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Posts posted by Caspersfriend

  1. I have had two successful reports online but the last application [April] was rejected, even though my circumstances have not changed and the application was identical to the previous successful ones. My local off is Chiang Mai but the rejection had Sub-division 3 on the header, whereas the previous approvals had Chiang Mai office. When I reported in person it was approved without question. The I/O had no idea why it was rejected.

    On Monday [14 days before due date] I submitted for the current period and once again it has been rejected by Sub-division 3.

    Would Ubonjoe [or anyone else who is in the know] be able to through any light on this?

    As it's not due until the 18th I will try again by post.

  2. Much talk during the pre-referendum campaign as to whether the £350 million a week paid into the EU was true [which in net terms of course it wasn't] and whether with Brexit all, or at least some, would be spent in attempting to assist the ill-managed NHS in coping with demand. Something I didn't hear mentioned, nor noticed in the one hundred and twenty posts here is: the UK has a massive balance of payments deficit which needs to be addressed.

    The NHS problem is more about bad management and extortionate prices charged by pharmaceutical companies than lack of funding.

    Would expats who live in EU territories retain their state pension increases? Not without reciprocal arrangements being individually agreed with each country I assume. Otherwise there would be another push for those of us who live in Thailand [and other territories] to get fair treatment.

  3. not sure I understand, does it give details of why it was rejected ?

    I think I know what I may have done wrong

    on the form it asked for the date of permission to stay in Thailand, is this date when the 90 day report is due or the date your extension of stay expires

    extension of stay. Sure you've done it four times???

    haha cheeky bugger yes I have but I have a hangover today and was distracted

    going to fill it in again and see what happens, I love filling forms in

    Maybe a few fried eggs first - extra virgin olive oil of course - chok dee

  4. You are welcome.

    Are we to understand now that you no longer wish to leave the Forum?

    Your OP stated

    ThaiVisa serves a purpose but not one that I gain a benefit from.

    All I request is that I can unsubscribe in the way I could do on any other genuine site.

    As you continue to logon and post we can only assume that you wish to remain an active member... correct?


    No doubt we will all sleep easier tonight wink.png

  5. just completed for Chonburi no issues

    got reply back, not approved

    this was the 4th online report I have completed with exact same details in every one as nothing has changed

    so will have to attend in person it seems

    At the top of your rejection slip does it show Chonburi Immigration?

    The reason I ask is because my last submission online for Chiang Mai office was rejected - by the Bangkok office! I have successfully reported online a number of times before and nothing has changed in my circumstances. When I reported in person there was no problem and [of course] they didn't understand how that could have happened.

    didn't look at it, just the emial

    Maybe worth looking to possibly avoid the same situation next time?

  6. The above does apply to you and every member of the ThaiVisa Forum.

    You agreed to these conditions when you signed up to be a member.

    And, by the way, I am not employed by ThaiVisa/Group Asia or Inspire, however I am also bound by the same conditions as you.

    Now please desist with the nit-picking and decide for yourself... stop posting and logout, or we can ban you (by admin or mod)... up to you.

    Which route do you prefer?

    My intention was and is neither to be 'stirring up trouble' nor 'nit-picking'.

    How could I justifiably be accused of such when I am simply trying to establish the facts regarding membership?

    Thai Visa T's & C's do not state that [as another poster aptly put it] you can check out but you can never leave.

    After the exchanges in this thread I now have a better understanding.

    Many thanks for your contribution.

  7. just completed for Chonburi no issues

    got reply back, not approved

    this was the 4th online report I have completed with exact same details in every one as nothing has changed

    so will have to attend in person it seems

    At the top of your rejection slip does it show Chonburi Immigration?

    The reason I ask is because my last submission online for Chiang Mai office was rejected - by the Bangkok office! I have successfully reported online a number of times before and nothing has changed in my circumstances. When I reported in person there was no problem and [of course] they didn't understand how that could have happened.

  8. Caspersfriend,

    Instead of arguing why not take the easy route as has already been suggested to you... stop posting and logout.

