Yes, well mine go buy your car.
Being a part of the pick-up community in another Asian country back in day set my head straight..thank you very much.
What is cost of gaming a chick off the street in your area into bed for 1-night...? Zero.
I don't need to pay whores or that tier of females. Never have - maybe when I hit 10 years later I might but I'm under 50 and have never had issues dating chix.
There just happens to be a pervasive chump club in Thailand that seems to think you do need to p4p in some aspect - and its the only way...
Your basically faceless to me. Try factoring in age/looks and dating skills into your commentary. Majority of long-termers here are 50+ retirees. Not me.
Cue Batman "This one is different" p4p chump club meme gif...