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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Guy just got picked for for filming women on weekend for harrassment in Manchester.....on BBC news website today. On YT these vids are norm to get feel for nightlife in other countries. Wear gloves or a long coat in a car and you can get jailed now according to my friend. I agree. It is ridiculous the rules that are in now vs even 10 years ago.
  2. Edge of my seat..nuclear oblivion is near....ooooh noooo !
  3. Sounds like a cook and cleaner you have there rather than a wife.
  4. You got 5 likes and I got 3 likes for a post with more effort and humour. This forum sucks !
  5. Just another big ass on AN forum.....going through the green channel.
  6. Don't feed the goblin. He has probably been holed up in blackpool for his entire life on this forum.
  7. No idea what you are on about...keep typing.
  8. Trump is mad but there is a method in his madness..he is like the odd uncle that has had too much booze at Christmas talking wordsalad to a captive audience.
  9. I wonder how long before Trump fires his ass...he got part of RFK's voter base, so deal done.
  10. We never had to do that before is the point being...it should be a uniform behaviour regardless of how you enter a thread.
  11. Luang Prabang is fine ....VV townsfolk are quite rough and LP townsfolk are not. They are quite contrasting towns..some hate LP as a 'toy town' and apart from all the signage being gold letters on wood plaques that is the only visibily odd thing about the town.
  12. Generally such a dodgy dump of a town. Am sure me and a friend got spiked or dodgy alcohol there in last 5 years. We were both so zoned out on so little. He said much the same.
  13. Nope I tried selecting/saving both :- Take me to comments I haven't read and Take me to the beginning and it keeps taking me to Take me to the latest comments regardless of saving either of above 2 in any thread site-wide...
  14. Haha, is there such a service..what does that cost !?
  15. Much the same in the UK. I'm an avid cyclist, and it's not really necessary in UK - just a wider berth of cyclists which is in law now seems enough.
  16. Wow CNX was always seen as the sure thing for "perpetual gaming exempt and paid visa touristas".
  17. Thanks, I found it...crazy they set that site-wide for members....super annoying.
  18. I'm in UK in my home city just now and I got contacted on a dating app..a Thai (32) in my area from exact same city I live in Thailand....not being up front that they were trans... 2 of 5 photos would pass as female. I saw her/him on another app last couple months ID-ing as trans but not on the one I was contacted on. I just find it deceptive...yes they could choose female but be upfront in their profile that they are trans....
  19. Off-topic but..Anyone notice when you click on a new topic it takes you to the latest post vs the first post..was it not like that befioe the site upgrade ?
  20. = because they really know how to SHAG.
  21. Wow, that is quite amove considering Putin said he would consider USA and NATO directly at war with Russia if that happens...
  22. I'd say there are better places now for nomads...Thailand had its 10-year window.
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