    As far as the Forum's content (member's posts) is concerned, please see below from the Forum Rules:

    You agree to grant to THAIVISA.COM a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide, perpetual license to reproduce, distribute, transmit, sublicense, create derivative works of, publicly display, publish and perform any materials and other information you submit to any public areas, chat rooms, bulletin boards, social media, newsletters, newsgroups or forums of THAIVISA.COM or which you provide by email or any other means to THAIVISA.COM and in any media now known or hereafter developed.**

    Further, you grant to THAIVISA.COM the right to use your name and or user name in connection with the submitted materials and other information as well as in connection with all advertising, marketing and promotional material related thereto, together with use on any other THAIVISA.COM web sites. You agree that you shall have no recourse against THAIVISA.COM for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary right in your communications to THAIVISA.COM.

    You are [presumably] employed by ThaiVisa/Group Asia and therefore must conform to the conditions of your employment --- none of which applies to me.

  9. Caspersfriend,

    You have already been advised by 2 separate moderators to stop posting and logout.

    You seem intent on stirring up trouble.

    Would you like me to ban you from the forum?

    That would work well both for you and us don't you think?

    This is your personal interpretation of "stirring up trouble" ??? Seriously?

    There is nothing in the T's & C's/Q&A's about not being able to unsubscribe; close a membership and be removed from the list of members. I have never requested that my posts be removed. However, plenty about TV taking the best possible advantage from members posts. All [apparently] about protecting TV but nothing about member's rights; being able to check out if you are not happy; as if you were never there; whatever the reason unless it is breaking some law.

    With due respect. I fail to see how "Would you like me to ban you from the forum? That would work well both for you and us don't you think?" could be conceived as being a solution.

    No change of consequence

  10. I went in for my retirement extension and for my first (and maybe last ) trip to Promenada it all went well. Yes, living in a remote corner of Lampang Province, I came in the prior day and got my bank statement certifying sufficient deposit, then arrived in the pitch dark of 4 AM to assure being in the morning group of processing (and I was 4th in line.)

    Thanks to an earlier post I knew the roadway gate needed to be rounded, then it was a matter of following arrival #3 to the waiting area.

    One huge improvement that I had not noticed in prior posts is that the "signing-off/ authorization by the senior officer was done withing 15-20 minutes of the interview, so no waiting for batch processing and collection at either 1PM or 4:30 PM. That alleviated a lot more waiting or another trip back. Good improvement from the early posts about process at Promenada.

    So here is the rumor - as I was having my passport stamped, the officer said that next time I would be getting my extension in Lampang. No details, only that one sentence. It DOES mean that the workload of the Chiang Mai office is scheduled to be lessened, at least by reshuffling which people will be processed where. That should help all of us (immigration workers and expats alike) though timing and details are even less clear than the intended direction of how Immigration is considering a "fix." Chiang Mai has more than enough expats to process on its own. Now to see how staffing and facilities are done in expanding what is now a limited hours/ limited services office in Lampang.

    If people hear more details of this story, I hope they will share what they learn. thumbsup.gif

    Many thanks for your feedback.

    I am by nature an optimist [otherwise I would not have moved here] but I strive not to be delusional; not suggesting you are.

    The optimist in me hopes this will happen, and equally that it will not be at the expense of staff from the CM offices simply being moved to cover the new office in Lampang.

    To arrive at 4am and still be fourth in the queue !!!!! without doubt true but still beggars belief.

    • Like 1
  11. My 3BB FO was upgraded to 100Megs along with many of those who posted on here.

    Since then it has never actually resulted in a significant improvement at the user-face. Speedtests [most of which have their critics for good reason] suggest 'we' are getting more bang for our buck. I just don't see it - what I may gain in speed I lose in latency. Therefore the page I want actually seems to be taking longer to load 100%. Is it just me? Don't think so .....

    Never one to be attracted to the Conspiracy Theory idea, I personally feel that my choices are being throttled [as if there was some restrictive bottleneck where my requests [at an International level] are being assessed before being implemented. No significant slowing of Thai websites but significant slowing for International access; even for sites that could hardly be deemed as not desirable fodder for those within the land of more questions than answers.

    Just askin'

  12. If you are a Brit [or simply enjoy Brit TV] then ExpatTV provides all the 'free to air' channels at a reasonable price. Personally I see little value in the Premium option but the basic at 580 Baht a month is good and with a decent box can be HD/1080 if your TV supports that. Ten days retro is the winner for me. Even when you want 'live' with a 6/7 hours time difference you don't have to sit up into the wee small hours and can watch over breakfast before you hear the result elsewhere.

