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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. They will need to get loo roll around the Chiang Mai moat now...
  2. I liked Pakse..always made a point of going down there if going to savana..and then the bolaven plateau is just behind it..coffee land....
  3. Sometimes a good thing becomes a bad thing once its posted on a forum ! Used to be a breeze there...can see why they tightened up...that queue would be a nightmare in the heat !
  4. Earplugs. 30 Baht
  5. Are those on tourist visas still no longer allowed to apply for a residency cert. in CM ?
  6. Just leave on main road so local computer repair guy can recover all your freaky porn then bribe you.
  7. To level it push the corner to other diagonal corner..front left pushed towards back right...like 7pm to 1pm position or 4pm to 11pm position on a clock from above as you dial the screws up or down at the front. But yes, that thick rubber foot device will also stop it walking probably.
  8. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT ! Thai trannie in Pattaya nabbed for theft. ???? Should train enter them all for non-binary Olympics 100-400m dash.
  9. 'Vaccine' is a misnomer is it....by this point blatantly clear.... 'Short-term immune booster' is more a realistic term..... ...like orange juice. ????
  10. 4 months Thailand/Laos. - October to end of January 4 months in a totally different wildcard destination each year. - February to May 4 months Europe. - June to end of September
  11. I meant he should be made to eat 'S' then get put down permanently.
  12. Sorry, been hit with the stupid stick today...am not getting the pun here...
  13. Yip, I got torpedo'd by Air Asia 3x last year...with lost connecting flight issues domestic/int to Laos. Eventually took a bus overnight as it was that critical finally that no internal connecting flight got nuked again...now I'm sitting with a stack of refunds in airasia credits that I need to use by a certain point. Lion Air is giving them a run for their money.
  14. $5 = a nice wee cargo of Guinness bought on Burma side where its a quarter of Thai prices or something....or Beer Lao if lucky..rarerly there up to covid time in booze building on way back in. I'd rather drink it than give it away needlessly.
  15. Welcome to the circus that is Thai politics and why Vietnam/Malaysia will surely surpass them for inbound investment... Not sure how attractive Burma would be if junta gone and it opened up as a tourist place. Will this oily s-show ever change ?
  16. TOTALLY. If only the Thai immigration were like that lot....the Burmese immi. are super friendly !
  17. Welcome back to planet Earth... How was the trip ?
  18. Yeah, that whole thing is just degrading.
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