIG bottles in Laos over an early dinnertime to late evening and it just evaporates fast by before lunchtime next day..unlike Thai domestic poison that can be with you on punishing Day TWO. Torture its double triple Laos prices effectively for big bottle quantity. 660ml or whatever it is 45/50 baht Lao side.
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