    Their [ExpatTV] boxes are however overpriced and I bought the latest Minix Z64 Android box for a similar price to their older model. With the Z64 you can load most anything you want in addition to the ExpatTV software. I have Kodi Exodus for one and find that the two provide all the TV I need. Latest 2016 movies tend to be on there in HD/1080 within a few weeks of launch. And yes it is currently legal to watch; but illegal to download and store. Until the law changes it is not illegal to view via streaming and [simply hearsay] some distributors have no problem with streaming as those who do it are more likely to watch at the cinema after seeing on the small screen than they were to watch on the big screen first. Impossible to simulate at home the full experience of a movie that was created for the big screen - especially Imax.

  13. Makes a change that this driver didn't run away. Bit more difficult in a tunnel I guess.

    " Motorcyclists are not allowed to use the tunnel by law" the police tend to treat each offence separately, so that shouldn't make a difference to the charges on the drunk driver. My partner had an accident where someone had parked a black vehicle at night right by an unlit junction and with no lights on - red/white kerb. As she turned she clipped his vehicle but the police said it was her fault and her insurance paid for both repairs. Yet he also charged the other vehicle driver for parking illegally - 400Baht fine.

  14. Well to be a Monk here all you need to do is show up.

    No way of course that the guy sitting in the captain's chair here fell into that category. This has been going on for a very long time and why it has taken until now for it to be exposed will remain a mystery ... as probably will the whereabouts of he who has now vacated the captain's chair in a hurry. He will no doubt be 'connected' and leave it to others to face the music - if indeed anyone does.

    They preach KARMA to the congregation but obviously don't believe in it!

    Wolves in sheep's clothing.

  15. Not sure if this the correct place to ask - Multi Re-entry Permit (when extending yearly retirement).

    I've just downloaded the form (TM8) and I see that there is a paragraph about exactly when I want to leave and re-enter Thailand. I don't actually know

    when I'd want to leave and re-enter, seeing as I'm only planning to make some trips to (maybe) Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia etc in the course of the coming 12 months to see the sights for a few days at a time.

    This being a Multi Re-entry Permit - can I just leave this paragraph blank - or am I required to fill in some dates or other that are absolutely not relevant (at all)?

    Thanks for any help. biggrin.png


    The dates of your travel plans are not mandatory when applying for the permit. If you have firm plans you could enter them; if they change later it doesn't matter.

    Or just leave it blank: if the I/O insists you should enter something make it up. When you exit/entry the I/O just needs to see a valid stamp in your passport.

    • Like 1
  16. Not trying to rain on the whiners and criers parade. But this is reality. I went in there at 10:47 for my 90 day. I was given number 83 I went in and looked they were on number 70. One agent sat there with 4 reports. So much for the myth one customer to an agent. Regardless I was out of there at 11:10.

    When I arrived and got my queue number I noticed they had only given out 17 one year extensions. I walked around and noticed that they were processing number 10 at the time. I talked with a lady who was getting a permission to enter 1 time. She said she got there and they took her right away.

    Those are the facts as I experienced them and witnessed them for today in between 10:47 AM and 11:10 AM May 17 2016. Had a nice lunch at Ragu saw a movie did a minimum of shopping at Rimping got a free shuttle home and was home at 3:30.

    I will admit if it had looked like it was going to be a long day such as people lead some to believe I would have walked next door paid the agent 300 baht and enjoyed my day. Then again I had forgot to bring my book. I was just about to talk to a guy when they called his number.

