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Everything posted by freedomnow

  1. Agreed on some of the negatives. I can spy the old age health cover issues under 50 just now. Am in UK right now, and enjoying being able to breathe vs pea soup air of Chiang Mai. No link to a long-term g/f and I'd be rolling up my relatively nice 10 years or so in Thailand on to fresh fields.
  2. Yes, do something about it.... Buy AVOCADOS vs only pill popping. High in both zinc and copper.
  3. Dang, far too young to go. Fell and hit back of my head one time trying to avoid 10th Songkran bucket of water.
  4. Perhaps back pocket too...not sure which way he swings 100%.....anyway LoS will deliver a good break for him.
  5. I'm sure Jimmy White will be sinking the pink like nobody's business.
  6. Just what we need - a book on how to attract men on a western vs Thai wife choice thread...
  7. Dry Season = when all the hot gogo chicks go back up north.
  8. Whatever the cause, I have never had worse hangovers in my life than Thai beer...tea-total for months and months at times after those horror-core events. With Beer Lao I could drink 5-6 640ml bottles and be fine by afternoon next day over in Laos...polar opposite to The Thai effect...
  9. Well, that is the point of changing the goal posts as much as they can, isn't it ?
  10. More road carnage Thai logic.
  11. Novel covid outbreak next to novel covid creation research lab... 3 years on, still on the fence..... ????
  12. I wonder if this kind of event will be "stagecrafted" soon enough...a photo of a guy in a hospital bed and then the gofund me page appears...no-one bothering to contact where the person is supposed to be bed-ridden...etc etc....
  13. Joe Rogan trumpeted that for quite a while....can't stand him....overpaid bouncer.
  14. Couldn't make it up could you ? Like a "The Onion" headline story.
  15. He does not have base money fundamentals to 'stick with Thailand' long-term with no issues ..fair enough on your first hand comments...he could stick to somewhere else.
  16. Yes, it's one dog-and-pony show drop in the "Thai-ness" ocean isn't it ?
  17. Unless you....(pauses for effect)...............KILL the SPEED.
  18. Go to Cambodia, it has the cost profile for your gap fund till retirement. Only way is up on all costs in LoS and I'm sure the lowest hoop retirement non-O 800k show money will end soon enough for new entrants...the rest maybe grandfathered in to on-going extensions....speculation yes, but I'm sure the 800k retirement visa system will get swamped by new large number applicants from India/China or similar at some point in near future to bursting point....pivot to well-heeled show money requirements like the newer visas that are not so popular.
  19. Covid-19 - OUT Alien Invasion - IN
  20. Yes, i just hate giving a single satang to those shakedown deadbeats.
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