    As we all know and has been posted many times

    It depends on the day

    Also the time of the year

    It is like Russian roulette

    Just like the air conditioned bus service

    maybe Promenade was created to use agents

    As far as im concerned its all old hat now

    No good whining about it or constantly posting about it

    We just have to accept it Chiang Mai is different

    Plus i am entitled to my opinion

    I don't past much anymore

    as too many posters just post for the sake of it

    i have better time than post

    life is short we have to enjoy every day here

    i feel better now i got it of my chest

    Yes, that's right. Somehow Chiang Mai is different. Nowhere else in Thailand do retirees have to queue up at 3 am for a retirement extension. Nowhere else in Thailand are all the queue tickets for the day's business distributed before they start work for the day. Nowhere else in Thailand do retirees have to wait for hours while their passports are taken 25 KM. for approval. If they can't be approved on-the-spot, then they're given a receipt, their passports are held overnight in a safe and they are told to return the next day. Nowhere else in Thailand are retirees pushed to using agents. And nowhere else in Thailand is a province being promoted as heavily as a "long-stay retirement destination". There's a disconnect somewhere.

    Do we doubt that 'Bangkok' are aware of this 'anomaly'? Yet nothing much appears to be happening, after all the efforts of concerned people such as yourself. If efforts are being made, and changes planned, behind the scenes why is there no apparent communication to local staff - let alone we their 'customers'?

  17. Not trying to rain on the whiners and criers parade. But this is reality. I went in there at 10:47 for my 90 day. I was given number 83 I went in and looked they were on number 70. One agent sat there with 4 reports. So much for the myth one customer to an agent. Regardless I was out of there at 11:10.

    When I arrived and got my queue number I noticed they had only given out 17 one year extensions. I walked around and noticed that they were processing number 10 at the time. I talked with a lady who was getting a permission to enter 1 time. She said she got there and they took her right away.

    Those are the facts as I experienced them and witnessed them for today in between 10:47 AM and 11:10 AM May 17 2016. Had a nice lunch at Ragu saw a movie did a minimum of shopping at Rimping got a free shuttle home and was home at 3:30.

    I will admit if it had looked like it was going to be a long day such as people lead some to believe I would have walked next door paid the agent 300 baht and enjoyed my day. Then again I had forgot to bring my book. I was just about to talk to a guy when they called his number.

    As we all know and has been posted many times

    It depends on the day

    Also the time of the year

    It is like Russian roulette

    Just like the air conditioned bus service

    maybe Promenade was created to use agents

    As far as im concerned its all old hat now

    No good whining about it or constantly posting about it

    We just have to accept it Chiang Mai is different

    Plus i am entitled to my opinion

    I don't past much anymore

    as too many posters just post for the sake of it

    i have better time than post

    life is short we have to enjoy every day here

    i feel better now i got it of my chest

    Good that you now have that off your chest. Maybe others should look in the mirror and do the same.

    This thread [and many others] appears to be mainly driven by testosterone and frustration. If [as is likely the case] Immigration are following threads such as this - in the land of Mai Pen Rai - they could justifiably be chuckling to themselves

  18. the legal implications can be sorted out after.

    One of many reasons foreigners come to live in Thailand. In most 'home countries/nanny-states' that is certainly not the case.

    You need to run so you don't get murdered by the locals who will see the two dead people lying on the road and immediately blame whoever was driving the Mercedes just because it's a Mercedes and is capable of going faster than most cars.

    I can't make it any clearer than that. If he stayed around he would almost certainly have been beaten to death by an unruly mob.

    I've had first hand accounts of this happening from a Thai who knocked a stupid old woman over after she ran across the road in front of a truck. This idiot made it past the truck but the motorbike on the other side of the truck hit her (I knew the person driving the motorbike) - of course the pedestrian didn't know the motorbike was there as she didn't look at the oncoming traffic long enough to ascertain what vehicles were coming in her direction which she couldn't see as they were on the other side of the truck, instead of waiting she decided to make a run for it - remember this is an old woman we're talking about.

    A small mob gathered and were ready to beat the crap out of her, they were very threatening even though it clearly wasn't her fault, all they see is an old lady lying in the road and limping to the side with minor injuries.

    Now if two people are dead and a foreigner is involved multiply that by 1000 and you have an idea of what would happen.

    I understood your original post

    "whoever was driving the Mercedes just because it's a Mercedes" one of many reasons I have never owned a Mercedes is that it carries a stigma.

    For several years I did drive a black BMW and was made aware daily of the stigma that it also attracted.

    In Thailand you are what your drive, in the eyes of most Thais; driving a Mercedes/BMW/ Ferrari et al indicates that you are wealthy and [probably] 'connected'.

    Sadly that also implies that you are above the law.

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